Chapters 1&2
768865938 | psychology | the scientific study of thought and behavior | 0 | |
768865939 | cognitive psychology | the study of how people perceive, remember, think, speak, and solve problems | 1 | |
768865940 | developmental psychology | the study of how thought and behavior change and remain stable across the life span | 2 | |
768865941 | behavioral neuroscience | the study of the links, among brain, mind, and behavior | 3 | |
768865942 | biological psychology | the study of the relationship between bodily systems and chemicals and how they influence behavior and thought | 4 | |
768865943 | personality psychology | the study of what makes people unique and the consistencies in people's behavior across time and situations | 5 | |
768865944 | social psychology | the study of how living among others influences thought, feeling, and behavior | 6 | |
768865945 | clinical psychology | the diagnosis and treatment of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders and the promotion of psychological health | 7 | |
768865946 | health psychology | the study of the role psychological factors play in regard to health and illness | 8 | |
768865948 | educational psychology | the study of how students learn, the effectiveness of particular teaching techniques, the social psychology of teaching | 9 | |
768865949 | industrial/ organizational (I/O) Psychology | application of psychological concepts and questions of work settings | 10 | |
768865950 | sports psychology | the study of psychological factors in sports and exercise | 11 | |
768865951 | forensic psychology | field that blends psychology, law, and criminal justice. | 12 | |
768865952 | shamans | medicine men or women who treat people with mental problems by driving out their demons with elaborate rituals, such as exorcisms, incantations, and prayers. | 13 | |
768865954 | asylums | facilities for treating the mentally ill in Europe during the Middle Ages and into the 19th century. | 14 | |
768865955 | moral treatment | 19th Century approach to treating the mentally ill with dignity in a caring environment | 15 | |
768865956 | psychoanalysis | a clinically based approach to understanding and treating psychological disorders; assumes that the unconscious mind is the most powerful force behind thought and behavior. | 16 | |
768865957 | empiricism | the view that all knowledge and thought comes from experience | 17 | |
768865958 | psychophysics | the study of how people psychologically perceive physical stimuli such as light, sound waves, and touch. | 18 | |
768865959 | structuralism | 19th- century school of psychology that argued that breaking down experience into its elemental arts offers the best way to understand thought and behavior | 19 | |
768865960 | introspection | the main method of investigating for structuralists; it involves looking into one's own mind for information about that nature of conscious experience | 20 | |
768865962 | functionalism | 19th- century school of psychology that argued it was better to look at why the mind works the way it does than describe its parts. | 21 | |
768865963 | behaviorism | a school of psychology which proposed that psychology can be a true science only if it examines observable behavior, not ideas, thoughts, feelings or motives | 22 | |
768865964 | humanistic psychology | a theory of psychology that focuses on personal growth and meaning as a way of reaching one's highest potential. | 23 | |
768865966 | positive psychology | scientific approach to studying, understanding, and promoting healthy and positive psychological functioning. | 24 | |
768865967 | Gestalt psychology | a theory of psychology that maintains that we perceive things as wholes rather than as a compilation of parts | 25 | |
768865968 | softwiring | in contrast to hardwiring, means that biological systems - genes, brain structures, brain cells - are inherited but open to modification from the environment. | 26 | |
768865969 | nature through nurture | the position that the environment constantly interacts with biology to shape who we are and what we do. | 27 | |
768865970 | evolution | the change over time in the frequency with which specific genes occur within a breeding species. | 28 | |
768865971 | natural selection | a feedback process whereby nature favors one design over another because it has an impact on reproduction | 29 | |
768865972 | adaptations | inherited solutions to ancestral problems that have been selected for because they contribute in some way to reproductive success. | 30 | |
768865974 | evolutionary psychology | the branch of psychology that studies human behavior by asking what adaptive problems it may have solved for our early ancestors. | 31 | |
768865975 | scientific thinking | process using the cognitive skills required to generate, test, and revise theories | 32 | |
768865976 | scientific method | the procedures by which scientists conduct research, consisting of five basic processes; observation, prediction, testing, interpretation, and communication. | 33 | |
768865979 | hypothesis | a specific. informed, and testable prediction of the outcome of particular set of conditions in a research design | 34 | |
768865980 | theory | a set of related assumptions from which scientists can make testable predictions | 35 | |
768865982 | replication | the repetition of a study to confirm the results; essential to the scientific process | 36 | |
768865983 | pseudoscience | claims presented as scientific that are not supported by evidence obtained with the scientific method. | 37 | |
768865984 | research designs | plans of action for how to conduct a scientific study | 38 | |
768865985 | variable | a characteristic that changes or 'varies,' such as age, gender, wight, intelligence, anxiety, and extraversion | 39 | |
768865986 | population | the entire group a researcher is interested in ; for example, all humans, all adolescents, all boys, all girls, all college students | 40 | |
