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SAT Vocab 271-330 Flashcards

from Kaplan SAT Prep 2011

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696048835manneredadj - artificial or stilted in character
696048836mavericknoun - an independent individual who does not go along with a group
696048837mawkishadj - sickeningly sentimental
696048838megalomanianoun - obsession with great or grandiose performance
696048839mellifluousadj - having a smooth, rich flow
696048840microcosmnoun - a small scale representation of a larger system
696048841milieunoun - the physical or social setting in which something occurs or develops, evnironment
696048842misanthropenoun - a person who hates or distrusts mankind
696048843misnomernoun - an error in naming a person or place
696048844missivenoun - a written note or letter
696048845mitigateverb - to make less severe, make milder
696048846modicumnoun - a small portion, limited quantity
696048847mollifyverb - to soothe in temper or disposition
696048848mordantadj - biting and caustic in manner and style
696048849moresnoun - fixed customs or manners; moral attitudes
696048850moroseadj - gloomy, sullen
696048851motenoun - a small particle, speck
696048852mutabilitynoun - the quality of being capable of change, in form or character; susceptibility of change
696048853myopicadj - lacking foresight, having a narrow view or long-range perspective
696048854nebulousadj - vague, undefined
696048855necromancynoun - the practice of communicating with the dead in order to predict the future
696048856nefariousadj - intensely wicked or vicious
696048857neonatenoun - a newborn child
696048858nihilismnoun - the belief that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is useless; the belief that conditions in the social organization are so bad as to make destruction desirable
696048859nomenclaturenoun - a system of scientific names
696048860non sequiturnoun - a statement that does not follow logically from anything previously said
696048861noveladj - new and not resembling anything formerly known
696048862obdurateadj - stubbornly persistent, resistant to persuasion
696048863obfuscateverb - to confuse, make obscure
696048864obstinateadj - unreasonably persistent
696048865olfactoryadj - relating to the sense of smell
696048866oligarchynoun - a government in which a small group exercises supreme control
696048867onusnoun - a burden, an obligation
696048868opineverb - to express an opinion
696048869opportunistnoun - one who takes advantage of any opportunity to achieve and end, with little regard for principles
696048870opprobriousadj - disgraceful, shameful
696048871orneryadj - having an irritable disposition, cantankerous
696048872oscillateverb - to swing back and forth like a pendulum; to vary between opposing beliefs or feelings
696048873ossifyverb - to change into bone; to become hardened or set in a rigidly conventional pattern
696048874ostracizeverb - to exclude from a group by common consent
696048875oustverb - to remove from position by force; eject
696048876paeannoun - a tribute, a song or expression of praise
696048877palatialadj - relating to a palace; magnificent
696048878palimpsestnoun - an object or place having diverse layers or aspects beneath the surface
696048879palpableadj - capable of being touched or felt; easily perceived
696048880paltryadj - pitifully small or worthless
696048881panachenoun - flamboyance or dash in style and action
696048882pandemicadj - occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting a large portion of the population
696048883panegyricnoun - elaborate praise; formal hymn of praise
696048884paradigmnoun - an outstandingly clear or typical example
696048885paragonnoun - a model of excellence or perfection
696048886paramountadj - supreme, of chief importance
696048887pareverb - to trim off excess, reduce
696048888pariahnoun - an outcast
696048889patentadj - obvious, evident
696048890pathogenicadj - causing disease
696048891patricianadj - aristocratic
696048892patronizeverb - to act as patron of, to adopt an air of condescension toward; to buy from
696048893peculateverb - to embezzle
696048894pecuniaryadj - relating to money

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