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168226414MesopotamiaCirca 5000 BCE. Located between Tigris & Euphrates Rivers. First cities - Ur & Babylon. Cuneiform. Polytheistic. Ziggurats. City-state type of government. Hammurabi's Code0
168226415Nile River CivilizationCirca 5500 BCE. King Menes unites Upper & Lower Egypt. Pharaoh - theocracy. Women given high status (right to divorce, alimony, property, business). Hatshepsut. Polytheistic. Book of the Dead. Re - sun god. Hieroglyphics, papyrus, bronze tools, 365 day calendar, pyramids & tombs1
168226416Assyrian EmpireCirca 6000 BCE. Horse drawn chariots. Used iron tools to conquer Mesopotamia2
168226417HebrewsCirca 1800 BCE. Developed world's first monotheistic faith. Yahweh. Moses leads Hebrews out of Egypt to Palestine (1300 BCE). Ten Commandments3
168226418PhoeniciansCirca 2300 BCE - 65 BCE. Seafaring traders. Dominated trade in the Mediterranean basin. Phoenician Alphabet - 22 characters. Latin Alphabet4
168226419Indus River CivilizationCirca 2500 BCE. Harappa & Mohenjo-Daro. Grid planned cities. Extensive long-distance trade: Sumer,Egypt. Language remains untranslated. Speculation as to its decline5
168226420AryansCirca 1500 BCE migrate to Indus Valley. Domesticated horses. Texts were passed down as oral histories. Vedas - 4 total. Written in Sanskrit. Rig Veda - 1,028 hymns. Hinduism begins developing. Caste system. 4 varnas (social classes). Brahmins - priests. Kshatriyas - warriors & aristocrats. Vaishyas - artisans & merchants. Shudras - peasants & serfs. Untouchables - butchers & grave diggers (added later), Jati - subcastes. Rules for interaction and intermarriage limit social mobility6
168226421Xia Dynasty2070 BCE - 1600 BCE. Bronze Age of China. Attempted to control the floods of the Huang He (Yellow) River7
168226422Shang Dynasty1600 BCE - 1046 BCE. Use of Oracle Bones8
168226423Zhou Dynasty1046 BCE - 256 BCE. Overthrow the Shang. Mandate of Heaven. Cast Iron. Warring States Period (475 BC - 221 BC). Rise of Legalism, Confucianism and Daoism9
168226424Olmec CivilizationCirca 1600/1500 BCE - 400 BCE.First Mesoamerican civilization. "Rubber people". Located in South Central Mexico. Developed irrigation/drainage systems. Authoritarian government. Famous for their sculptures. Gigantic human heads10
168226425TeotihuacanEstablished circa 200 BCE. Possibly by the Toltecs. Approximately 200,000 people inhabited the city at its height around 400-600 CE. Built colossal pyramids of the Sun and Moon. Possibly a theocratic government.11
168226426Mayan CivilizationCirca 300 CE - 900 CE.First Mesoamerican civilization. "Rubber people". Located in Central America. Chichen Itza. Developed terrace farming:Cotton, maize, cacao. Developed system of writing, calendar (365.242 days), concept of zero. Begin disappearing around 800 CE12
168226427Chavin CivilizationCirca 850 BCE - 250 BCE. First Andean civilization. May have been first to develop metallurgy in Americas:Jewelry & tools. Located in South America (Peru)13
168226428Achaemenid (Persian) Empire550 - 330 BCE. Founded by Cyrus the Great. Darius expanded the empire from the Indus River to the Aegean Sea:Great Administrator, 23 Satrapies, King's Eyes and Ears. Royal Road. Zoroastrianism: Ahura Mazda14
168226429Qin Dynasty221 BCE - 206 BCE. Unified China's various states (legalism). Shi Huangdi "First Emperor". Centralized bureaucracy. Standardized weights & measures. Construction of "Great Wall" begins. Terra Cotta army15
168226430Han Dynasty206 BCE - 9 CE. Bureaucracy established (Confucianism/legalism). School established by Wudi. Seed drill developed. Silk Road opens (190 BCE). Wheelbarrow. Short lived Xin dynasty divides the Han dynasty Former Han and Later Han16
168226431Han Dynasty25 CE - 220 CE. Yellow Turban uprising. Ignored problems of land distribution which led to increased banditry and rebellions. Empire divided between several kingdoms17
168226432Mauryan Dynasty322 BCE - 185 BCE. Established by Chandragupta Maurya. Ashoka unifies all of India. Builds irrigation systems. Constructs roads. Supports Buddhism. Encouraged religious tolerance. Death would lead to decline of empire. Jainism develops18
168226433Gupta Dynasty320 CE - 600s CE. Established by Chandra Gupta. Gained power through alliances with families. Conquering some areas. Tribute system used in other areas. Decline due to the invasion of the White Huns19
