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SAT words 10/28- AP Lit

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220018357avaricegreed (noun)
220018359axioma self-evident truth that requires no proof (noun)
220018361balefulfull of menacing influences, pernicious (adj)
220018363banaldevoid of freshness or originality, trite (adj)
220018365bastiona well-fortified place (noun)
220018367belaborto explain, work at, or hit longer than is necessary (verb)
220018369beleaguerto surround with military forces (verb)
220018371belieto show to be false, to contradict, to misrepresent (verb)
220018373bellicoseinclined to fight, aggressively hostile (adj)
220018375belligerentwarlike (adj)
220018377benightedintellectually or morally ignorant, overtaken by darkness or night (adj)
220018379bequeathto pass something down by way of a will (verb)
220018381beseechto implore urgently, to beg (verb)
220018383bilkto defraud, to cheat (verb), a cheat or a swindler (noun)
220018385blandishto coax or cajole by gentle flattery (verb)
220018387blightthe cause of impairment, ruin, destruction or frustration, or the state of being so (noun)
220018389bonhomiefrank and simple good-natured manner, gentility (noun)
220018391boonsomething to be thankful for, a blessing (noun)
220018393bourgeoisthe middle class and associated values of money-motivated actions (noun), relating to such (adj)
220018395breachto break or rupture (verb) a break or a rupture (noun)
220018397briganda bandit of the mountains or forests (noun)
220018399brusqueabrupt in manner, curt, rough (adj)
220018401burgeonto grow or develop quickly, to flourish (verb)
220018403buttressa prop or support (noun), the action of supporting or propping (verb)
220018405cadencerhythmic flow of words that sounds pleasing to the ear (noun)
220018407cajoleto persuade by flattery, to wheedle or coax (verb)
220018409callowimmature or inexperienced (adj)
220018411capaciousspacious (adj)
220018413capitulateto give up resistance, to surrender (verb)
220018415capriciousgiven to quick changes in mood or opinion (adj)
220018417castigateto criticize or reprimand severely (verb)
220018419catharsisthe purging of emotional tensions through art, especially through tragedy (noun)
220018421catholicuniversal, or related to the Catholic Church (adj)
220018423cavalierknight (noun), offhanded, unceremonious, haughty (adj)
220018425centripetaldirected towards the center (adj)
220018427chagrina feeling of vexation because of disappointed expectations (noun), to feel so (verb)
220018429charlatana fake, a quack, a person who claims to know more than they do (noun)
220018431chicanerytrickery or deception by sophistry (noun)
220018433cholericextremely irritable or easily angered (adj)
220018435circumlocutionan indirect way of speaking, going around the point (noun)

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