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Religion, traditions, and beliefs Flashcards

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89755872polytheismworshipping more than 1 deity0
89755873ancestor worship and nature spirit-Totemismself and various animal symbols1
89755874shamanismunseen spirit worlds (central asia, Siberia, Americas)2
89755877Animismlife force worship. Africa, Pacific Islands, Asia5
89755878Pantheons-numerous godsSumerian/Babylonian deities6
89755879Egyptian godsafterlife7
89755880Olympian deitiesgreeks8
89755881vedic gods of...india9
89755882Monotheism: Zorostrianismfounded in ancient persia by priest Zordaster-500s BCE based avestas texts. worship of 1 god: Ahura Mazda. ahura's enemy was Ahriman, god of darkness(dualism)10
89755883Judaismformed by Hebrews. The world's first monotheistic faith, Christianity grew out of it11
89755884Abraham's Covenant(judaism)lived in Sumerian city of Ur. entered into covenant with God(Jehovah) who swore to make Hebrews the "chose people" and promised to lead them to the promise land(israel) . between 2000-1850 BCE hebrews left Ur on journey.12
89755885Slavery, Exodus, Moses in Egypt(judaism)1700s BCE- hebrews migrated to Egypt. BEcame Egyptian slaves 1300-1200 BCE. Hebrews escaped Egypt under their leader Moses. Went to Canaan; 10 commandments.13
89755886The Hebrew Kingdom (judaism)ruled by judges, then kings. Saul(1020-1000 BCE) David(1000-961 BCE) Pslams Solomon(961-922 BCE) Then split- Israel and Judah. Conquered by Assyrians in 722 BCE. Nebuchadnezzar 587 BCE, Persians 539 BCE, Alexander the Great 333 BCE. Romans 64 BCE14
89755887Jewish Diaspora (judaism)Roman rule-Christianity. Jews forced into Diaspora until middle of 20th century15
89755888Jewish PrinciplesTalmud-Instruction. Tanakh outlines-strict code of conduce,righteous behavior, Judaism is a system of ethical monotheism. Diet, sexual practice rules, charity, conern for the poor.16
89901769teutonic and norse(europe)17
90138399Hindu Caste Systemgiven morals from Vedic thought and Hindu theology18
90138400Origins of HinduAryan invasions19
90138401Labor of Hindu caste systemdarker skinned20
90138402Hindu Caste System 5 distinct classespriests (brahmins), warriors/political rulers (kshatryas), commoners (vaishyas), servants, serfs, lower class (shudras), and untouchables.21
90138403Hindu caste System way of lifemale superior to females. women played vital role in family. they couldn't own property however. Sati: women required to throw themselves on funeral pyre of dead husband and be burned alive. Only brahmin could gain moksha. good behavior: reincarnated into higher class22
90138404Buddhismoriginated in India 500s BCE. Today practiced in: China, Japan, Sri Lanka, Tibet, Korea. 2 schools of doctrine: Thereveda and Mahayana23
90138405Birth of BuddhismFounded by Siddartha Guatama (563-483 BCE). Born noble in Himilayas. At 29 left palace, shocked by pain of world. Fasted/asceticism for 6 years, then peace/contentment. enlightenment. Became "Buddha"24
90138406Buddhist DoctrineCorrected and modified Vedism and Hinduism. Purify karma and reincarnation. reflect duality of life and death. Anyone could gain moksha. Realize the 4 noble truths and follow 8 fold path25
901384074 Noble Truths of BuddhismHuman existence is inseperable from suffering. The cause of suffering is desire. Suffering is extinguished when desire is. Desire is extinguished by 8 fold path, so follow 8 fold path.26
901384088 Fold Path of BuddhismKnow the truth; resist evil; do nothing to others; respect for all forms of life; work for the well being of others; free your mind from evil; control thoughts; practice meditation;27
90138409Therevada Buddhism"way of elders" of Hinayana. Prominent in South/SE Asia. Emphasizes simplicity, meditation and interpretation of nirvana. Gods and goddesses have little part.28
90138410Mahayana BuddhismNewer movement. Prominent in North/NE Asia. More ritual/symbols; absorbed elements of indigenous religions, examples: hell, pantheons, deities, bodhis attras (souls). Priests, ceremonies, new scriptures. More like Hinduism29
90459477Daoism500s BCE. Founder is Laozi. Central text: Tao-te-Ching. Zhuangzi (369-286 BCE)30
