Flash cards based off of the power point slides downloaded in the file "Skeletal System" as well as the notes written down for the class periods discussing the chapter.
872055483 | Bone | One of the four parts of the skeletal system. Responsible for supporting the body, protecting soft organs, providing a place for skeletal muscles to attach, storing minerals and fats, and providing a place for blood cell formation. (206 bones present) | 0 | |
872055484 | Compact bone | One of the two types of bone tissue. Hard material covering the outside of bones. | 1 | |
872055531 | Spongy Bone | Small needle-like pieces of bone. Contains many open spaces. | 2 | |
872055532 | Long Bone | A type of bone shape classification. They are long in shape and consist of bones such as the femor and the humerus. (A in picture) | 3 | |
872055703 | Flat Bones | A type of bone shape classification. They are strong, flat plates of bone providing protection to many organs of the body. The scapular and parietal bone of the skull are all flat bones.(C in picture) | 4 | |
872055704 | Short Bones | A type of bone shape classification. They are as long as they are wide. They provide support and stability, and therefore do not move. | 5 | |
872055705 | Irregular Bones | A type of bone shape classification. They are all bones which do not fit into any category. | 6 | |
872055706 | Diaphysis | The shaft of the bone which is composed of compact bone. | 7 | |
872055707 | Epiphysis | Composed mostly of spongy bone, ends at epiphyseal line. | 8 | |
872055708 | Periosteum | A dense connective tissue wrapping, also how blood vessels get in. | 9 | |
872055709 | Medulla (Medulla cavity) | Center cavity of the bone. | 10 | |
872055710 | Red Bone Marrow | Bone marrow which is involved in the active development of blood cells. | 11 | |
872055711 | Yellow Bone Marrow | Bone marrow which is high in fat/adipose tissue. | 12 | |
872055712 | Endosteum | Similar to periosteum, it is a sense connective tissue fiber deeper than the periosteum. (endo= inside) | 13 | |
872055713 | Sharpey's Fibers | Fibers which secure periosteum to underlying bone. | 14 | |
872055714 | Arteries | Supply bone cells with nutrients and take calcium away to muscles and nerves. | 15 | |
872055715 | Surface features of bones are used as.... | Sites for attachments of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. | 16 | |
872055716 | Projection or Process | Bone growth out from the bone surface. For example, bone that "sticks out" (crest, tuberosity, tubercle, spine, trochanter) | 17 | |
872055717 | Depression or Cavity | Indentations in bones. (fossa, groove, fissure, foramen) | 18 | |
872055718 | Osteon | A unit of bone. | 19 | |
872055719 | Central (Haversian) Canal | An opening in the center of an osteon which carries blood vessels and nerves. | 20 | |
872055720 | Perforating (Volkmann's) Canal | Canal perpendicular to the central canal, it carries blood vessels and nerves. | 21 | |
872055721 | Lamellae | A layer of bone within an osteon. | 22 | |
872055722 | Matrix | The intercellular material in which the cells and fibers of connective tissue are embedded. | 23 | |
872055723 | Sharpey's Fibers | Fibers which secure periosteum to underlying bone. | 24 | |
872055724 | Osteocytes | Mature bone cells. | 25 | |
872055725 | Osteoblasts | Bone forming cells. | 26 | |
872055726 | Osteoclasts | Bone-destroying cells. They break down the bone matrix for remodeling and the release of calcium. | 27 | |
872055727 | Bone Remodeling | A continual process accomplished through osteoblasts and osteoclasts. It is regulated by weight bearing exercise and parathyroid hormone. | 28 | |
872055728 | Embryo Skeleten | A skeletan primarily composed of hyaline cartilage which is then replaced by bone. (cartilage remains in bridge of nose, parts of ribs, and joints) | 29 | |
872055729 | Epiphyseal Plates | Plates which allow for growth of long bone during childhood. | 30 | |
872055730 | Chondrocytes | Cells which continuously form cartilage. | 31 | |
