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Sadler-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Level H 6

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42467067abortiveadj) failing to accomplish an intended aim or purpose; imperfectly developed; premature [successful]
42467068bruitv) to spread news or unsubstantial rumors; broadcast, blazon [conceal]
42467069constumeliousadj) insolent or rude; insultingly abusive; scurrilous, vituperative [commendatory]
42467070dictumn) a short saying; an authoritative statement; maxim, aphorism, axiom
42467071ensconcev) to settle comfortably or firmly in position; put/hide in safe place; nestle, lodge [displace]
42467072iconoclasticadj) attacking/seeking to overthrow popular beliefs; irreverent, heretical [orthodox]
42467073in medias resadv) into the middle of things
42467074internecineadj) mutually destructive; characterized by great slaughter/bloodshed; murderous, savage [peaceful]
42467075maladroitadj) lacking in skill, dexterity, tact, perception, or judgement; inept, awkward, clumsy [dexterous]
42467076maudlinadj) excessively or effusively sentimental; mushy, mawkish
42467077modulatev) to change or vary in intensity/pitch; to regulate or adjust; adapt, moderate
42467078portentousadj) foreshadowing an event to come; self-consciously weighty, pompous; foreboding, ominous, pretentious [propitious, encouraging]
42467079prescienceknowledge of events or actions before they happen; foresight, foreknowledge [hindsight]
42467080quid pro quon) something given in exchange or return for something else; swap, trade
42467081salubriousadj) conducive to health or well-being; wholesome; beneficial [harmful]
42467082saturnalianadj) characterized by rioutous or unrestrained revelry or licentiousness; dissipated, debauched, orgiastic [sedate, decorous]
42467083touchstonen) a means of testing worth or genuineness; criterion, benchmark
42467084traumaticadj) so shocking to the emotions as to cause lasting and substantial psychological damage; jolting [soothing]
42467085vitiatev) to weaken, debase, or corrupt; impair the quality of; degrade, undermine [fortify]
42467086waggishadj) fond of making jokes, characteristic of a joker; whimsical, jocular [dour]

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