90459478Following the Daofollow "the way" or "the path". metaphysical and instinctual. natural force that can be sensed, felt. wisdom and happiness are gained by seeking Dao in all things. No worldly like politics, money, material things. Dao found in nature, poetry, spontaneous behaviors, individualism.31
90459479Daoist Ritualmystical and magical-charms and alchemy, fortune telling. Yin yang- black and white, nothing is absolute. Daoism is mixed with Buddhism and Confucianism in many cultures32
90459480Confucianism500s BCE. lacks objects of worship, clergy, rituals. it is an ethical code based on secular principles.33
90459481Confucian textsConfucius (551-479 BCE) lived during Zhou dynasty. served as government official under prince of Lu. Confucius classes- history, poems, divination, ritual. Analects-recordings of conversations with students. Mencius (371-289 BCE) took Confucianism to its highest level.34
90459482Confucian Principlesgood behavior, group before individual, order, hierarchy, obey rulers, good ruler has Mandate of Heaven, respect elders, family unit, 5 relationships-the ruler should be just, those who are ruled should be loyal, the father should be loyal, the son respectful, the husband righteous, the wife obedient, the older brother humble, the older friend considerate, the younger friend deferent. Women were homemakers, no land or education35
90493529Christianityfrom Judaism. Founder: Jesus of Nazareth (4 BCE- 29 CE). Later known as Christ. Gospels: 4 books of Christian bible that describe the life and ministry of Jesus. Was born into a Jewish family. He preached throughout countryside and cities of Judaea. He believed in one's individual, charity, compassions, forgiveness, sermons, teachings that led to God. Called himself "son of god". 3 year ministry, popular among common people and poor. Romans became suspicious of "King of Jews", Pilate arrested Jesus and he was put to death36
90493530Early Christian ChurchJesus claimed that he would return from the dead before returning to God. Peter (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) preached his resurrection (Christianity). Preachers known as apostles- told sotry of crucifixion and resurrection. Foretold 2nd coming of Christ, end of world, kingdom of Heaven, judgement day. Good would live with God and Jesus, evil would go to hell. Apostle Paul made it easier to convert Greeks, Middle Easterners, Romans. Adam and Eve37
90493531Organization of Christianity380 CE Christianity made legal by emperor Constantine. 392 BCE-official religion of Rome. Priests, bishops. Doctrine- God, Jesus, Holy Spirit. Bible- old testament (jewish history, Hebrew prophets). New testament (4 gospels, early church, apostle letters)38
90493532Christianity after RomeCatholic-universal spread to Middle East, Europe, North Aftrica. in 500s CE West and East churches grew apart. 1054 CE Great Schism- east (orthodox) and west (roman catholic)39
90803035Islam- the originsyoungest religion. originated in the Middle East. linked with judaism and christianity. Arabian peninsula 600s CE. By 1000 CE it stretched from Spain, West Africa and India40
90803036Mohammed and his teaching IslamFounder of Islam, merchant from Mecca. Born in 570 CE, meditated at age 40- Gabriel delivered the word of Allah (God). preached for 22 years with Ali (cousin) and Abu Bakr (father in law). Cast out of Mecca 622 went to Medina. Died 632 CE41
90803037Principles of Islamic FaithMonotheistic; afterlife-believers go to heaven, non believers go to hell, final judgement. Muslim Arabs- Abraham is patriarch. Prophets of Allah- Adam, Noah, Moses, David, Solomon, John the Baptist, Jesus. Mohammed was the last of 28 prophets- had perfect message 5 pillars of faith: there is no God but Allah, Mohammed is his prophet, pray 5 times per day facing Mecca, fast during Ramadan, give alms to poor, make pilgrimmage to Mecca42
90803038Expansion of Islam600s- Arabian Peninsula. 700s Middle East, Muslims conquered Persia, Byzantine, Iraq, Syria, palestine, Egypt, Egypt, Pakistan, Italy. Islamic states ruled43
90803039Islamic Denominations656 CE Civil war. Muawiyah (661-680 CE) proclaimed himself Caliph, ruled for a century. Were Sunni Muslims. TOday 80% of all muslims are sunni. All followers are Shiites. 700s and 800s- Sufism- fasting, praying, meditation44

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