Some flash cards for studying :)
6206282417 | Asymmetric Federalism | Some regions are much stronger than others, so power is devolved unequally across the country | 0 | |
6206282418 | Bolsheviks | Lenin's followers. Took control of government in late 1917. Peace, work, and bread | 1 | |
6206282419 | Boyars | One of the aristocratic classes in early Russia, had considerable powers, advisors to reigning autocrats, precursors to Duma | 2 | |
6206282420 | Central Committee | Most top government officials belonged to this during Stalin times. A group of 300 party leaders that met twice a year. Below Politburo. | 3 | |
6206282421 | Chechnya | Primarily Muslim region that has fought for years for freedom. Terrorist acts against Russian government | 4 | |
6206282422 | Civil society | Private organizations and associations outside of politics. Russia has a relatively undeveloped civil society | 5 | |
6206282423 | "Collective farms" | state run and supposedly more efficient agricultural farms. Part of collectivization and industrailzation. Stalin era reform | 6 | |
6206282424 | Collectivization and industrialization | Two-part plan. Replaced NEP with "collective farms." (Stalin) Got rid of private ownership. Farms used to feed city workers. Allowed for agricultural surplus, so could implement Five Year Plans. | 7 | |
6206282425 | Confederation of Independent States | Unites fifteen former republics of USSR. Russia is clear leader | 8 | |
6206282426 | Conflict in Chechnya | A region in Russia, primarily Muslim, fought for years for independence, still strong, Russia is having trouble holding onto the region, been involved in terrorist acts, murders, kidnapping, explosions, bombings, ect., | 9 | |
6206282427 | Constitution of 1993 | Provided for strong president, checked by popular election and lower house of legislature | 10 | |
6206282428 | CPRF | Communist Party of the Russian Federation, second strongest party in Duma, closest to old communist party | 11 | |
6206282429 | Crimean War | Russia defeated. Convinced some that Russian traditions needed reform to keep up with the world. | 12 | |
6206282430 | Cultural heterogeneity | Wide cultural diversity | 13 | |
6206282431 | Decembrist Revolt of 1825 | Intellectuals influenced by western ideals' revolution. Crushed "ruthlessly" by Nicholas I. | 14 | |
6206282432 | Decrees | Can be created by the president and his cabinet, have force of law | 15 | |
6206282433 | Democratic centralism | Rule by a few for the benefit of the many. "Vanguard" leadership group that would lead the revolution in the name of the people | 16 | |
6206282434 | De-Stalinization | Loosening gov't censorship of press, decentralization of economic decision-making, restructuring of collective farms. Loosen gov't rules under Khrushchev. | 17 | |
6206282435 | Duma | Lower house of legislature. Existed under tsars of late 1800s. Continues into today | 18 | |
6206282436 | Equality of result in Russia | Communist regime instilled in Russian people the appreciation of equality, enjoy similar living conditions, resent differences in wealth or income | 19 | |
6206282437 | Federal government structure | USSR centralized, but maintained this. Russian Federation does this as well. 89 districts (states, if you will), with varying amounts of power (in reality, not on paper) (asymmetric federalism) | 20 | |
6206282438 | Five Year Plan | Ambitious goals set by Stalin for production of heavy industry, like oil, steel, and electricity. many followed, Carried out by Gosplan | 21 | |
6206282439 | Federal Council | Upper house of legislature, two members from each 89 federal districts, one selected by the governor of that district, one selected by the regional legislature, used to represent regions, can delay legislation, but Duma can override with a two-thirds vote. | 22 | |
6206282440 | General secretary | Head of Politburo. Assumed full power as dictator of country. | 23 | |
6206282441 | Glasnost | new emphasis on freedom of speech and press in the 1980s initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev. Complaints from citizens that contributed to breakup of USSR. Translates to mean "openness" | 24 | |
6206282442 | Gosplan | Central State Planning Commission. Carried out Stalin's Five Year Plans. | 25 | |
6206282443 | Head of government, head of state | The head of government is the prime minister, leader of majority party, becomes president if he dies of resigns, the head of state is the president, much more than ceremonial, set up for strong presidency, elected | 26 | |
6206282444 | Insider privatization | Russia's state corporatism, where independent companies are penalized by the gov't so they're forced to sell, and the beneficiaries are those loyal to Putin | 27 | |
6206282445 | KGB | State Security Committee. Carried out domestic security during USSR | 28 | |
6206282446 | Kulaks | Peasants resisted to the collectivization and industrialization plan under Stalin | 29 | |
6206282447 | Lenin's Bolsheviks | Seized power in 1917 and ended rule of tsars. Renamed Russia the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR | 30 | |
