Taken From Gruber's Complete Preparation for the New SAT
9542290 | abridge | To make shorter in words, keeping the essential features, leaning out minor particles. | |
9542291 | abstemious | sparing in consumption of especially food and drink | |
9542292 | accolade | a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction | |
9542293 | acquiesce | to agree or express agreement | |
9542294 | amass | collect or gather | |
9542295 | ambulatory | able to walk about | |
9542296 | ameliorate | get better | |
9542297 | amity | Friendship. | |
9542298 | antediluvian | a very old (or old fashioned) person | |
9542299 | ascendancy | controlling influence; position of controlling influence; CF. in the ascendant | |
9542300 | atrophy | any weakening or degeneration (especially through lack of use) | |
9542301 | bane | something causes misery or death | |
9542302 | blunder | utter impulsively | |
9542303 | bungle | spoil by behaving clumsily or foolishly | |
9542304 | burgeon | grow and flourish | |
9542305 | capitulate | surrender under agreed conditions | |
9542306 | clemency | Mercy. | |
9542307 | confound | confuse | |
9542308 | congeal | make or become stiff and solid | |
9542309 | corroborate | establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts | |
9542310 | converge | come together so as to form a single product | |
9542311 | daunt | cause to lose courage | |
9542312 | distend | To stretch out or expand in every direction. | |
9542313 | efface | remove completely from recognition or memory | |
9542314 | effervesce | form bubbles | |
9542315 | enigmatic | not clear to the understanding | |
9542316 | ephemeral | enduring a very short time | |
9542317 | evanescent | tending to vanish like vapor | |
9542318 | expedite | speed up the progress of | |
9542319 | expendable | easy to replace | |
9542320 | fallow | left unplowed and unseeded during a growing season | |
9542321 | fraudulent | intended to deceive | |
9542322 | garner | assemble or get together | |
9542323 | guile | shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception | |
9542324 | hackneyed | repeated too often | |
9542325 | hefty | large in amount or extent or degree | |
9542326 | irascible | characterized by anger | |
9542327 | jettison | to throw overboard; to dump | |
9542328 | kindle | cause to start burning | |
9542329 | levity | lack of seriouness; lightness | |
9542330 | listless | lacking energy | |
9542331 | maladroit | clumsy; not skillful; awkward; bungling | |
9542332 | mitigate | make less severe or harsh | |
9542333 | munificent | very generous | |
9542334 | myriad | very large number | |
9542335 | nefarious | extremely wicked | |
9542336 | parsimony | extreme stinginess | |
9542337 | paucity | an insufficient quantity or number, an insufficient quantity or number | |
9542338 | penury | extreme poverty | |
9542339 | placate | pacify; bring peace to; conciliate; appease | |
9542340 | proclivity | a natural inclination | |
9542341 | profuse | produced or growing in extreme abundance | |
9542342 | pulverize | destroy completely | |
9542343 | recalcitrant | marked by stubborn resistance to authority | |
9542344 | recant | to withdraw a statement or belief, renounce, retract | |
9542345 | rescind | repeal; annul; cancel (a law, decision, or agreement) | |
9542346 | saccharine | overly sweet | |
9542347 | salubrious | promoting health | |
9542348 | somber | Gloomy. | |
9542349 | spurn | have nothing to do reject or refuse | |
9542350 | stymie | hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of | |
9542351 | subpoena | A command, issued under a court's authority, to a witness to appear and give testimony. | |
9542352 | sumptuous | rich and superior in quality | |
9542353 | tantamount | Having equal or equivalent value, effect, or import. | |
9542354 | transient | enduring a very short time | |
9542355 | vilification | a rude expression intended to offend or hurt | |
9542356 | virulent | harsh or corrosive in tone | |
9542357 | whet | sharpen by rubbing, as on a whetstone | |
9542358 | zany | like a clown |