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SAT II World History Flashcards

Key history terms from the Kaplan SAT II World History study guide.

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4835066056anthropologystudy of humans as a species0
4835066057artifactsobjects shaped by humans1
4835066058paleontologistsscientists who study fossilized remains2
4835066059radiocarbon dating (carbon 14 method)dating by measuring the amount of radiocarbon remaining in a fossilized skeleton3
4835066060thermoluminescent datingdating by measuring radioactivity released from electrons in heated flint and clay4
4835066061tree-ring dating (dendrochronology)dating by the growth rings in trees5
4835066062DNA datingdating by obtaining samples of DNA from living donors and comparing them to those of other, historical persons or animals6
4835066063Paleolithic AgeOld Stone Age, from when the first hominids appeared (3.2 million years ago) to 8000 BCE.7
4835066064Neolithic AgeAgricultural Age, beginning in 8000 BCE with the development of farming and specialization of labor8
4835066065Donald Johansondiscovered "Lucy" in Ethiopia in 19749
4835066066Australopitheceneshominid living at the beginning of the Paleolithic Age, of which "Lucy" is the best-known example10
4835066067Homo habilisfirst hominid to be classified in the "Homo" species, appearing about 2.5 million years ago11
4835066068Homo erectusfirst upright hominid, appearing about 1.4 million years ago, of which Java Man and Peking Man are examples12
4835066069Louis Leakeydiscovered Homo habilis skeletons in Tanzania13
4835066070Homo sapiens"wise hominid" appearing about 100,000 years ago, either all over the world or only in Africa; these hominids spoke more, used more tools, and discovered the use of fire; an example is Neanderthal man14
4835066071Homo sapiens sapiensa modern form of Homo sapiens, which developed in Europe and was diffused throughout the world by 90,000 BCE15
4835066072Neolithic Revolution (agricultural revolution)a movement of early humans settling down to farm around 8000 BCE, which allowed for the development of settlement and culture16
4835066073pastoral nomadisma form of subsistence agriculture based on herding domesticated animals17
4835066074specialization of laborthe gradual refining of skills and specialties in a society once a steady food supply has been established18
4835066075Jerichoearly agricultural and trade center in Palestine19
4835066076Catal Huyukmost advanced community of the Neolithic Age, with long-distance trade relationships and superior artisans20
4835066077civilizationa culture with advanced citied, skilled workers, complex institutions, a system of writing or alternate form of record keeping, and advanced technology21
4835066078Mesopotamiathe land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Iraq22
4835066079Sumerdelta of fertile soil in the southernmost reaches of Mesopotamia23
4835066080Fertile Crescentlarge belt of land between Mesopotamia and Egypt24
4835066081city-statessmall, self-governed units comprised of a city and the surrounding land25
4835066082zigguratcharacteristic architectural form of the Sumerians26
4835066083cuneiformSumerian system of writing27
4835066084polytheistichaving or worshiping multiple gods28
4835066085Epic of GilgameshSumerian poem, the first epic in world literature29
4835066086Sargon the GreatSemitic general who invaded and united Sumer, forming the Akkadian empire30
4835066087Akkadian empireempire formed of the united Sumerian city-states by Sargon the Great31
4835066088Babylonian empireempire following the Akkadian empire in the land of Sumer32
4835066089HammurabiBabylonian emperor who formed the first code of laws33
4835066090Code of HammurabiBabylonian code of laws34
4835066091Menesking of Upper Egypt who united the two kingdoms into one nation35
4835066092pharaohEgyptian ruler36
4835066093theocracygovernment in which the ruler is also worshiped as a god37
4835066094AkhenatenEgyptian pharaoh, living in the 1300s BCE, who attempted to introduce monotheism to Egypt38
4835066095hieroglyphicsEgyptian system of writing39
4835066096papyrusthin parchment made from Nile reeds40
4835066097Rosetta Stonestone inscribed in Greek and two forms of hieroglyphics, used to decipher Egyptian writing in the 1820s41
4835066098Jean Francois ChampollionFrench linguist who deciphered hieroglyphics using the Rosetta Stone in the 1820s42
4835066099Queen AhhotepEgyptian queen who helped drive out the Hyksos at the start of the New Kingdom43
4835066100HatshepsutEgyptian usurper and queen, noted for her promotion of trade and her elaborate building projects44
4835066101Harappa and Mohenjo-DaroIndus River Valley cities with a precise layout, abandoned circa 1900 BCE45
4835066102Aryansnomadic people from present-day Iraq and Afghanistan who invaded the Indus Valley46
4835066103Khyber Passpass through the Hindu Kush mountains, through which the Aryans entered the Indian subcontinent47
4835066104VedasAryan hymns and chants that later became part of the Hindu religion48
4835066105caste systemthe Hindu system of classifying people based on their jobs and birth49