872055733 | Ossify | To turn into bone or bony tissue. Older cartilage is broken down by osteoclasts and replaced with bone. | 32 | |
872055734 | Closed (simple) Fracture | A bone break that does not penetrate the skin | 33 | |
872055735 | Open (compound) Fracture | A bone break which penetrates through the skin | 34 | |
872055736 | Comminuted Fracture | Bone shatters into mallible pieces | 35 | |
872055737 | Compression Fracture | A bone fracture which usually happens in vertebra. Bone is crushed or collapses. | 36 | |
872055738 | Impacted Fracture | Bone fragments drive into each other. | 37 | |
872055740 | Spiral Fracture | A fracture caused by a twisting force. One end of the bone extremity remains planted while the other is in motion. | 38 | |
872055741 | Greenstick | A bone fracture in which the bone bends and partially breaks. | 39 | |
872055837 | Hematoma Formation | The first stage in the healing a bone structure. (The inflammation stage) | 40 | |
872055838 | Hematoma | A mass of clotted blood that forms in an organ, tissue, or body space. | 41 | |
872055839 | Fibrocartilage Callus Formation | The second stage of bone healing. (The soft callus phase) | 42 | |
872055840 | Fibrocartilage Callus | A temporary formation of fibroblasts and chondroblasts. | 43 | |
872055842 | Bony Callus Formation | The third stage of bone healing. (the hard callus phase) | 44 | |
872055843 | Bony Callus | A collection of woven bony tissue which will eventually form into bone. | 45 | |
872055844 | Bone Remodeling | The final stage of the bone healing process. Over time bone is remodeled by osteoclasts and osteoblasts. | 46 | |
872055845 | Axial Skeleton | A group of bones that consist on the central axis of the organism. | 47 | |
872055846 | Appendicular Skeleton | Consists of the bones associated with appendages | 48 | |
872055849 | Paranasal Sinuses | A group of sinuses which lighten the skull and give resonance and amplification to the voice. | 49 | |
872055850 | Frontal Sinus | Mucosa lined air spaces located above the eye brows. | 50 | |
872055851 | Ethmoid Sinus | Mucosa lined air spaces located above the Sphenoid Sinus and below the frontal sinus. | 51 | |
872055852 | Sphenold Sinus | Mucosa lined air spaces located above the maxillary sinus and below the ethmoidal sinus. | 52 | |
872055853 | Maxillary Sinus | Mucosa lined air spaces located in the cheeks below all other sinuses. | 53 | |
872055854 | The Bone Thorax | Name for three structures within the thoracic area: sternum, ribs, thoracic vertebrea. | 54 | |
872055855 | Fontanelles | Fibrous membranes which connect the cranial bones and allow brain growth. They turn to bone within 24 months after birth. | 55 | |
872055856 | Cervical Spine | The top most vertebrae of the spin which is referred to as C1 - C7 (Numbers are subscripted) | 56 | |
872055857 | Thoracic spine. | The second lowest grouping of vertebrae of the spine. Referred to as T1-T12 | 57 | |
872055858 | Lumbar Spine | The third lowest grouping of vertebrae in the spine. Referred to as L1-L5. | 58 | |
872055956 | Sacrum Spine | The fourth lowest grouping of vertebrae in the spine. These consist of 5 fused vertebrae. | 59 | |
872055957 | Coccyx Spine | The lowest grouping of vertebrae in the spine. Also known as the tail bone. It consists of 4 fused vertebrae. | 60 | |
872055960 | Transverse Arch | An arch of the foot running from one side to another. Shown by the line from A to B | 61 | |
872055961 | Medial Longitudinal Arch | An arch of the foot running from the heel to the big toe on the inside of the foot. Shown from the line from A to C. | 62 | |
872055962 | Lateral Longitudinal Arch | An arch of the foot running from the heel to the pinky toe on the outside of the foot. Shown from the line from B to C. | 63 | |
872055963 | Ligaments | Connective tissue which attaches bones together. | 64 | |
872055964 | Tendons | Connective tissue which connects muscle to bone. | 65 | |
872055965 | Ways joints are classified.... | Functionally and structurally are ways to classify.... | 66 | |