168226434Mycenaean Civilization (Greeks)1600 BCE - 1100 BCE. Language was a combination of Greek & Minoan. Fought the Trojan War. Homer - Iliad20
168226435Greek PolisSparta andAthens21
168226436SpartaMilitary state. Helots - enslaved people used for labor in Sparta. Daily life was based around military. Men join @ age 7 begin serving @ 20. Women were expected to be in peak physical condition22
168226437AthensDemocratic state. World's first democracy (women & slaves not allowed to participate). Debt caused a huge gap between rich & poor. Solon - outlawed debt slavery. Pericles. Golden Age of Athens. Socrates. Socratic Method. Plato was his student - impacted formation of the Republic in Rome. Aristotle:Rejected Plato's teachings, believed people could use their senses to answer questions of the world23
168226438Macedonian EmpireCirca 800s BCE - 146 BCE. Provided raw materials to the Greeks. Started by Philip II and continued by Alexander. 331 BCE Alexander established an empire stretching from Ionia to Mesopotamia. Empire is divided when Alexander died24
168226439Hellenistic Era323 BCE - 146 BCE. Culture is spread from Greece to India. Alexandria became the capital of the empire with the world's largest library. Epicureanism. Individual needs could be met through reflection, pleasure is greatest good to escape pressures of daily life. Stoicism. People should help one another and deal with stress through finding their inner peace25
168226440Roman Republic509 BCE - 27 BCE. Republic replaces monarchy. Roman Forum. Two consuls - civil & military power, limited to 1 year terms. Senate - made decisions. Class Struggles. Plebeians & Patricians. Tribunes - veto unjust laws against Plebeians. Dictator. Absolute power for 6 months to restore peace & stability26
168226441Transition to Empire87 BCE - 45 CE. Conflict between Gaius Marius & Lucius Cornelius Sulla leads to the creation of the Roman Empire. Tensions between rich & poor increase during this time period due to conflicts over land distribution27
168226442Roman Empire27 BCE - 476 CE. Julius Caesar. Sought to restore Rome after civil wars by employing Roman citizens & extending citizenship to territories. Assassinated in 44 BCE. 13 years of civil war ensued28
168226443Roman Empire27 BCE - 476 CE. Octavian. Defeated Mark Antony for control of the Roman Empire. Later called Augustus. Pax Romana. Roman Roads - link Rome with Asia (Silk Road). Christianity. Jesus29
168226444Fall of EmpireDiocletian divides the empire. West - Italy, Gaul, Spain, Britain, N. Africa. East - Anatolia, Syria, Egypt, Greece. Germanic invasions - pressured by the Huns. Invasion of the Huns collapses the Western Empire30
168226445Byzantine Empire330 CE - 1453 C. Established by Constantine when he moved the capital to Constantinople. Became the Byzantine Empire when the Western Roman Empire fell in 476. Emperors claimed divine rights (above the law). Trade was extremely important to the economy. Emperor Justinian:Theodora, Hagia Sophia, Justinian Code. Turks conquer in 1453 renaming Constantinople to Istanbul31
168226446Genghis Khan1206 CE- 1227 CE. United Mongol Empire. Tolerant empire to people and religion. Divide empire between sons leaving Ogedei as khagan. Highly mobile fighters use of Calvary and siege tactics. Pax Mongolica began in 1210. Mongol Peace: Everything open to trade, balance and order.32
168226447Ogedei Khan1229CE-1241CE. Genghis Khan's successor. Completion of Karakorum33
168226448Golden HordeConquest of Kiev34
168226449Ilkhanateconquest large portions of Middle East35
168226450Chagatai Khanatelittle more than a continuation of central Mongol government36
168226451Yuan Dynastya division and a dynasty of China37
168226452Batu Khanconquered Russia from 1237CE-1241CE. Attempt to conquer central Europe, but Ogedei's death prevents this38
168226453Hulegu Khanconquer Abbasid Empire. Attempted to conquer Syria but failed due to MAmluks. Lead Ilkhanate39
168226454Kubilai Khan1260CE-1294CE. Consolidated rule in China. Established Yuan Dynasty. Ruled during "Pax Mongolica"40
168226455Pax Mongolica13th and 14th centuries. Silk road reopen. Safe to travel/trade. Marco Polo. Incorporate people they conquered into tribe. Tolerant. Maritime Silk Road Opens. Yassa established to keep order in empire. Mongol law code. Postal System introduced.41

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