4835066106brahminspriests, the highest rank of the Hindu caste system50
4835066107pariahsthe untouchables of the Hindu caste system51
4835066108purdahpublic isolation from non-family members as a religious practice52
4835066109satiritual suicide of widows53
4835066110karmagood or evil deeds54
4835066111Hinduismreligion teaching the illusion of the tangible world, the reincarnation of the soul based on karma, and the worship of gods such as Brahman, Shiva, and Vishnu55
4835066112dharmathe rules of each class in the Hindu caste system56
4835066113Jainismreligion teaching a belief in the sanctity of life57
4835066114Buddhismreligion teaching enlightenment through freedom from desire58
4835066115Four Noble Truths1.) All human life is filled with sorrow and suffering. 2.) Suffering is caused by desire. 3.) By rejecting desire, people progressing through a number of reincarnations can recognize nirvana, a state of perfect peace. 4.) Nirvana is attained by following the Eightfold Path.59
4835066116Eightfold PathRight faith, right intention, right speech, right action, right living, right effort, right mindfulness, and right meditation60
4835066117Mahayana Buddhismelaborately ritual form of Buddhism primarily practiced in Vietnam, Korea, and Japan61
4835066118Shanga nomadic Asian people who fought on horseback and in chariots62
4835066119loessyellow silt like that in the Huang He river63
4835066120oracle bonesbones used in ancient China to supposedly divine the will of the gods64
4835066121yinChinese concept for female65
4835066122yangChinese concept for male66
4835066123mandate of heavenconcept used by Chinese rulers to grant them the authority to rule67
4835066124ConfuciusChinese philosopher who founded Confucianism, preaching respect, education, and harmony68
4835066125Laoziphilosopher who may have founded Daoism69
4835066126Daoism (Taoism)philosophy based on following "the Way" and living in harmony with nature70
4835066127Legalismphilosophy based on the heavy use of government censorship and control71
4835066128Shang Yangfounder of Legalism72
4835066129Olmec civilizationearliest known American civilization, located in southern Mexico and known for its pyramids and huge stone heads73
4835066130Chavin civilizationAmerican civilization, located on the Peruvian coast and known for jade work and a complex trade system74
4835066131foragingsurviving off the land by hunting and gathering, without the use of agriculture75
4835066132empiremany territories and peoples controlled by one government76
4835066133terra cottaa hard unglazed brownish-red earthenware77
4835066134Hittitesa semi-nomadic group from central Asia who came to Turkey and started an empire78
4835066135Assyriansa warlike group who were known for their fierceness and cruelty79
4835066136Assyrian Empireland from Egypt and Palestine to western Persia (Iran)80
4835066137Bantua group of Nigerian farmers and herders who are best-known for their migration to sub-Saharan Africa81
4835066138Kushkingdom to the south of Egypt near the red sea, knows for trade and iron-working82
4835066139Noka West African people known for their terra cotta sculptures83
4835066140Abrahamfather of the Hebrews, who migrated from Ur to Canaan84
4835066141Mosesan Egyptian-raised Hebrew who led his people out of Egypt85
4835066142Exodusthe Hebrew flight from Egypt86
4835066143Ten CommandmentsHebrew (and Biblical) moral law87
4835066144Saulfirst king of the Hebrews88
4835066145DavidSaul's successor, best-known for his victory over Goliath and conquest of Jerusalem89
4835066146Solomonson of King David, famous for his high taxes and magnificent temple90
4835066148Kingdom of Israelnorthern ten tribes of the Hebrew kingdom; fell to the Assyrians92
4835066149Kingdom of Judahsouthern two tribes of the Hebrew kingdom; fell to the Chaldeans93
4835066150CyrusPersian king who allowed the people of Judah to return to their homeland94
4835066151monotheismworship of one god95
4835066152Yahwehsacred name of the Jewish God96
4835066153the Covenantpromise between Yahweh and the Jewish people97
4835066154Messiah"anointed one" prophesied to save the Jewish people from their sins98
4835066155TorahHebrew holy book99
4835066156Phoeniciansa group of Canaanites who settled along the Mediterranean (in modern-day Lebanon) and turned to the sea for their livelihood100
4835066157Carthageprosperous Phoenician colony on the coast of Northern Africa101
4835066158MinoansMediterranean people who settled on the island of Crete102
4835066159Mycenaeansa people who invaded Crete and conquered the Minoans, well known for their trade103
4835066160polisGreek city-state104
4835066161Homerthe writer of the Iliad and the Odyssey, usually described as blind105
4835066162helotsagricultural laborers in Sparta, usually captives from other states106
4835066163Spartaa warlike and disciplined city-state, descended from the Dorian culture107
4835066164ephorsfive Spartan leaders who ran the government108
483506616520-60age range in which Spartan men were required to serve in the military109
4835066166tyrantsrulers by total authority110
