Test 1: Terms and people to know, Approaches to psychology, Research in psychology
716719589 | Psychology | The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. | |
716719590 | Theory | A well established principal that arises from repeated testing/observation and has withstood peer review. | |
716719591 | Hypothesis | A specific, testable prediction. | |
716719592 | Empiricism | The belief that all knowledge is obtained through observation and experience (nurture). | |
716719593 | Introspection | Looking inside oneself and describing what's going on. | |
716719594 | Wilhelm Wundt | (Nature) The psychologist who: -Created the first psychology lab -Emphasized choice/purpose -Focused attention on a particular aspect of a situation | |
716719595 | Biological Approach | -A person's physiological makeup determines development. -Genetics, Nervous System, Chemicals | |
716719596 | Behavioral Approach | -Learning can be shaped through the development of one's actions. -Rewards, Punishment | |
716719597 | Psychodynamic Approach | -The development of self is determined by the outcome of internal struggles. -Dreams, Unconscious Forces/Struggles | |
716719598 | Sociocultural Approach | -One's environment impacts development and lifestyle. -Peer Groups, Friends | |
716719599 | Cognitive Approach | -Thoughts and other mental processes drive one's behavior. -Thinking, Memory, Understanding | |
716719600 | Humanistic Approach | -People have the ability to develop themselves and are essential good. -Growth Potential | |
716719601 | Descriptive Research | Attempts to analyze past research or propose a new theory. | |
716719602 | Relational Research | Attempts to identify a relationship between variables. | |
716719603 | Experimental Research | Attempts to identify the effects of variables and their relationships. | |
716719604 | The Scientific Method | 1.)Identify Problem/Question 2.)Formulate Hypothesis 3.)Collect Data 4.)Experiment 5.)Analyze Data 6.)Test Again if Needed | |
716719605 | Selecting Participants | Participants should be selected as randomly as possible within the applicable group. | |
716719606 | Independent Variable | The variable that causes change. | |
716719607 | Dependent Variable | The variable that changes. | |
716719608 | Control Group | The group that is not exposed to the independent variable. | |
716719609 | Experimental Group | The group that is exposed to the independent variable. | |
716719610 | Participant Bias | The result of a participant that is aware that they are taking part in an experiment- they may behave abnormally, behave as they think they should, etc. | |
716719611 | Experimenter Bias | Bias that may influence the way the results are perceived or recorded- ex. bias on sex, race, class, etc. | |
716719612 | Self Reporting Observation Methods | Methods which depend on the participant to volunteer giving data. Ex. Surveys or Interviews. | |
716719613 | Behavioral Observation Methods | Methods which depend on the experimenter to observe behavior based on the environment. Ex. Naturalistic Observation, Laboratory Experiment, Field Studies | |
716719614 | Survey | Participants answer questions about the variable being tested. These ask yes-no, ranking, or open ended questions. | |
716719615 | Interview | Researches ask questions about the variable being tested to participants, face-to-face. | |
716719616 | Naturalistic Observation | Researchers observe an unaware subject in their natural environment. | |
716719617 | Laboratory Experiment | Researchers bring subject into a setting in which they can control variables to conduct the experiment. | |
716719618 | Field Study | The subject is aware and observed in a setting more natural to it. | |
716719619 | Correlation | The degree of relationship between two variables. | |
716719620 | Causation | The relationship between variables that shows cause and effect. | |
716719621 | Correlation Coefficient | Measures the extent to which 2 factors vary together and how well either factor predicts the other. (Values -1 and +1 strength). | |
716719622 | Positive Correlation | Variable 1:+ Variable 2:+ | |
716719623 | Negative Correlation | Variable 1:+ Variable 2:- | |
716719624 | Zero Correlation | Value 0: No Correlation. | |
716719625 | Placebo | A substance given instead of an active agent. This is typically given to the control group. | |
716719626 | Risk/Benefit Assessment | Does the value of increased knowledge outweigh the value of protecting individual rights? | |
716719627 | Moral/Ethical Responsibility | Fair and Humane treatment of participants. | |
716719628 | Harm Avoidance | Physical or Psychological. People must be made aware of potential risks and give informed consent. They must have the freedom to withdraw at any time. | |
716719629 | Fairness and Deception | Participants must be treated equally. In blind studies, participants should be debriefed if necessary. | |
716719630 | Confidentiality | If results are published, researchers should take care to disguise the identity of participants. Names should be removed from records. |