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Russian Revolution terms and dates Flashcards

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60258343Nicholas I(1825-1855) This tsar's ascent to the throne was challenged by the Decembrist Revolt/Official Nationality=1) Autocracy 2) Orthodoxy 3) Nationalism.0
60258344Alexander II (1)(1855-1881) This tsar cleans up the judicial system and emancipates the serfs in 1861 (before Lincoln). Serfs have right to pursue trades and buy+sell property.1
6025834549Russian government gives oput a____ year loan to freed serfs.2
60258346MIRcommunal landhold. Duty to family, people can't pay off govnt. loans.3
60258347Alexander II (2)This tsar set up local governing bodies to move away from autocray. He recruited soldiers from each village for 6 yrs. active and 9 yrs. reserve duty.4
60258348Zemstvoslocal governing bodies of Russia set up by Alexander II.5
602583491812 OvertureThis orchestral masterpiece represents the Battle of Boridino, combining the French Anthem (Marseilleis) and "God save the tsar" theme.6
60258350Alexander IIIAutocratic-minded tsar from 1881-1894.7
60258351Nicholas IItsar of WWI. 1)moves to Industrialize Russia.2)Soft hand opn revolutionary groups.8
60258352Social revolutionariesanti-industrail and anti-govnt. peasant farmers. in Russia A low percentage of the working class.9
60258353Social Democratsanti-govt. and anti-bourgrosie proletarians in Russia divided into two smaller factions.10
60258354MensheviksIndustrial proletarian workers in Russia. "Lesser"11
60258355BolsheviksLed by Vladimir Lenin it was the Russian communist party of working class that took over the Russian goverment during WWI.12
60258356Plekhanovleader of the Mensheviks.13
60258357LeninBolshevik leader whose real name is Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov.14
60258358Jan 22, 1905"Bloody Sunday" peaceful protest turns to massacre when soldiers open fire on Russian people. led to 10 months of revolts by the Russians, cutting off communication, transportation, etc.15
60258359Dumabicameral legislature, The elected parliament of Russia. Though through establishing this is seemed like the Czar was giving his people power, in reality he could easily get rid of this if they made any laws or such that he didn't like.16
60258360RasputinIlliterate; self-proclaimed priest; popular with czar's family because he could heal czar's son's cases of hemophilia; able to control Russian govnt. thru tsarina while tsar was away fighting in war; murder attempt by a prostitue he forgot to pay; finally murdered after many, many attempts.17
60258361Khlystygroup who believes salvation comes THROUGH sin. (massive orgy parties)18
60258362Stranikwandering preachers in Russia19
60258363StaretsRussian preachers of RADICAL poverty. (think John the Baptist, and St. Francis of Assisi.)20
60258364Yussapovmurderer of Rasputin21
60258365KerenskyRussian revolutionary who was head of provisional govnt. after Nicholas II abdicated but was overthrown by the Bolsheviks (1881-1970).22
60258366October 1917Bolsheviks call for a desertion of the army.23
60258367November 1917Red Army + Lenin overthrew a government that lacked any military support. "Russian Revolution"24
60258368Brest LitovskTreaty ending the war between Russia and Germany. 90% of iron ore gone is biggest loss by Rus.25
60258369ChekaSecret police set up by Lenin to arrest "enemies of the revolution". became KGB.26
60258370Red White______ Guard, controlling cities, politics, and weapons vs. ______ Russians, who own most of the farmlands and were helped by U.S.27
60258371War CommunismRussia, government control of banks and most industries, the seizing of grain from peasants, and the centralization of state administration under Communist control by Bolsheviks.28
60258372Polit BuroSmall grouyp of men who, guided by Lenin, make laws in temp. gov.29
60258373New Economic PolicyAllowed private ownershop of farms, capitalist ventures with West, and peasants with small plots of land can sell surplus for profit.30
60258374USSR/CCCPUnion of Soviet Socialist Republics (abbreviations)31
602583751924Lenin dies. power struggle btween Trotsky and Stalin.32
60258376StalinRussian leader who succeeded Lenin as head of the Communist Party and created a totalitarian state by "eliminating" all opposition (1879-1953).33
60258377OkhranaGEORGIAN secret police who arrested people that opposed the tsarist regime.34
60258378GensekRussian abbreviation for "general secretary"/Stalin achieved this title35
60258379TrotskyRussian revolutionary in charge of the army. Pproposed radical equality with a focus on Rapid Industrialization and collectivizin farmlands.36
60258380Iskragroup exiled to Siberia by tsarist govnt.37
60258381Commissar Vanishes"photoshoped" pictures so that Trotsky would never exist.38
60258382Command EconomyAn economic system in which the government controls a country's economy. Stalin bassically tricked the people into voting for him, then went against his own policies.39
60258383Great Purge(1931-39), Stalin cracked down on: Old Bolsheviks, army heroes, industrial managers, writers and citizens were all charged with a wide range of crimes, from plots to failure to not meeting production quotas. 12,000,000 "disappear".40
60258384Article 125Soviet Constirution article allowing freedom of speech/press/demonstration/religion/etc.41

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