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Realidades 1 - Capitulo 3B Flashcards

Repaso del capitulo
Capitulo 3B - Chapter 3B Vocabulary
to talk about: food & beverages; being hungry & thirsty;
in indicate preference; agreement or disagreement;
to tak a question or give an answer; to express quantity; to describe something

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6638210053la cenadinner0
6638210054el bistecbeefsteak1
6638210055la carnemeat2
6638210056el pescadofish3
6638210057el pollochicken4
6638210058la cebollaonion5
6638210059los guisantespeas6
6638210060las judías verdesgreen beans7
6638210061la lechugalettuce8
6638210062las papaspotatoes9
6638210063los tomatestomatoes10
6638210064las uvasgrapes11
6638210065las zanahoriascarrots12
6638210066el arrozrice13
6638210067los cerealesgrains14
6638210068los espaguetisspaghetti15
6638210069las grasasfats16
6638210070la mantequillabutter17
6638210071el heladoice cream18
6638210072los pastelespastries19
6638210073las bebidasbeverages20
6638210074Tengo hambre.I'm hungry.21
6638210075Tengo sed.I'm thirsty.22
6638210076caminarto walk23
6638210077hacer ejercicioto exercise24
6638210078(yo) hagoI do25
6638210079(tú) hacesyou do26
6638210080levantar pesasto lift weights27
6638210081para la saludfor one's health28
6638210082para mantener la saludto maintain one's health29
6638210083(yo) prefieroI prefer30
6638210084(tú) prefieresyou prefer31
6638210085debershould; must32
6638210086creerto think33
6638210087Creo que ...I think...34
6638210088Creo que sí/no.I (don't) think so.35
6638210089(No) estoy de acuerdo.I (don't) agree.36
6638210090¿Por qué?Why?37
6638210093muchos; muchasmany40
6638210094todos; todasall41
6638210096malo; malabad43
6638210097sabroso; sabrosatasty, flavorful44
6638210098cada díaevery day45
6638210099soyI am46
6638210100eresyou are47
6638210101esHe/She is48
6638210102somoswe are49
6638210103sonthey are50

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