272753307 | acariciar | to caress/ to stroke/ to pet | |
272753309 | alcanzar | to reach/ to over take | |
272753311 | aplastar | to crush/ to flatten | |
272753312 | arrastrar | to drag | |
272753314 | arrodillarse | to kneel | |
272753316 | atreverse a | to dare | |
272753318 | balbucear | to stammer/ to babble | |
272753320 | castigar | to punish | |
272753322 | colocar | to place/ to set | |
272753323 | confiar en alguien | to entrust | |
272753325 | contradecir | to contradict | |
272753327 | dar a la luz | to give birth | |
272753328 | decepcionar | to disappoint | |
272753330 | desempeñarse | to carry out/ to act | |
272753332 | durar | to last | |
272753334 | engañar | to deceive/ to trick | |
272753336 | estar a solas | to be by oneself | |
272753338 | hacerse cargo de algo | to put yourself in charge of something | |
272753340 | heredar | to inherit | |
272753341 | herir | to injure | |
272753343 | hundirse | to collapse/ to sink/ to devastate | |
272753345 | invertir | to reverse/ to invest | |
272753347 | lograr | to achieve | |
272753349 | llevarse bien | to get along well | |
272753350 | merecer | to merit/ to deserve | |
272753352 | odiar | to hate | |
272753354 | parecerse a | to look alike | |
272753356 | pertenecer | to belong | |
272753358 | proponerse | to propose | |
272753360 | rezar | to pray | |
272753362 | soportar | to endure | |
272753364 | vencer | to overcome | |
272753365 | arrepentirse | to repent/ to ask for forgiveness | |
272753367 | ahorro | savings | |
272753369 | alma | soul | |
272753371 | ama | master/ owner | |
272753373 | ámbito | scope | |
272753374 | anfitrión,-a | host | |
272753376 | bienes | goods | |
272753378 | campana | bell | |
272753380 | codicia | greed | |
272753381 | comportamiento | behavior | |
272753383 | convento | convent | |
272753385 | carrera | race | |
272753387 | derecho | right | |
272753388 | encierro | confinement/ enclosure | |
272753390 | escaso | scarce | |
272753392 | esfuerzo | effort | |
272753394 | esperanza | hope | |
272753396 | fondo | background | |
272753398 | lazo | loop/ laces | |
272753399 | luto | mourning/ grief | |
272753401 | malgastar | waste | |
272753403 | mejilla | cheek | |
272753405 | monja | nun | |
272753407 | pasillo | corridor | |
272753409 | pecado | sin | |
272753411 | pestañas | lashes | |
272753413 | razonamiento | reasoning | |
272753414 | rechazo | rejection | |
272753416 | rincón | corner | |
272753418 | rostro | face | |
272753420 | sinfin | endless | |
272753422 | soledad | loneliness | |
272753424 | travesura | mischief | |
272753426 | vela | candle | |
272753428 | viudo,-a | widower | |
272753429 | voluntad | will | |
272753431 | aterrado,-a | terrified | |
272753433 | burlón,-a | mocking | |
272753435 | culpable | guilty | |
272753437 | desnudo,-a | naked | |
272753439 | perdurable | lasting | |
272753441 | propio | own | |
272753442 | rechoncho | chubby | |
272753444 | retorcido | twisted | |
272753446 | salvaje | wild | |
272753448 | solapado | underhanded | |
272753450 | trasero | back | |
272753452 | tras | after (in a list) | |
272753453 | con respecto a | with respect to | |
272753455 | darse por vencido | to give up | |
272753457 | acción | stock | |
272753459 | a fondo | thoroughly | |
272753460 | al cabo de | at the end of | |
272753462 | al final de | at the end of | |
272753464 | de luto | in morning/ grief | |
272753465 | por eso | therefore | |
272753467 | proveniente | from | |
272753469 | el/la cobarde | cowardly/ coward | |
272753471 | el contratista | contractor | |
272753473 | el coyote | coyote | |
272753474 | el desafío | defiance/ challenge | |
272753476 | el fracaso | failure | |
272753478 | el gemelo | twin | |
272753480 | la habilidad | ability/ skill/ talent | |
272753481 | la herencia | inheritance/ heritage | |
272753483 | el logro | accomplishment | |
272753485 | la mueca | grimace | |
272753487 | la nave | ship | |
272753489 | el obrero | worker/ laborer | |
272753491 | la olla | pot | |
272753492 | la política | politics/ policy | |
272753494 | el porvenir | future | |
272753496 | la razón | reason | |
272753498 | el sudor | perspire/ sweat | |
272753500 | alienado | alienated | |
272753502 | ambiental | environmental | |
