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46885563abateto reduce in intensity or amount
46885564abstractedremoved in thought from the immediate situation, lost in one's own mind
46885565abyssbottomless hole, a vast expanse or depth
46885566accordagreement, state of harmony
46885567acquiesceto give in, to comply
46885568adherenta follower of something such as a leader, party, philosophy, or profession
46885569adventa coming or arrival
46885570advocacysupport of an idea or cause
46885571affinitya natural attraction or feeling of kinship
46885572alacrityprompt and cheerful response
46885573aloofapart, indifferent
46885574ambiguoushaving more than one possible meaning
46885575anachronismerror in chronology or time order, unclear,uncertain
46885576anchorsecure or fasten firmly; be fixed in place; N. anchorage
46885577antecedenta preceding occurrence or cause or event
46885578antediluviana very old (or old fashioned) person
46885579antiquityquality of being very old; ancient times;
46885580apathylack of emotion or interest
46885581appendTo add in a supplementary manner
46885582arablefit for plowing, tillable
46885583articulateexpress or state clearly
46885584ascendto move upward, to rise from a lower station
46885585asceticOne who leads a life of self-denial and contemplation; absent of luxury
46885586astuteshrewd; clever
46885587atrophyto waste away, to wither
46885588audacityexcessive boldness, rashness, daring
46885589barbarismthe incorrect usage of words or forms of language
46885590bestowto grant or to give
46885591betokento give a sign of
46885592blandmild, affable, insipid
46885593blasphemousirreverent, profane
46885594boisterousrowdy,rough, and stormy
46885595buoyantcapable of floating; cheerful
46885596burnishmake shiny by rubbing; polish
46885597cataclysman event or situation that causes a momentous change or upheaval
46885598celestialpertaining to the sky or heavens
46885599certitudesThings that are inevitable or certain, certainties
46885600chronicbeing long-lasting and recurrent or characterized by long suffering
46885601circumventto get around, outwit; defeat by behaving more cleverly; outsmart; baffle; avoid; get around
70506189gratisfree of charge

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