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Rise of Russian Empire/last Chinese Dynasty/Ottoman Mughal and Safavid Empire Flashcards

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286172102Ivan III(Ivan the great) 1462-15050
286172103Moscow Princecollected taxes from Mongols1
286172104Russia had indirect rulepolitical experience,build army, and collect taxes2
286172105Rise of Moscowrise of moscow as center of Russia + expansion,reclaimed title of 3rd rome-Tsar/autocrat3
286172106Ivan IV(Ivan the terrible) 1533-1584 continue expansion,autocracy(dictatorship),killed Russian nobles(boyars)4
286172107Motivations for expansion-Stabiity/securityGrasslands to the south+East had feuding nomadic raiding tribes5
286172108Motivations for expansion -Economic/SocialSiberia-fur trade(soft gold) Indigenous inhabitants-hunter gatherers(no threat) Influx of Russian settlers-decrease indigenous pop6
286172109Motivations for expansionlast of hunting ground,disease,demanded tribute in money or fur7
286172110what happened to outsiders who stayed in russia?Russified,spoke russian language and converted to christianity8
286172111Agrarian civilizationhad hunting societies9
286173171Peter the greatwanted to forget the past and modernize russia, he visited Europe in disguise(had bad disguise) to learn their ways10
286207178Russians vs. Ottomanswent against each other for land in eastern and southeast Europe11
286207179Russian productionshipbuilding industry,science technology,military12
286207180Westernization policyrevolutionized russia,limited western military,navy organization/technology+secret police13
286207181When Russia Defeated swedengained a water port (window on the sea)14
286207182W.P.Shifted capital Moscow to .........St.Petersburg15
286207183W.P.Created Training institutionsfor bureaucracy based on merit16
286210691W.P. Economicallybuilt mining + metallurgical industries (worked by serfs)17
286210692W.P. Culturallyadopted western clothing language,dress,no beards,increase public visibility for women18
286215513Westernization problemsSelective-meant to encourage autocratic state not challenge it,did not trust Russians, look commercial class development, never able to give up absolute power19
286251597Catherine the Great"Westernizer" advocate of strong tsarist regime,Russian learn to speak French20
286251598Expansion successOttoman-Central Asia, partition divide of poland,increased hardships on peasants, political leeway for boyars-work/tax/influence,vigorously suppress serf rebellion increase power of central government21
286258880Fall of Ming Dynastyclimate change-colder climate,famine,revolts Nomadic invasion-incursion from the northeast decline silk road-decrease land base empire-power shift to sea based Europe inept rulers22
286268637Qing /Manchu Dynastyrulers from monchuria sought to maintain ethnic distinctiveness,no intermarriage but learn long bureacratic system, confucianism shift previous tributary system with nomadic group to conquest,used local officials to rule, don't seek to assimilate but respect mongolian Tibetan and Muslim cultures of Central Asia23
286268638Central Asiaincorporated into Russian/Chinese Empires, eliminated pastoral nomads as historical players24
286280704Ottoman Empirebest Empire for women (more freedom) Sunni majority of Muslim faith,Suleiman most powerful sultan25
286280705Safavid Empirearose from struggles of rival turkic nomadic groups,safavids adopted the Shia's majority of Muslim faith26
286280706Mughal EmpireAkbar persued a policy of reconciliation and cooperation with the Hindu Princes and Hindu majority ,a blend of Hindu and Islamic Civilizations produced some of the world's finest architecture and art27

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