SAT Prep Semester 2
790723939 | adverse (ADJ) | in an opposing direction | |
790723940 | augment (V) | to make larger, increase | |
790723941 | aversion (N) | strong dislike; repugnance; antipathy | |
790723942 | debunk (V) | to expose the falseness of something | |
790723943 | deride (V) | to ridicule, laugh at with contempt | |
790723944 | euphoric (N) | a happy and peaceful state of mind | |
790723945 | facile (ADJ) | easily done or attained; easily shown but not sincerely felt | |
790723946 | foresight (N) | act of looking forward; prudence; power of seeing beforehand what is likely to happen. | |
790723947 | frugality (N) | act or behavior marked by economy, as in the expenditure of money/thriftiness | |
790723948 | glib (ADJ) | marked by ease or informality; nonchalant; lacking in depth; superficial | |
790723949 | impeccable (ADJ) | flawless; perfect | |
790723950 | stupefy (V) | to astonish, make insensible | |
790723951 | tangential (ADJ) | incidental, peripheral, divergent merely touching; slightly connected; digressive | |
790723952 | ameliorate V | to improve; make better | |
790723953 | delineate V | to outline; to lay out | |
790723954 | clemency N | mercy; lenience; forgiveness | |
790723955 | deterrent N | hindrance; something that discourages | |
790723956 | audacious ADJ | bold; daring | |
790723957 | contentious ADJ | quarrelsome | |
790723958 | garrulous ADJ | loquacious; wordy, overly talkative | |
790723959 | dutiful ADJ | respectful; obedient | |
790723960 | flagrant ADJ | conspicuously wicked | |
790723961 | incontrovertible ADJ | indisputable; not open to question | |
790723962 | mercurial ADJ | temperamental; bypolar | |
790723963 | prodigious ADJ | huge enormous, talented | |
790723965 | sagacious ADJ | smart, judicious | |
790723967 | reprehensible ADJ | reprimand-able; punishable q | |
790723969 | slothful ADJ | slow, sluggish | |
790723971 | hedonist N | a person who seeks pleasure above other values | |
790723973 | opulence N | abundance; extravagance | |
790723974 | deplore V | regret strongly | |
790723976 | embellish V | adorn; ornament | |
790723978 | husband V | to manage well | |
790723980 | quell V | defeat, suppress | |
790723981 | spurn V | turn away; ignore | |
790723983 | detrimental ADJ | not good; harmful; damaging | |
790723985 | furtive ADJ | sneaky; secretive | |
790723986 | insipid ADJ | lacking in flavor; dull | |
790723987 | officious ADJ | meddlesome; nosy; pushy | |
790723988 | pungent ADJ | stinging; sharp in taste or smell | |
790723989 | reticent ADJ | reserved; silent; hesitant | |
790723990 | supercilious ADJ | arrogant; condescending; patronizing | |
790723991 | Volatile ADJ | explosive; changeable | |
790723992 | astute ADJ | wise; shrewd | |
790723993 | conflagration N | a great fire | |
790723994 | buttress V | to support; prop up more support for an opinion | |
790723995 | relegate V | to assign | |
790723996 | vindicate V | free; clear from blame | |
790723997 | illusory ADJ | misleading, deceptive; lacking in or not based on reality | |
790723998 | tirade N | a long, angry speech, usually very critical | |
790723999 | abstruse ADJ | Obscure; profound; difficult to understand | |
790724000 | altruistic ADJ | Unselfishly generous; concerned for others | |
790724001 | bequeath V | Leave to someone by a will; hand down | |
790724002 | confound V | Confuse; puzzle | |
790724003 | devise V | Think up plan | |
790724004 | elusive ADJ | Evasive | |
790724005 | impetuous ADJ | Violent, rash | |
790724006 | lassitude N | Weariness | |
790724007 | obliterate V | Destroy | |
790724008 | predilection N | Preference | |
790724009 | prolific ADJ | Abundantly fruitful | |
790724010 | scrupulous ADJ | Extremely through | |
790724011 | veracity N | Truthfulness | |
790724012 | abstemious ADJ | Sparing in eating or drinking. | |
790724013 | fickle ADJ | Changeable; faithless | |
790724014 | gratuitous ADJ | Given freely; unwarranted; unprovoked | |
790724015 | impervious ADJ | Impenetrable; incapable of | |
790724016 | melancholy ADJ | Gloomy; morose; blue | |
790724017 | peripheral ADJ | Marginal; outer | |
790724018 | candor N | Frankness | |
790724019 | deference N | Courteous; regard for another's wish. | |
790724020 | abate V | Subside or moderate. | |
790724021 | belie V | To contract | |
790724022 | corroborate V | Confirm; support | |
790724023 | dissuade V | Advise against | |
790724024 | emulate V | Imitate; rival | |
790724025 | expedite V | Hasten; hurry | |
790724026 | parry V | Ward off blow; deflect | |
790724027 | recant V | Disclaim or disavow; retract a previous statement | |
790724028 | insatiable ADJ | incapable of being satisfied | |
790724029 | censorious ADJ | finding fault; judging harshly | |
790724030 | extraneous ADJ | Inessential; not constituting a vital part | |
790724031 | indolent ADJ | Disposed to avoid exertion; lazy; idle; lethargic | |
790724032 | infinitesimal ADJ | so small as to be almost immeasurable; minute | |
790724033 | voluble ADJ | Talkative, Having great fluency in speaking. | |
790724034 | affinity N | a spontaneous feeling of closeness | |
790724035 | tirade N | a long speech marked by harsh or biting language | |
790724036 | deprecate V | to express disapproval of | |
790724037 | repudiate V | to disown, reject, or deny the validity of |