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Scarlet Letter Vocabulary

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97910970congenialagreeable, suitable, or pleasing in nature or character
97910971heterodoxnot in accordance with established or accepted doctrines or opinions
97910972inauspiciousill-omened; unfavorable
97910973venerablecommanding respect because of great age or impressive dignity
97910974haughtydisdainfully proud; snobbish
97910975ignominydisgrace; dishonor
97910976iniquitygross injustice or wickedness
97910978eminencehigh station, rank or repute
97910979amenableready or willing to answer or act
97910980tempestuoustumultuous; turbulent
97910981infamyextremely bad reputation, public reproach, or strong condemnation as the result of a shameful criminal, or outrageous act
97910982ingenuitythe quality of being cleverly inventive or resourceful
97910983superfluousbeing more than is sufficient or required; excessive
97910984insidiousintended to entrap or beguile
97910985capricea sudden, unpredictable change
97910986enmitya feeling or condition of hostility; hatred; ill will; animosity; antagonism
97910987pallidpale; faint or deficient in color
97910988melancholya gloomy state of mind, especially when habitual or prolonged; depression
97910989expatiatingto enlarge in discourse or writing; to be copious in description or discussion
97910990retributionrequital according to merits or deserts, especially for evil
97910991ferventhaving or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm, etc.
97910992vigila purposeful surveillance to guard or observe
97910993ominousportending evil or harm; foreboding; threatening; inauspicious
97910994inimicaladverse in tendency or effect; unfavorable; harmful
97910995palliateto relieve or lessen without curing; mitigate; alleviate
97910996diabolicaldevilish; fiendish; outrageously wicked
97910997ethereallight, airy, or tenuous
97910998odiousdeserving or causing hatred; hateful; detestable
97910999eruditecharacterized by great knowledge; learned or scholarly
97911000imputeto attribute or ascribe
97911001scurrilousgrossly or obscenely abusive
97911002abaseto reduce or lower, as in rank, office, reputation, or estimation; humble; degrade
97911003imploreto beg urgently or piteously, as for aid or mercy; beseech; entreat
97911004propinquitynearness in place; proximity
97911005acridsharp or biting to the taste or smell; bitterly pungent; irritating to the eyes, notes, etc.
97911006mollifyto soften in feeling or temper, as a person; pacify; appease
97911007vivaciouslively; animated; gay
97911008misanthropyhatred, dislike, or distrust of humankind
97911009vestigea mark, trace, or visible evidence of something that is no longer present or in existence
97911010cholericextremely irritable or easiy arranged; irascible
97911011trammela hindrance or impediment to free action; restraint
97911012mutabilityliable or subject to change or alteration
97911013vicissitudea change or variation occuring in the course of something
97911014consternationa sudden, alarming amazement or dread that results in utter confusion; dismay
97911015mirthfuljoyous; gay; jolly
97911016necromancya method of divination through alleged communication with the dead
97911017apotheosizeto deify; glorify
97911018escutcheona shield or shieldlike surface on which a coat of arms is depicted
97911019penitencethe state of being penitent; regret for one's wrongdoing or sinning; contrition; repentance

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