6206282448 | Liberal democrat party | extremely nationalist against reformers, | 31 | |
6206282449 | Mafia | Gained power after Revolution of 1991, control more than underworld crime like local businesses, natural resources, and banks, make money from businesses, money laundering, and Russian government officials, have caused many murders, pose threat to democracy. | 32 | |
6206282450 | Marxism | Said that first socialist revolutions would happen in capitalist countries like Germany, France and England | 33 | |
6206282451 | Marxism-Leninism | Provided the legitimacy base for the party under communist rule. Not actually the views or Marx or Lenin, just Stalinism. | 34 | |
6206282452 | Mensheviks | Inspired by Marx's ideas but took a more moderate view, had broad base of support for the revolution. | 35 | |
6206282453 | Nashi | Largest youth movement created by Putin as president. | 36 | |
6206282454 | Nationality | Most important single cleavage in Russia. Cleavages determine the organization of Russia into "federation" with 'autonomous regions," republics and provinces | 37 | |
6206282455 | Near abroad | Russia has strained relationships with its neighboring countries, Putin encourages a Ukraine president who was not popular but won, believed fraudulent, Estonia took down a Soviet style statue, Russian in Estonia protested | 38 | |
6206282456 | New economic policy | 1920 Lenin policy. Allowed "great deal of private ownership to exist under a centralized leadership | 39 | |
6206282457 | Nomenklatura | An ordered path from local party soviets to the commanding heights of leadership. (Party members select promising recruits from lower levels.) | 40 | |
6206282458 | Oligarchy | Small group of family members and advisers who took control from Boris Yeltsin and ran the country, granting themselves favors and political corruption. | 41 | |
6206282459 | Parties of power | parties strongly sponsored by economic and political power-holders | 42 | |
6206282460 | Perestroika | economic reform that was most radical and least successful | 43 | |
6206282461 | Politburo | Above Central Committee. "heart and soul of Communist Party." 12 men rant he country, decision carried out by gov't agencies and departments. | 44 | |
6206282462 | Pravda | Official news paper of the ussr | 45 | |
6206282463 | Proportional Representation in Russia | All the seat in Duma are now elected by proportional representation as of 2007, eliminates regionally strong candidates | 46 | |
6206282464 | Purges | Execution of millions of citizens, including up to one million party members. Stalin became obsessed with disloyalty in party ranks, ordered execution of own generals and other members of Politburo and Central Committee. | 47 | |
6206282465 | Red Army/ White Army | Fought against each other 1918-1919, the White Army was made up of Russian military leaders and funded by the Allied Powers, the Red Army was lead by Lenin, the Red Army won and the Bolsheviks took control of the country. | 48 | |
6206282466 | Russian Orthodox Church | Tsars headed this, less influence than it used to be. | 49 | |
6206282467 | Secret speech | Revealed existence of letter written by Lenin before he died. Critical for Stalin. Used to denounce Stalin's rules and practices, plus purges. | 50 | |
6206282468 | "shock therapy" | Advocated under Boris Yeltsin, pointing Russia to democracy and free-market economy. Led to small group of entrepreneurs running | 51 | |
6206282469 | Slavophile vs. Westernizer | Conflict between the two sets of political traditions, the Slavophile tradition has lead in pride Slavic customs and history that cause Russia to resist outer influence, Westernization is modernization and trading to become a major economic power. | 52 | |
6206282470 | Stalinism | "Two-pronged program of collectivization and industrialization, carried out by central planning, and executed with force and brutality." totalitarianism communism. "A more complete, invasive form of strong-man rule than the tsars ever were able to implement." | 53 | |
6206282471 | State corporatism | Where the state determines which groups have input into policymaking. Heavy under Putin's leadership. | 54 | |
6206282472 | Statism | Russian idea. Value strong state that could protect them from their geographic vulnerabilities. Strong government or die. | 55 | |
6206282473 | Totalitarianism | State that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete obedience to the state. Tsars, Stalin | 56 | |
6206282474 | Tsars | leaders of Russia - like czars | 57 | |
6206282475 | U-2 | Shooting down US spy plane during Khrushchev. Khrushchev confronted Americans about it and they assumed responsibility. He got nothing out of it | 58 | |
6206282476 | White Army vs. Red Army | White Army - lead by Russian military leaders, funded by Allied Powers . Red Army = Lenin. Civil war in 1918 between these two armies. Reds won. | 59 | |
6206282477 | "window on the west" | St. Petersburg, city built by Peter the Great. First to Westernize - open self to trade. | 60 |