Vocab List Test 1
202299569 | accolade | praise | |
202299570 | allusion | indirect reference | |
202299571 | ambivalence | uncertainty, having "mixed feelings" | |
202299572 | ambivalent | unable to decide | |
202299573 | analogy | comparison | |
202299574 | anecdote | short account of something interesting, story | |
202299575 | anomalous | odd; not fitting the pattern | |
202299576 | apparition | "ghost"; something that appears | |
202299577 | aspersion | negative feeling; damaging remark | |
202299578 | belligerence | aggression | |
202299579 | bombastic | too elaborate; exaggerated | |
202299580 | candid | truthful | |
202299581 | capricious | changeable; fickle | |
202299582 | cherished | cared for; firmly-held | |
202299583 | cliche | over-used expression | |
202299584 | conception | 1. idea; view. 2. beginning of pregnancy | |
202299585 | convoluted | complicated or long-winded | |
202299586 | credence | belief | |
202299587 | cryptic | hidden | |
202299588 | currency | 1. widespread acceptance, 2. money | |
202299589 | decorous | good and correct (used of behavior) | |
202299590 | denunciation | act of speaking out against | |
202299591 | derailed | thrown off course | |
202299592 | derivative | unoriginal | |
202299593 | despotic | acting like a tyrant | |
202299594 | detritus | rubbish | |
202299595 | diaphanous | very thin and transparent | |
202299596 | dictum | often-used saying | |
202299597 | dilettante | person who dabbles in the arts | |
202299598 | disdained | showing contempt for | |
202299599 | dispassionate | unbiased; fair | |
202299600 | dowager | an elderly woman of elevate social status | |
202299601 | dubious | doubtful | |
202299602 | egalitarian | equal; believer in equality | |
202299603 | elicit | draw out (used mainly for information or feelings) | |
202299604 | elliptical | 1. shaped like an ellipse, 2. indirect | |
202299605 | epitomizes | acts as a typical example of | |
202299606 | equivocate | speak ambiguously/vaguely | |
202299607 | evasiveness | trying to avoid something | |
202299608 | explicitly | very clear; nothing hidden | |
202299609 | foraging | searching for food | |
202299610 | hypothetical | based on guesswork; not proven | |
202299611 | iconoclast | person who goes against accepted authority | |
202299612 | idiosyncratic | quirky; unique to an individual | |
202299613 | imponderable | cannot be understood | |
202299614 | indecorous | not well-behaved; lacking in dignity | |
202299615 | indigence | extreme poverty | |
202299616 | inept | clumsy | |
202299617 | inherent | inbuilt; genetic | |
202299618 | intricate | complicated | |
202299619 | irrefutable | cannot be proved wrong | |
202299620 | jingoism | using words to stir up exaggerated patriotism | |
202299621 | jubilant | joyful | |
202299622 | judicious | fair and equal | |
202299623 | lament | express regret over something | |
202299624 | loquacious | talkative; using too many words | |
202299625 | mendicancy | begging | |
202299626 | metaphorical | not literal; figurative | |
202299627 | milieu | environment; surroundings | |
202299628 | mitigated | made less severe | |
202299629 | nascent | just begun; in an early stage of development | |
202299630 | nostalgia | longing for the past | |
202299631 | obtrusive | easily seen | |
202299632 | orthographical | concerned with writing and spelling | |
202299633 | ossified | become fixed and rigid | |
202299634 | ostentatious | showy | |
202299635 | palpable | can be felt | |
202299636 | pastoral | 1. concerned with the countryside, 2. concerned with the care a pastor gives to someone | |
202299637 | pedestrian | 1. boring (adj), 2. person who walks (n) | |
202299638 | perfidy | treachery; betrayal | |
202299639 | profligacy | wasteful and immoral behavior | |
202299640 | prohibitive | very expensive | |
202299641 | prudence | wisdom; caution | |
202299642 | pugnacious | aggressive | |
202299643 | purveyor | one who sells something or causes something to spread | |
202299644 | resonance | echo | |
202299645 | respite | break (from work etc.) | |
202299646 | resurgence | revival | |
202299647 | sparse | thin; not thick | |
202299648 | stringent | strict | |
202299649 | succumbing | giving in to; falling under the influence of | |
202299650 | supercilious | arrogant | |
202299651 | tenacity | firmness of purpose | |
202299652 | transcend | go beyond a limit | |
202299653 | variegated | multicolored | |
202299654 | venerable | worthy of respect | |
202299655 | viable | workable; able to live or grow | |
202299656 | visceral | concerned with the 'guts'; physical rather than mental |