768865989 | samples | subsets of the population studied on a research project | 41 | |
768865990 | descriptive designs | study designs in which the researcher defines a problem and variable of interest but makes no prediction and does not control or manipulate anything | 42 | |
768865991 | case study | a study design in which a psychologist, often a therapist, observes one person over a long period of time. | 43 | |
768865993 | naturalistic observation | a study in which the researcher unobtrusively observes and records behavior in the real world | 44 | |
768865994 | representative sample | a research sample that accurately reflects that population of people on is studying | 45 | |
768865995 | correlational designs | studies that measure two or more variables and their relationship to one another; not designed to show causation. | 46 | |
768865996 | correlational coefficient | a statistic that ranges -1.0 to +1.0 and assesses the strength and direction of association between two variables | 47 | |
768865997 | experiment | a research design that includes independent and dependent variables and random assignment of participants of control and experimental groups or conditions | 48 | |
768865998 | independent variable | a property that is manipulated by the experiment under controlled conditions to determine whether it causes the predicted outcome of an experiment | 49 | |
768865999 | dependent variable | in an experiment, the outcome or response to the experimental manipulation | 50 | |
768866000 | random assignment | a method of assigning participants to the various conditions of an experiment so that each participant in the experiment has an equal chance of being in any of the conditions | 51 | |
768866001 | experimental group | a group consisting of those participants who will receive the treatment or whatever is predicted to change behavior | 52 | |
768866002 | control group | a group of research participants who are treated in exactly the same manner as the experimental group, except that they do not receive the independent variable, or treatment | 53 | |
768866003 | placebo | a substance or treatment that appears identical to the actual treatment but lacks the active substance | 54 | |
768866004 | confounding variable | variable whose influence on the dependent variable cannot be separated from the independent variable being examined. | 55 | |
768866005 | single- blind studies | studies in which participants do not know the experimental condition (group) to which they have been assigned. | 56 | |
768866006 | double- blind studies | studies in which neither the participants nor the researchers administering the treatment know who has been assigned to the experimental or control group. | 57 | |
768866007 | experimenter expectancy effects | result that occurs when the behavior of the participants is influenced by the experimenter's knowledge of who is in the control group and who is the experimental group. | 58 | |
768866008 | self-fulfilling prophecy | a statement the at affects events to cause the prediction to become true. | 59 | |
768866009 | meta- analysis | research technique for combining all research results on one question and drawling a conclusion | 60 | |
768866010 | effect size | a measure of the strength of the relationship between two variables or the extent of an experimental effect. | 61 | |
768866011 | measures | the tools used and techniques used to assess thought or behavior | 62 | |
768866012 | self reports | written or oral accounts of a person's thoughts, feelings, or actions. | 63 | |
768866013 | behavioral measures | measures based on systematic observation of people's actions either in their normal environmental or in a laboratory setting | 64 | |
768866015 | social desirability bias | the tendency toward favorable self-presentation that could lead to inaccurate self-reports. | 65 | |
768866016 | physiological measures | measures of bodily responses, such as blood pressure or heart rate, used to determine changes in psychological state | 66 | |
768866017 | statistics | collection, analysis, interpretation of numerical data | 67 | |
768866018 | descriptive statistics | measures used to describe and summarize research | 68 | |
768866019 | mean | the arithmetic average of a series of numbers | 69 | |
768866020 | mode | a statistic that represents the most commodity occurring score or value | 70 | |
768866021 | frequency | the number of times a particular score occurs in a set of data | 71 | |
768866022 | median | the score that separates the lower half of scores from the upper half | 72 | |
768866023 | standard deviation | a statistical measure of how much scores in a sample vary around the mean | 73 | |
768866024 | normal distribution | bell curve; a plot of how frequent data are that is perfectly symmetrical, with most scores clustering in the middle and only a few scores at the extremes | 74 | |
768866025 | inferential statistics | analysis of data that allow us to test hypotheses and make an inference as to how likely a sample score is to occur in a population | 75 | |
768866026 | t-test | statistics that compares two means to see whether they could come from the same population | 76 | |
768866028 | ethics | the rules governing the conduct of a person or group in general or in a specific situation; or more simply, standards of right and wrong | 77 | |
768866029 | debriefing | the explanation of the purposes of a study following data collection | 78 | |
768866031 | institutional review boards | organizations that evaluate proposed research before it is conducted to make sure research involving humans does not cause undue harm or distress | 79 | |
768866032 | quasiexperimental design | research method similar to an experimental design except that it makes use of naturally occurring groups rather than randomly assigning subjects to groups | 80 |