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Sadler-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop New Edition: Level G: Units 1-5: Definitions

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adj, able to get and retain ideas or information; conserned with acquiring wealth or property
verb, to claim or take without right
adj, hackneyed, trite, commonplace
verb, to work on excessively; to thrash around
adj, tending to find fault, especially in a petty, nasty, or hairsplitting way; noun, petty, nagging criticism
adj, holding or sticking together; making a logical whole; comprehensible, meaningful
verb, to change from liquid to solid, thicken; to make inflexible or rigid
verb, to immitate with the intent of equaling or surpassing the model
verb, a formal expression of praise, a lavish tribute
verb, to avoid, shun, keep away from
adj, relevant, appropriate, apropos, fitting
adj, so great or demanding as not to be satisfied
adj, refusing to compromise, irreconcilable
adj, offensive, hateful; tending to cause bitterness and resentment
noun, generosity in giving; lavish or bountiful countributions
noun, a survery made for military purposes; any kind of preliminary inspection or examination
verb, to establish by evidence, prove; to give concrete or substancial form to
adj, habitually silent or quiet, inclined to talk very little
verb, to stall or act evasively in order to gain time, avoid a confrontation, or postpoe a decision; to compromise
adj, capable of being held or defended
noun, sharpness, particularly of mind or senses
verb, to portray, sketch, or describe in accurate and vivid detail; to represent pictorially
adjective, marked by evil and corruption, devoid of moral principles
verb, to weaken or lessen the mental, moral, or physical vigor of; enfeeble, hamstring
adjective, intended for or understood by only a select few, private, secret
adjective, fruitful in offspring or vegetation; intellectually productive
noun, an arbitrary order or decree; a command or act of will or consciousness
noun, a fabrication of the mind; an arbitrary notion
verb, to acquire as the result of effort; to gather and store away, as for future use
verb, to set apart as holy or scared, sanctify, consecrate; to honor greatly, revere
noun, a peculiarity that serves to distinguish or identify
noun, shame and disgrace
noun,earthly, worldly, relating to practical and material affairs; concerned with what is ordinary
noun, a subtle or slight variation, as in color, meaning, quality; delicate gradation or shade or difference
adjective, conceited, presumptuous; excessive, immoderate
noun, a strong attraction or inclination
adjective, according to reputation or general belief; having widespread acceptance and good reputation; (part.) alleged
noun, reasoning that seems plausible but is actually unsound; a fallacy
adjective, costly, rich, magnificent
adjective, present or existing everywhere
verb, to pronounce distinctly; to express well in words; to connect by a joint or joints; adjective, expressed clearly and forcefully; able to employ language clearly and forcefully; jointed
verb, to romp or prance around exuberantly; to make merry
noun, belief, mental acceptance
verb, to condemn, express strong disapproval; to officially depreciate
verb, to disguise or conceal, deliberately give a false impression
adjective, very much agaitated or upset as a result of emotion or mental conflict
noun, a formal statement of commendation; high praise
verb, to display clearly, to make evident, to provoke
verb, to remove from a grave; to bring to light
adjective, lacking in spirit and strength; ineffective, weak; irresponsible, unreliable
adjective, dark and gloomy, obscure; lacking in clarity and precision
adjective, wicked, depreaved, deoid of moral standards
adjective, stimulating to the tase or mind; spicy, pungent; appealingly provocative
adjective, developed or created at the very beginning; going back to the most ancient times or earliest stage; fundamental, basic
noun, nearness in place or time; kinship
adjective, not usual or expected; not in character
adjective, founded upon or involving a visionarry view of an ideal world; impractical
noun, language thaqt is too wordy or inflated in proportion to the sense or content, wordiness; a manner of expression
adjective, green in tint or color; immature in experience or judgement
adjective, having a gelatinour or gluey quality, lacking in easy movement or fluidity
the wasting away of a body organ or tissue; any progressive decline or failure; verb, to waste away
noun, a state of agreement, harmony, unanimity; a treaty, pact, covenant
adjective, complete or perfect in the highest degree; verb, to bring to a state of completion or perfection
noun, disorder, confusion ; verb, to throw into disorder
noun, urgency, pressure; urgent demand, pressuring need; an emergency
noun, floating debris; homeless, impoverished people
adjective, frenzied, highly agitated
verb, to gather bit by bit; to gather small quantities of grain left in a field by the reapers
noun, a type of game bird; a complaint; verb, to complain, grumble
verb, to imprison, confine, jail
adjective, obligatory, required; noun, one who holds a specific office at the time spoken of
adjective, humorous, jesting, jolly, joking
adjective, ridiculous, laughable, absurd
adjective, biting or caustic in thought, manner, or style; sharply or bitterly harsh
noun, a prickly or stinging plant; verb, to arouse displeasure, impatience, or anger; to vex or irritate severely
adjective, consisting of or measured in money; of or related to money
adjective, contemptibly cowardly or mean-spirited
adjective, in a reclining position, lying down, in the posture of one sleeping or resting
noun, a scheme to outwit or deceive an opponent or to gain an end
verb, to approach and speak to first; to confront in a challenging or aggressive way
noun, a comment indicating strong criticism or disapproval
adjective, desirous of something to the point of greed; intensely eager
adjective, having a salty taste and unpleasent to drink
noun, swiftness, rapidity of motion or action
adjective, straying or wandering from a straight or direct course, done or acted in a shifty or underhanded way
noun, in chess, an opening move that involves risk or sacrifice of a minor piece in order to gain a later advantage; any opening move of this type
noun, a legendary bird identified with the kingfisher; adjective, of or relating to the halcyon; calm, peaceful; happy, golden; prosperous, affluent
adjective, pertaining to actors and their techniques; theatrical, artificial; melodramatic
adjective, deliberately setting or causing fires; designed to start fires; tending to stir up strife or rebellion; noun, the one who deliberately sets fires, arsonist; one who causes strife
noun, a whirlpool of great size and violance; a situation resembling a whirlpool in violence and destruction
adjective, nearsighted; lacking a broad, realistic view of a situation; lacking foresight or discernment
adjective, open, not hidden, expressed or revealed in a way that is easily recognized
adjective, tending to make worse; expressing disapproval or disparagement, derogatory, deprecatory, belittling
noun, the state ofm being proper, appropriateness
noun, improper or disrespectful treatment of something held sacred
adverb, without delay or formality; briefly, concisely
adjective, asking humbly and earnestly; noun, one who makes a request humbly and earnestly, a petitioner, suitor
noun, an object that serves as a charm or is believed to confer magical powers, an amulet, fetish
verb, to move in waves or with a wavelike motion; to have a wavelike appearance or form
noun, a fortified place, stronghold

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