4835066167Solonearly Athenian reformer, a tyrant who established laws that prohibited slavery for debt and allowed most citizens to vote111
4835066168DracoAthenian reformer known for his strict law codes112
4835066169PisistratusAthenian reformer and tyrant who divided the estates of nobles among peasants and created new jobs113
4835066170CleisthenesAthenian reformer who created an assembly of citizens as well as a Council of 500 and promoted freedom of speech114
4835066171direct democracydemocracy in which all citizens may participate directly in the proposal and debate of new laws115
4835066172Persian empirelong-lasting and wealthy empire centered in present-day Iran116
4835066173Cyrusstrong Persian king who extended his empire through spy systems and led the Persians against the Medes117
4835066174King's Eyes and EarsKing Cyrus's spy network118
4835066175satrapsprovincial Persian governors119
4835066176ZoroastrianismPersian religion defining life as a struggle between good and evil120
4835066177AvestaZoroastrian holy book121
4835066178Darius Ithe greatest of the Persian rulers, who extended the empire into Macedonia and North Africa as well as introducing coinage and a calendar122
4835066179Royal RoadPersian-built road stretching 1600 miles from Ephesus to Susa and run by efficient couriers123
4835066180Zarathustrafounder of Zoroastrianism124
4835066181Xerxessuccessor of Darius I who continued and lost the Persian War125
4835066182Delian Leaguegroup of Greek poleis led by Athens126
4835066183Peloponnesian Leaguegroup of Greek poleis led by Sparta127
4835066184Periclesaristocrat who led Athens into an age of culture128
4835066185Peloponnesian Warwar between Athens and the Sparta/Corinth alliance, ending in a Spartan victory129
4835066186SocratesAthenian philosopher known for his method of systematic questioning130
4835066187Platostudent of Socrates known for "The Republic" and a theory of "aristocracy of intellectuals"131
4835066188Aristotlestudent of Plato known for his rules of logic and comprehensive study of many subjects132
4835066189hubrisexcessive pride or overconfidence133
4835066190Acropolishill atop which the Parthenon is situated134
4835066191Philip of Macedonnorthern European monarch who gained mastery over Greece after the Battle of Chaeronea135
4835066192Alexander the Greatconqueror and ruler of a large empire in the 330s BCE136
4835066193Hellenistic cultureculture made up of a combination of Greek and Persian, appearing after the unity of many cities during the reign of Alexander the Great137
4835066194mystery religionsEastern religions in Greek culture, known for their promise of eternal life138
4835066195CynicismGreek philosophy based on a return to simplicity and rejection of materialism139
4835066196StoicismGreek philosophy based on human brotherhood and virtuous living140
4835066197EpicureanismGreek philosophy based on the pursuit of genuine pleasure141
4835066198Zenofreed slave to whom the creation of Stoicism is attributed142
4835066199EuclidEgyptian Greek who wrote "Elements of Geometry143
4835066200Ptolemyastronomer and scientist who argued the geocentric theory144
4835066201patriciansupper class of Rome145
4835066202plebeianslower class of Rome, allowed to vote but at first banned from holding public offices146
4835066203consulstwo executive authorities of Rome, elected by the patricians147
4835066204Roman Senate300 patricians with the power to approve all major decisions148
4835066205Tribal Assemblyassembly of plebeians which elected the tribunes149
4835066206tribunesplebeian representatives150
4835066207Twelve Tablesearly Roman law, which established the basic republican concepts and served as a foundation for later additions151
4835066208legionsRoman military units of 5,000 to 6,000 foot soldiers152
4835066209Latinsconquered peoples living along the Tiber River, granted the right to full Roman citizenship153
4835066210First Punic Warwar between Rome and Carthage which began with a dispute over control of Sicily, continued through the organization of Rome's first navy, and ended with Carthage's defeat154
4835066211Second Punic Warwar between Rome and Carthage in which the Carthaginians marched through the Alps into Italy, only to be defeated, after heavy fighting, by the Romans155
4835066212HannibalCarthaginian general during the Second Punic War156
4835066213ScipioRoman general during the Second Punic War157
4835066214Third Punic Warwar between Rome and Carthage in which the vengeful Romans razed a weakened Carthage and enslaved its inhabitants158
4835066215latifundialarge estates captured by Rome159
4835066216Tiberius and Gaius Gracchustwo brother tribunes who devoted their careers to the relief of the Roman poor and were killed, along with most of their supporters, by the wealthy160
4835066217the Gracchianother name for the two Gracchus brothers161
4835066218Mariusconsul of Rome in the late 100s BCE, who substituted Rome's drafted army with a professional one and defeated Germanic invaders162
4835066219SullaRoman general who executed many of Marius's followers and acted as a military dictator163