872055966 | Joints | Structures in the body which hold bones together, allow for mobility, and absorb heat/friction | 67 | |
872055967 | Synarthroses | Joints which are immovable. | 68 | |
872055968 | Amphiarthroses | Joints which are slightly moveable | 69 | |
872055969 | Diarthroses | Freely moveable joints | 70 | |
872055971 | Fibrous Joints | Joints in which bones are united by fibrous tissue. They are generally immovable. Examples are sutures, or syndesmoses joints. | 71 | |
872055973 | Syndesmoses | A fibrous joint having fibrous tissue in between the joints. The collagen fibers are longer allowing more movement. Example: Distal end of tibia and fibula. | 72 | |
872055974 | Cartilaginous Joints | Joints which have bones connected by cartilage. Usually hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage are between them. They are immovable or slightly movable. Examples: Public symphysis, intervertrebral joints. | 73 | |
872055975 | Synovial Joints | Freely moveable joints. The articulating bones are separated by a joint cavity. Synovial fluid is join in this cavity. | 74 | |
872055976 | Acromion of the Scapula | Contains a ligament connecting the joint. | 75 | |
872055977 | Articular (hyaline) Cartilage | One of the four forms of cartilage. It is responsible for decreasing friction and distributes load. | 76 | |
872055978 | Fibrous Articular Capsule | The outer fibrous part of the capsule of a synovial joint, which may in places thicken to form capsular ligaments. | 77 | |
872055979 | Synovial Membrane | Made of areolarconnective tissue, this membrane is responsible for making synovial fluid. Pressure (weight bearing exercise) helps to create that synovial fluid. (all green structures in the diagram can be considered synovial membranes) | 78 | |
872055980 | Synovial Fluid | A viscous substance containing water and sugary proteins. Responsible distributing nutrients and aiding in lubricating the joint. | 79 | |
872055982 | Bursa | A small synovial fluid filled sack. Allows the bones to interact in unique ways to increasing its ability to move and slide over itself. Highly moveable joints have these. | 80 | |
872055984 | Tendon Sheath | A sheath places around specific dense connective tissue separating it (with areolar connective tissue) from other dense connective tissue so that the similar tissue do not get stuck together. | 81 | |
872055987 | Plane Joint | A type of joint in which two articulating bones have flat surfaces as they meet one another. Considered nonaxial and have limited mobility. Example: Carpals | 82 | |
872055988 | Hinge Joint | Joints in which the surface of one bone fits into another and allows movement in one axis or direction. Example: Humerus | 83 | |
872055989 | Pivot Joint | A type of joint in which one bone fits into another allowing a pivoting motion in one axis to take place. Example: Ulna or radius | 84 | |
872055990 | Condyloid Joint | Bi-axial joint joint in which a round joints meet each other. Example: metacarpal and phalanx | 85 | |
872055991 | Saddle Joint | A bi-axial joint shaped like a saddle. Allows multiple movements. Example:Carpal and metacarpal 1 | 86 | |
872055992 | Ball-and-socket Joint | Known as the most moveable joint. Example: Head of humerus, and scapula | 87 | |
872056145 | Bursitis | Inflammation of the bursa usually caused by a blow or friction | 88 | |
872056146 | Tendonitis | Inflammation of tendon sheaths. | 89 | |
872056147 | Arthritis | Inflammatory or degenerative disease of joints. Over 100 different types. | 90 | |
872056148 | Osteoarthritis | Most common chronic arthritis which is probably related to the normal aging process. Cartilage is worn down from constant years of use. | 91 | |
872056149 | Rheumatoid Arthritis | An autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the joints. Symptoms begin with bilateral inflammation of certain joints. Often leads to deformities. | 92 | |
872056150 | Gout | A form of arthritis in which inflammation of joints is caused by a deposition of urate crystals from the blood. Can usually be controlled with diet. | 93 |