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SAT Physics Formulas Flashcards

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13921620231Newton's Second Law equationF=ma0
13921636390centripetal force equation1
13921781301friction equation2
13921954000gravity equationfg=m*g3
13922184816circle force/tension equationFc=T-Fg4
13978969024Magnitude of an electric force equationFE = qE5
13985457352Three Kinematic Equations∆X=Vit+½(at²) Vf=Vi+at Vf²=Vi ² +2a∆x6
1398552547330 60 90 triangle7
1405191443445 45 90 triangle8
140519150363 4 5 triangle9
14051938458Formula for projectile motiony=½gt²10
14051941133Range of a projectilex=vᵢₓt11
14051944582Maximum altitude of a projectile12
14051962169If a projectile returns to the original launch height, vf=vf=vi13
14051973794Solving for mass using the force of gravityFg=mg=w (weight)14
14051975805If you see an object at rest or a constant velocity & involving frictionf=F forward15
14051979871If you see an object accelerating & involving frictionf=µN16
14051982153If you see a stretched springHooke's law Fs=kx17
14051992030Constant velocity, at rest, or at equilibrium∑F=0 (Change in force = 0) a=0 (Acceleration = 0)18
14052002230Two object interacting means the force is...Equal and opposite to each object20
14052003291If you see an inclineFg‖=mg sinθ N=mg cosθ21
14052007990In uniform circular motion, Period (T) =T=t/(# of cycles)22
14052009492In uniform circular motion, Frequency (ƒ) =ƒ = (# of cycles)/t23
14052012229Speed/tangential velocity in uniform circular motion24
14052018060centripetal (radial) acceleration25
14052019768If you see circular motion and forces are mentionedFc=F(toward center)-F(away from center), set forces toward the center as + and those away as -26
14052024411If you see an object in a vertical circle and min speed (the top) is asked forFc=F(toward center)-F(away from center), Forces not gravity must be 027
14055880253To find the potential force of an electric fieldFᴇ=qE28
14055887189To find electric potential energyWE = ΔK = -ΔUE = -qΔV = -q(Vf − Vi) Work is positive if the charge is speeding up, and negative otherwise.29
14057696849To find the change in potential difference of moving chargesΔV = Vf − Vi30
14057712424To find work of a moving chargeW = ΔK = ΔUE or W = -q(Vf - Vi)31
14057722289Work is the...Change in kinetic energy, W = ΔK32
14057885927Conservation of energy½mvᴍᴀx²=q∆V33
14057919437Law of Conservation of EnergyK1 + U1 = K2 + U234
14058102723Capacity of plates is directly proportional to ______ and inversely proportional to _____________.area, distance of separation35
14058108020Formula for capacitance (of plates)36
14058132067To find the amount of charge in a capacitor,Q = CV (amount of charge = capacitance*potential)37
14058146872To find potential energy of a capacitor,38
14058887928Capacity of charged platesC = Q/V (Capacity = Charge/Potential difference)39
14058923638To find energy stored,Uᴄ=½QV=½CV²40
14139512577To find the voltage of a circuit (Ohm's law)V=IR (Voltage=Current*Resistance)41
14139516458To find power dissipated or heat/light generatedP=IV=V²/R42
14139524997The circuit that dissipates the most power will havethe least resistance43
14139888915Right hand rule (for wires and magnetic fields)Point your thumb in the direction of the current and your fingers will curl in the direction of the magnetic field44
14139893627In magnetic fields, Xs representFields going into a page45
14139894213In magnetic fields, dots representFields going out of a page46
14139963548To find the magnitude of an electric fieldB=µ₀/2π*I/r47
14139966654µ₀ =4π*10⁻⁷48
1413998076110 cm is how many meters?0.1 m49
14140250016To find the affect of a magnetic field on a moving charge,51
14190051125To find kinetic energy,K=½mv²52
14190065161To find normal potential energy,Ug=mgh53
14190103348To find elastic potential energy (springs),Ug=½kx²54
14190118086To find work,W=Favg*dparallel55
14190129159To find the work of gravityWg=mg∆h56
14190130486To find the work of a springW=∆(½kx²)57
14190137223To find the work or rate of energy use,P=W/t=∆E/t or P=Fd/t or P=Fv58
14190160124To find the work of kinetic friction,Wf=-Fk*d59
14190186225To find impulse,J=∆p=mvf-mvi You can also use the area of a force-time graph.60
14190228842To find momentum of an elastic or inelastic collision,61