4835066220Julius CaesarRoman leader who was a member of the first triumvirate, became a popular and generous consul, brought Gaul under Roman rule, and became dictator for life until his assassination164
4835066221first triumviratea trio of joint rulers of Rome, made up of the aristocrat Crassius, the general Pompey, and soon-to-be dictator Julius Caesar165
4835066222second triumviratea trio of joint rulers of Rome, made up of Octavian, Marc Antony, and Lepidus166
4835066223OctavianCaesar's nephew and a member of the second triumvirate, who forced Lepidus into retirement and became dictator of Rome167
4835066224Marc Antonya general and member of the second triumvirate who briefly controlled the east before submitting to Octavius168
4835066225AugustusOctavius's official name after he became dictator of Rome169
4835066226HadrianRoman emperor who erected defensive walls in northern Britain and central Europe and encouraged frontier people to join the army170
4835066227Marcus AureliusStoic philosopher and Roman emperor whose death ended the Pax Romana171
4835066228Praetorian Guarda small, elite Roman bodyguard which was stationed in Rome to protect the emperor172
4835066229ZealotsJewish citizens of Judea who wished to become a country independent of Rome173
4835066230Jesusreligious teacher and healer who started Christianity174
4835066231apostlesthe twelve disciples of Jesus175
4835066232GospelsBiblical books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John176
4835066233Paul of Tarsusthe greatest Christian missionary of the first century CE177
4835066235Masadafinal stronghold of the Jews before the Second Diaspora179
4835066236Second Diasporathe second forced dispersal of the Jewish people, this time from the Roman Empire and their homeland of Judea180
4835066237diocesegroup of local Catholic churches181
4835066238Peteran apostle who became the first bishop of Rome182
4835066239NeroRoman emperor who persecuted early Christians and was known for his insane cruelty183
4835066240Coptic Christianityan Ethiopian and Egyptian branch of Christianity which stressed belief in the divine nature of Christ184
4835066241Nestorian Christianitya Mediterranean and Asian branch of Christianity which stressed the humanity of Jesus185
4835066242Arianisma branch of Christianity which taught that Jesus had been a creation of God rather than a divinity who had coexisted with Him from eternity186
4835066243Nicene Creedstandardization of Christian beliefs, established by the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD187
4835066244St. Augustineearly Christian saint whose works helped define the teachings of the Christian Church188
4835066245Hunsa nomadic group from central Asia189
4835066246Attilaleader of the Huns who drove his people against the tribes surrounding the Roman empire190
4835066247SaxonsGermanic tribe which invaded northern Germany during the days of the Roman empire191
4835066248AnglesGermanic tribe which invaded England during the days of the Roman empire192
4835066249FranksGermanic tribe which invaded France during the days of the Roman empire193
4835066250VisigothsGermanic tribe which invaded Spain during the days of the Roman empire194
4835066251OstrogothsGermanic tribe which invaded Italy during the days of the Roman empire195
4835066252VandalsGermanic tribe which invaded North Africa during the days of the Roman empire196
4835066253barracks emperorsseries of 28 generals who led Rome during a hundred-year period of unrest197
4835066254DiocletianRoman emperor who persecuted the Christians and divided the struggling empire into East and West198
4835066255ConstantineRoman emperor who moved the capital to Constantinople and made Christianity a legal religion199
4835066256Battle of Adrianopleimportant battle in the last days of the Roman empire, in which the Visigoths destroyed the Roman army and killed its leader200
4835066257Battle of Chalonsbattle between the Huns and a combined force of Romans and Visigoths, in which the Huns were driven back but the Roman army was weakened beyond revival201
4835066258Empress LuHan ruler who seized and retained control over the throne by naming her infant sons as emperors202
4835066259Han Wudilongest-ruling of the Han rulers, who appointed provincial administrators to promote government efficiency203
4835066260Silk Roadsroads linking China to the Mediterranean world204
4835066261shischolar class of Han China205
4835066262Wang MangChinese warrior who briefly overthrew the Han dynasty before being himself overthrown by a peasant revolution206
4835066263Manichaeismancient religion blending beliefs of other major religions and honoring Jesus as the prophet of the Mediterranean, Buddha as the prophet of India, and Zarathustra as the prophet of Persia207
4835066264Chandragupta MauryaIndian conqueror after Alexander the Great, who formed the first centralized government in India208
4835066265Ashokagreatest of the Mauryan rulers, who converted to Buddhism and promoted a peaceful empire209
4835066266stupasshrines of stone built in India to house relics of the Buddha210

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