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Sadler-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Level H 5

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39900239aficionadon) devotee, enthusiast, usually expert follower or fan
39900240browbeatv) coerce; to intimidate be a stern or overbearing manner; to bully
39900241commensurateadj) proportionate, corresponding; equal in size, extent, duration, or importance.
39900242diaphanousadj) very sheer and light; translucent & gossamer
39900243emolumentn) compensation, pay, wages; profit derived from employment
39900244forayn) sally, sortie; a quick raid, especially for plunder; v) to make such a raid
39900245genren) a type, class, or variety; a style of painting; species, sort, school
39900246homilyn) a sermon stressing moral principles; a tedious moralizing lecture or discourse
39900247immurev) to enclose or confine within walls; to imprison; incarcerate, mew up
39900248insouciantadj) blithely indifferent or unconcerned; carefree, happy-go-lucky; nonchalant
39900249matrixn) a mold, model, pattern; the surrounding situation or environment
39900250obsequiesn) funeral rites or ceremonies; last rites
39900251panachen) a confident and stylish manner; a strikingly elaborate or colorful display; style, flamboyance
39900252personan) a character in a novel or play; personality, image, role
39900253phillippicn) a bitter verbal attack; harangue, tirade, diatribe
39900254prurientadj) having lustful desires or interests; salacious, lewd, titillating
39900255sacrosanctadj) very sacred or holy; inviolable; set apart or immune from questioning or attack
39900256systemicadj) of or pertaining to the entire body; relating to a system; extensive, comprehensive
39900257tendentiousadj) biased, partial; intended to promote a particular POV, doctrine, or cause
39900258vicissituden) fluctuation, vacillation; a change, variation, or alteration; pl) successive or changing phases or conditions

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