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SAT words Flashcards

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225972751aberrantone whose behavior departs substantially from the norm of a group0
225972752abscondTo depart suddenly and secretly, as for the purpose of escaping arrest.1
225972753adulteratecorrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance2
225972754aggrandizeto increase in greatness, power, or wealth; to build up or intensify; to make appear greater3
225972755ameliorateto make better4
225972756anachronismsomething located at a time when it could not have existed or occurred5
225972757anomalousdeviating from the general or common order or type6
225972758antipathythe object of a feeling of intense aversion (opposition, dislike)7
225972759asceticpractices self denial as spiritual discipline8
225972760assuageto make easier or milder, relieve; to quiet, calm; to put an end to, appease, satisfy, quench9
225972761audaciousBold, adventurous, recklessly daring10
225972762averto affirm, declare confidently11
225972763banalobvious and dull12
225972764burgeongrow and flourish13
225972765buttressmake stronger or defensible14
225972766commensuratecorresponding in size or degree or extent15
225972767complaisancea disposition or tendency to yield to the will of others16
225972768corroborateestablish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts17
225972769culpabilitya state of guilt18
225972770decimatekill in large numbers19
225972771defersubmit or yield to another's wish or opinion20
225972772desiccateremove water from21
225972773diatribethunderous verbal attack22
225972774diffidentlacking self-confidence23
225972775diffusecause to become widely known24
225972776digresslose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument in writing, thinking, or speaking25
225972777disabusefree somebody (from an erroneous belief)26
225972778discreteconstituting a separate entity or part27
225972779disinteresttolerance attributable to a lack of involvement28
225972780dissemblemake believe with the intent to deceive29
225972781dogmaa doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative30
225972782efficacycapacity or power to produce a desired effect31
225972783embellishmake more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.32
225972784equivocatebe deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information33
225972785emulatecompete with successfully34
225972786endemicnative to or confined to a certain region35
225972787enervateweaken mentally or morally36
225972788engenderto cause, to produce, to create37
225972789enigmasomething that baffles understanding and cannot be explained38
225972790ephemeralenduring a very short time39
225972791eruditehaving or showing profound knowledge40
225972792espousetake up the cause, ideology, practice, method, of someone and use it as one's own41
225972793eulogya formal expression of praise42
225972794fawna color varying around light grayish brown43
225972795feignednot genuine44
225972796floridelaborately or excessively ornamented45
225972797fosterhelp develop, help grow46
225972798garrulousfull of trivial conversation47
225972799guileshrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception48
225972800haranguea loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion49
225972801heresya belief that rejects the orthodox tenets of a religion50
225972802hieroglypha writing system using picture symbols51
225972803homogeneousall of the same or similar kind or nature52
225972804iconoclastsomeone who tries to destroy traditional ideas or institutions53
225972805imperviousnot admitting of passage or capable of being affected54
225972806implacableunable to be calmed down or made peaceful55
225972807inchoateonly partly in existence56
225972808insipidnot pleasing to the sense of taste57
225972809irasciblecharacterized by anger58
225972810laconicbrief and to the point59
225972811latencythe state of being not yet evident or active60
225972812laudableworthy of high praise61
225972813loquacitythe quality of being wordy and talkative62
225972814lucidcapable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner63
225972815magnanimityliberality in bestowing gifts64
225972816malevolentwishing or appearing to wish evil to others65
225972817misanthropesomeone who dislikes people in general66
225972818misera stingy hoarder of money and possessions (often living miserably)67
225972819mitigatemake less severe or harsh68
225972820mollifymake more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else69
225972821mundanebelonging to this earth or world70
225972822obdurateshowing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings71
225972823obviateprevent the occurrence of72
225972824occludeblock passage through73
225972825pedanta person who pays more attention to formal rules and book learning than they merit74
225972826perennialrecurring again and again75
225972827placatecause to be more favorably inclined76
225972828pragmaticguided by practical experience and observation rather than theory77
225972829precariousaffording no ease or reassurance78
225972830precipitatebring about abruptly79
225972831precursoran indication of the approach of something or someone80
225972832prevaricateto deliberately avoid the truth; to mislead81
225972833probitycomplete and confirmed integrity82
225972834profundityintellectual depth83
225972835propensitya natural inclination84
225972836propitiatemake peace with85
225972837proximitythe property of being close together86
225972838prudentshowing wise self-restraint in speech and behavior especially in preserving silence87
225972839quiescencequiet and inactive restfulness88
225972840rarefymake more subtle or refined89
225972841repudiaterefuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid90
225972842sanctionofficial permission or approval91
225972843speciousplausible but false92
225972844succinctbriefly giving the gist of something93
225972845tractablereadily reacting to suggestions and influences94
225972846turpitudea corrupt or depraved or degenerate act or practice95
225972847unfetterednot bound by shackles and chains96
225972848venerateregard with feelings of respect and reverence97
225972849vindictivedisposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge98
225972850wheedleinfluence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering99

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