SAT hot prospects
842500780 | abate | lessen | |
842500781 | acquiesce | agree without protesting | |
842500782 | acrimony | bitter in words or manner | |
842500783 | amorphous | formless | |
842500784 | anachronistic | having an error involving time in a story | |
842500785 | antediluvian | old-fashioned | |
842500786 | apocryphal | made up | |
842500787 | arable | fit for growing crops | |
842500788 | assiduous | diligent | |
842500789 | atrophy | waste away | |
842500790 | audacious | daring | |
842500791 | avarice | greediness for wealth | |
842500792 | beguile | mislead or delude/pass time | |
842500793 | blighted | suffering from a disease | |
842500794 | buttress | support | |
842500795 | carping | finding fault | |
842500796 | charlatan | pretender to knowledge | |
842500797 | coalesce | combine | |
842500798 | combustible | easily burned | |
842500799 | confluence | flowing together | |
842500800 | corrode | destroy by chemical action | |
842500801 | corrugated | alternating ridges | |
842500802 | culpable | deserving blame | |
842500803 | debunk | expose as false | |
842500804 | desiccate | dry up | |
842500805 | diffidence | shyness | |
842500806 | dilatory | delaying | |
842500807 | discourse | formal discussion | |
842500808 | disquiet | make uneasy | |
842500809 | distend | expand | |
842500810 | dupe | someone easily fooled | |
842500811 | edify | correct morally | |
842500812 | effervesce | inner excitement | |
842500813 | elegy | poem/song expressing lamentation | |
842500814 | elucidate | explain | |
842500815 | emaciated | thin and wasted | |
842500816 | emend | correct | |
842500817 | equanimity | calmness of temperament | |
842500818 | equitable | fair | |
842500819 | evanescent | fleeting | |
842500820 | fallow | uncultivated | |
842500821 | florid | ruddy | |
842500822 | foolhardy | rash | |
842500823 | iconoclastic | attacking cherished traditions | |
842500824 | ignominy | deep disgrace | |
842500825 | illicit | illegal | |
842500826 | impecunious | without money | |
842500827 | impregnable | invulnerable | |
842500828 | indefatigable | tireless |