14190249162To find momentum of a perfectly inelastic collision,62
14190260888To find the momentum of en explosion,63
14190265989If you see an elastic collision, rememberKinetic energy is conserved64
14190273560If you see an inelastic or perfectly inelastic collision, rememberKinetic energy is lost Klost=Ki-Kf65
14190283467To find the force of gravity in between two planets,Newton's law of universal gravitation66
14190290478To find gravity (g),g=G(M/r²) (M = planets mass and r=distance from cores)67
14190313939What is the universal gravitational constant (G)?68
14190331057To find orbit speed,69
14190350488Kepler's 3rd law isT² ∝r³ (period² is proportional to radius³)70
14190408837Magnetic fields runnorth to south71
14190413456To find the magnitude of a magnetic field,72
141904385182nd right hand ruleHold it flat with your index & thumb making a 90°>. Now, point your thumb int eh dir of the charges velocity and your fingers in the dir of the magnetic field lines. If your palm faces up, the force is coming out of the page. For negative charges, do the opposite.73
14190463676To find the effect of a magnetic field on a moving charge,74
14190468919To find the force of a magnetic field on a wire,And right hand rule #2.75
14190481638Currents in the same direction...attract76
14190497899To find magnetic flux,(magnetic field * Area)77
14190505103Moving a magnet or coil towards one another_________ the magnetic field.increases78
14190513995To find the period of an oscillator,T=(total time)/(# of oscillations) and T=1/f79
14190520706To find frequency of an oscillator,f=(# of oscillations)/(total time) and f=1/T80
14190538200To find restorative force,Hooke's law81
14190544085At a spring's equilibrium,Fs=Fg and kx=mg82
14190549530Formula for the period of springs:83
14190552157Formula for period of pendulums:84
14190558021When an oscillator reaches its max displacement,the potential energy is at it's max value85
14190585969To find wave velocity,v=fλ86
14190594652As a speaker moves towards a person,it sounds higher pitched.87
14190602527Upright images being reflected arealways virtual88
14190630531The angle that incident rays is...the same as the angle of reflected rays.89
14190634016The index of refraction can neverbe less than 190
14190637707The index of refraction for a vacuum is191
14190642107The index of refraction for air is192
14190644810Light entering a medium of a new density willRefract93
14190651829A pinhole camera createsA real inverted image on a film (screen)94
14190664484When an object is outside of the focal point of a converging (convex) lens or converging (concave) mirror, a _________, _______ image is created.real, inverted95
14190670739When an object is inside of the focal point of a converging (convex) lens or converging (concave) mirror, a _________, _______ image is created.real, upright96
14190674283A diverging (concave) lens or diverging (convex) mirror will create a _________, _______, _______ image.small, upright, virtual97
14190694428To find the index of refraction,(ratio of speed in vacuum/speed in medium)98
14190712229The critical angle is...the point at which light will be reflected back into it's original medium99
14190727127To find the critical angle,use Snell's law100
14190748358To find the magnification in a pinhole camera,M=(real height)/height in pic) = -(distance from object to hole)/(distance from hole to screen)101
14190757562To find the focal length,(do = object distance and di = image distance) or f=R/2 (Radius of curvature/2)102
14190789325When light bends around an opening, it's called _______.diffraction103
14190791128Young's Double Slit showed that...Light acts like a wave, with constructions and destructions.104
14190795691Light is ________.Polarized105
14190798282A red object will...Absorb all light but red, which it reflects.106
14190803371As a slit becomes closer to the width of a wavelength, the lightbecomes more circular107
14190805128Formula for double slit experimentsalso xm=(mλL)/d108
14190817567In single slit interference, the middle maximum is...Brighter than the others.109
14190819881Polarizing filtersblock light in one direction110
14190823608Two polarizing filters, with one 90° from the other, willblock all light.111

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