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SAT Vocabulary I- AP English

Vocab List Test 1

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202299570allusionindirect reference
202299571ambivalenceuncertainty, having "mixed feelings"
202299572ambivalentunable to decide
202299574anecdoteshort account of something interesting, story
202299575anomalousodd; not fitting the pattern
202299576apparition"ghost"; something that appears
202299577aspersionnegative feeling; damaging remark
202299579bombastictoo elaborate; exaggerated
202299581capriciouschangeable; fickle
202299582cherishedcared for; firmly-held
202299583clicheover-used expression
202299584conception1. idea; view. 2. beginning of pregnancy
202299585convolutedcomplicated or long-winded
202299588currency1. widespread acceptance, 2. money
202299589decorousgood and correct (used of behavior)
202299590denunciationact of speaking out against
202299591derailedthrown off course
202299593despoticacting like a tyrant
202299595diaphanousvery thin and transparent
202299596dictumoften-used saying
202299597dilettanteperson who dabbles in the arts
202299598disdainedshowing contempt for
202299599dispassionateunbiased; fair
202299600dowageran elderly woman of elevate social status
202299602egalitarianequal; believer in equality
202299603elicitdraw out (used mainly for information or feelings)
202299604elliptical1. shaped like an ellipse, 2. indirect
202299605epitomizesacts as a typical example of
202299606equivocatespeak ambiguously/vaguely
202299607evasivenesstrying to avoid something
202299608explicitlyvery clear; nothing hidden
202299609foragingsearching for food
202299610hypotheticalbased on guesswork; not proven
202299611iconoclastperson who goes against accepted authority
202299612idiosyncraticquirky; unique to an individual
202299613imponderablecannot be understood
202299614indecorousnot well-behaved; lacking in dignity
202299615indigenceextreme poverty
202299617inherentinbuilt; genetic
202299619irrefutablecannot be proved wrong
202299620jingoismusing words to stir up exaggerated patriotism
202299622judiciousfair and equal
202299623lamentexpress regret over something
202299624loquacioustalkative; using too many words
202299626metaphoricalnot literal; figurative
202299627milieuenvironment; surroundings
202299628mitigatedmade less severe
202299629nascentjust begun; in an early stage of development
202299630nostalgialonging for the past
202299631obtrusiveeasily seen
202299632orthographicalconcerned with writing and spelling
202299633ossifiedbecome fixed and rigid
202299635palpablecan be felt
202299636pastoral1. concerned with the countryside, 2. concerned with the care a pastor gives to someone
202299637pedestrian1. boring (adj), 2. person who walks (n)
202299638perfidytreachery; betrayal
202299639profligacywasteful and immoral behavior
202299640prohibitivevery expensive
202299641prudencewisdom; caution
202299643purveyorone who sells something or causes something to spread
202299645respitebreak (from work etc.)
202299647sparsethin; not thick
202299649succumbinggiving in to; falling under the influence of
202299651tenacityfirmness of purpose
202299652transcendgo beyond a limit
202299654venerableworthy of respect
202299655viableworkable; able to live or grow
202299656visceralconcerned with the 'guts'; physical rather than mental

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