272753504 | despreciable | negligible | |
272753505 | encarcelado | imprisoned | |
272753507 | güero | blond | |
272753509 | indocumentado | undocumented | |
272753511 | mojado | wet | |
272753512 | mundial | world/ worldly | |
272753514 | orgulloso | proud | |
272753516 | adelantar | advance | |
272753518 | admitir | admit | |
272753519 | ahogarse | drown | |
272753521 | amarrar | to tie up | |
272753523 | apostar | to bet | |
272753525 | aprovecharse de | to take advantage of | |
272753526 | atravesar | to cross | |
272753528 | dar por sentado/a | to take for granted | |
272753530 | deslizarsele de | to slip | |
272753531 | empacar | to pack | |
272753533 | empeorar | to worsen | |
272753535 | entregar | to deliver | |
272753536 | matricular | to sign-up/ to register | |
272753538 | mejorar | to improve | |
272753540 | mudarse | to move/ to change residence | |
272753541 | oprimir | to press | |
272753543 | pronosticar | to predict | |
272753545 | quedarse | to stay | |
272753546 | recoger | to pick | |
272753548 | rendirse | to surrender | |
272753550 | tener derecho a infinitive | to have a right to... | |
272753552 | toser | to cough | |
272753554 | cachivaches | junk | |
272753556 | de segunda | second hand/ used | |
272753558 | según | according to | |
272753560 | concreter | to be specific | |
272753562 | de provecho | luckily | |
272753564 | el abanico | fan | |
272753566 | el aceite bronceador | tanning oil | |
272753568 | el andén | train station platform | |
272753570 | la arena | sand | |
272753572 | el blusón (de toalla) | (terry-cloth) robe | |
272753574 | el caballero | gentleman | |
272753576 | las caderas | hips | |
272753578 | los calzones | female underwear | |
272753580 | el cuadro | frame/ square | |
272753582 | la dama | lady | |
272753584 | el delantal | uniform/ apron | |
272753586 | el desamparado | homeless man | |
272753588 | el escenario | the stage | |
272753590 | el fundo | piece of real estate | |
272753592 | el juicio | judgment | |
272753594 | la nana | boo-boo/ ouchie | |
272753595 | la ola | wave | |
272753597 | la orilla | shore | |
272753599 | la patada | kick | |
272753601 | el peinado | hairdo | |
272753603 | la riña | fight | |
272753605 | la sombra | shadow/ shade | |
272753607 | la ternura | affection | |
272753609 | la tontería | foolishness | |
272753611 | la tez | complexion | |
272753612 | ahogarse | to drown | |
272753615 | aprovecharse de | to take advantage of/ to enjoy | |
272753617 | arrendar (ie) | to rent/ to lease | |
272753618 | atinar | to hit upon | |
272753620 | atreverse a | to dare to | |
272753622 | corregir | to correct/ to admonish/ to scold | |
272753624 | dirigirse a | to go toward | |
272753626 | desabrocharse | to unfasten | |
272753627 | despedir | to fire/ to dismiss | |
272753629 | despedirse de | to say goodbye to | |
272753631 | encogerse | to shrug | |
272753633 | ensuciarse | to get dirty | |
272753635 | envolver | to wrap | |
272753637 | forcejear | to struggle | |
272753639 | hojear | to page through | |
272753641 | ojear | to look over/ to eye | |
272753643 | incorporarse/levantarse | to get up | |
272753645 | jugar a paco-ladrón | to play cops and robbers | |
272753646 | lanzar una carcajada | to burst out laughing | |
272753648 | meterse en | to get involved in | |
272753650 | recapacitar | to think over | |
272753651 | repartir | to distribute | |
272753652 | reprobar | to disapprove | |
272753653 | retirarse de | to move away from | |
272753654 | silbar | to whistle | |
272753655 | suceder/pasar/ocurrir/acontecer | to happen | |
272753656 | tenderse | to stretch out | |
272753657 | tirar/arrojar/lanzar | to throw | |
272753658 | tutear | to use the tú form | |
272753659 | veranear | to take a summer vacation | |
272753660 | vigilar | to watch over | |
272753661 | volverse loco | to go crazy | |
272753662 | agotado | exhausted/ used up/ run out | |
272753663 | espantoso | horrible | |
272753664 | taimado | sullenly/ gloomishly/ downcast | |
272753665 | adelante | ahead | |
272753666 | al fondo | in the back | |
272753667 | al principio | in the beginning | |
272753668 | atrás | behind | |
272753669 | frente a | across from | |
272753670 | a viva fuerza | by sheer strength/ brute force | |
