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Road to Revolution (1750-1776)

Road to Revolution Unit (1750-1776)
Mr. Lickteig
Fort Riley Middle School

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1754 - 1763; conflict between France and Great Britain over land in North America
name for the French & Indian War in Europe
colonies that built cities and early water powered textile factories
colonies that focused on growing cash crops; tobacco, indiego
colonies that focused on subsistence farming; rice
a plant that is grown for sale only, not for subsistence
growing crops to feed yourself and family
economic system used between Europe, Americas, and Africa in the 1600-1800s
the rise of the working class and the eventual overthrow of monarchies, occurred 1200-1600
a period of renewal in Christian belief; occurred 1720-1750
a period of interest in science, education, and reasoning; occurred 1740-1760
A legal document written by English lords in 1215 that stated certain rights and limited the power of the King
civilian soldiers; mostly farmers during the 1700s
stated that if the French attacked a colony the other colonies would help defend; written in 1754; first time colonies viewed themselves as a collective whole
author of the Albany Plan of Union
peace agreement that ended the French & Indian War
year the Treaty of Paris was signed
Issued by Great Britain after the French & Indian War; prevented colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains
Native American uprising in Michigan; chief wanted all Natives to unite and fight Europeans
incoming money
a formal expression of opinion
refusing to buy a product
to cancel a law
documents that allowed tax collectors to search private property for smuggled goods
agreements by merchants to not buy products from a certain country or source
morpheme meaning "not"
morpheme meaning "into"
morpheme meaning "time"
not allowed
group of male colonists who protested taxes; not afraid to use violence
founder and leader of the Sons of Liberty
city where the American Revolution started
1764; lowered tax on molasses to encourage colonists to stop smuggling
bringing something into a country illegally
1765; law that taxed printed goods, including: playing cards, documents, newspapers, etc.
famous Early American politician who said "Give me liberty or give me death."
1767; law adopted after Stamp Act was repealed; taxed glass, paper, and tea
the major cause of the American Revolution
1770; 5 civilians who were part of a mob killed by British soldiers; depicted as a brutal slaughter in colonial newspapers
form of persuasion; shows one side of an issue to influence people to join that one side
groups of colonists began writing letters to each other to form ways of resisting British rule; shows communication between the colonies
1773; placed a tax on an item to help save the British East India Company; colonists boycotted
took place as a reaction to the Tea Act; Sons of Liberty dressed up like Mohawk Indians and protested in the harbor
1774; laws meant to punish Boston after the Tea Party; closed the harbor, created a police state, Quebec Act, and had to quarter troops in civilian homes
leader of Great Britain at the time of the American Revolution
a rag doll dressed to look like a tax collector or other enemy
Group formed in 1774, established militias
meeting of delegates in 1775, formed Continental Army, wrote Olive Branch Petition
professional army formed by Second Continental Congress
commander of Continental Army
last attempt by colonists to prevent Revolution
author of Common Sense
pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that encouraged colonists to join the revolution
author of the Declaration of Independence
offically declared the colonies separate from Britain
date the Declaration of Independence was signed
wrote his name in large print so that King George III could read it from Philly
place where Declaration of Independence was signed
dominant economic theory of the 1600s; more trade = more gold reserves
bringing something IN to a nation
sending something OUT of a nation
morpheme meaning "in or not"
morpheme meaning "out"

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