Estas son las palabras para la pruebita de 9-II-2011 sobre el vocabulario de 3 lecturas de AP,
58407990 | pretender subir | to try to climb | |
58407991 | restringir el acceso | to limit, restrict access | |
58407992 | el material impreso | the printed material | |
58407993 | la clave al misterio | the key to the mystery | |
58407994 | el ocio | the free time, leisure | |
58407995 | aumentar | to increase | |
58407996 | el largometraje | the feature film | |
58407997 | el cortometraje | the movie short | |
58407998 | el documental | the documentary | |
58407999 | el guionista | the scriptwriter | |
58408000 | profundizar | to go into depth | |
58408002 | la barriga, la panza | the belly | |
58408003 | estar dispuesto/a a | to be ready to | |
58408004 | disponerse a | to prepare to | |
58408007 | amargo/a | bitter | |
58408008 | desasosiego/a | agitated | |
58408009 | la sabiduría | the wisdom | |
58408010 | la receta | the prescription, recipe | |
58408011 | el logro | the achievement | |
58408012 | el socio | the club member | |
58408013 | hacer frente a | to confront | |
58408014 | la alimentación | the nourishment, nutrition | |
58408017 | la oferta | the offering | |
58408018 | de suma importancia | of extreme importance | |
58408019 | señero | without equal | |
58408020 | contar con | to rely on | |
58408024 | ocuparse de | to be in charge of | |
132974978 | pegar | to glue | |
132974979 | bromear | to joke | |
132974980 | el bañador | the bathing suit | |
132974981 | lucir | to radiate, to look good, show off | |
132974982 | la barriga, la panza | the belly | |
132974983 | abultado | bulging | |
132974985 | hondo/a | deep | |
132974986 | apuesto/a | good-looking | |
132974987 | raspar | to scrape | |
132974988 | agarrar, sostener | to hold | |
132974989 | lastimarse la cabeza | to hurt one's head | |
132974990 | cariñoso/a | loving | |
132980972 | la costura | the dressmaking, the sewing | |
132980973 | frente a | facing | |
132980974 | saludable, sano/a | healthy | |
132980975 | constar de | to consist in |