272753671 | con deleite | with pleasure | |
272753672 | de ninguna manera | out of the question/ no way | |
272753673 | desafortunadamente | unfortunately | |
272753674 | ¡Esto es el colmo! | This is it! | |
272753675 | ni siquiera | not even | |
272753676 | sobre todo | especially | |
272753677 | sumamente | extremely | |
272753678 | ¡Todo da lo mismo! | It's all the same! | |
272753679 | acabar con | to put an end to/ to finish | |
272753680 | acabar de (inf.) | to just (inf.) | |
272753681 | amontonar | to pile up | |
272753682 | apartar | to separate | |
272753683 | carecer(z) de | to lack | |
272753684 | demorar | to delay/ to take the amount of time | |
272753685 | derramar | to shed/ to spill | |
272753686 | deslizar | to slide | |
272753687 | destacar(se) | to stand out/ to highlight/ to emphasize | |
272753688 | envejecer | to age | |
272753689 | estallar | to explode | |
272753690 | estar a punto de | to be about to | |
272753691 | fallecer(z) | to pass away/ to die | |
272753692 | funcionar | to function | |
272753693 | engordar | to fatten/ to gain weight | |
272753694 | hacer clic | to click (as in a computer mouse) | |
272753695 | mantener(se) | to maintain | |
272753696 | navegar | to sail/ to navigate/ to surf/ to browse | |
272753697 | opinar | to pass judgment/ to think | |
272753698 | secuestrar | to kidnap | |
272753699 | soñar con | to dream about | |
272753700 | tener en cuenta | to keep in mind/ to take into account | |
272753701 | trasladar | to transfer | |
272753702 | tratar de (inf.) | to try to -verb- | |
272753703 | tratarse de | to be about | |
272753704 | amenaza | a threat | |
272753705 | anciano,a | an old person | |
272753706 | anhelo | a longing/ yearning/ desire | |
272753707 | ánimo | one's inner spirit/ state of being | |
272753708 | avance (m) | advance | |
272753709 | búsqueda | search | |
272753710 | ceja | eyebrow | |
272753711 | certeza | certainty/ assurance | |
272753712 | conocimiento | knowledge | |
272753713 | crecimiento | growth (as in height) | |
272753714 | cualidad | quality | |
272753715 | derrota | defeat | |
272753716 | desempleo | unemployment | |
272753717 | el asilo de ancianos | a nursing home | |
272753718 | envidia | envy | |
272753719 | ganas | desire | |
272753720 | ley (f) | law | |
272753721 | mitad (f) | the middle | |
272753722 | moraleja | moral | |
272753723 | ordenador (m) | computer | |
272753724 | pantalla | screen | |
272753725 | pesadumbre | grief | |
272753726 | piedad | piety/ reverence/ devoutness | |
272753727 | propaganda | propaganda/ advertisement | |
272753728 | puesto | position/ place (as in job) | |
272753729 | recinto | enclosure | |
272753730 | recompensa | reward/ compensation | |
272753731 | rescate (m) | rescue | |
272753732 | sabiduria | wisdom | |
272753733 | semilla | seed | |
272753734 | sobreviviente | survivor | |
272753735 | tamaño | size | |
272753736 | tecla | key (on a keyboard) | |
272753737 | adecuado | appropriate/ adequate | |
272753738 | amplio | ample | |
272753739 | bizco | cross-eyed | |
272753740 | cargado/a de | loaded down with | |
272753741 | ciego | blind | |
272753742 | conforme con | consistant with | |
272753743 | deteriorado | deteriorated | |
272753744 | doloroso | painful | |
272753745 | horrendo | horrific | |
272753746 | injusto | unfair/unjust | |
272753747 | inútil | useless | |
272753748 | lejano | distant | |
272753749 | ligero | light weight | |
272753750 | miope | myopic/ short sighted | |
272753751 | mudo | mute | |
272753752 | mundial | worldly/ global | |
272753753 | oscuro | dark | |
272753754 | pesado | heavy (topic or weight) | |
272753755 | pesimista | pessimistic | |
272753756 | reluciente | shinning | |
272753757 | semejante | similar | |
272753758 | sordo | deaf | |
272753759 | sorprendente | surprising | |
272753760 | útil | useful | |
272753761 | vasto | vast | |
272753762 | verdoso | greenish | |
272753763 | zurdo | left handed | |
272753764 | a pesar de (inf.) | despite | |
272753765 | ante | before | |
272753766 | pasado/a de moda | old fashioned | |
272753767 | ¡No me digas! | You don't say! | |
272753768 | ¡Qué barbaridad! | That's awful | |
272753769 | ¡Qué diablos! | What the heck! |
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