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Spanish Language and Culture AP Test Prep Flashcards

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4450047359abajounder, underneath, below, down0
4450047360para abajodownward1
4450047361abandonarto leave, to forsake, to give up, to abandon2
4450047362abarcarto include, to embrace, to take in3
4450047363abastecerto supply, to purvey4
4450047364abatirto throw down, to overthrow5
4450047365abdicarto abdicate, to leave6
4450047366la abejabee7
4450047367ablandarse (el corazón)to soften, to mellow, to relent8
4450047369abolirto abolish10
4450047370abonarto subscribe to, to pay11
4450047371abrazarto hug, to embrace12
4450047372el abrazohug13
4450047373abreviarto abbreviate14
4450047374abrigadosheltered, protected, clothed warmly15
4450047375el abrigocoat, overcoat16
4450047376el abrigo de pielfur coat17
4450047377abrirto open18
4450047378abrocharto button up, to button down, to buckle up19
4450047379abrumarto crush, to overwhelm, to oppress20
4450047380absorberto absorb, to soak up21
4450047381abuelo, -agrandfather, grandmother22
4450047382aburrirseto get bored, to become bored23
4450047383acá y alláhere and there24
4450047384acabar(se)to finish25
4450047385acabar conto end with26
4450047386acabar deto have just + infinitive27
4450047387acalorado, -ahot, heated28
4450047388acaramelado, -acaramel covered29
4450047389acasoperhaps, maybe, by chance30
4450047390por si acasojust in case31
4450047391acatarto respect, to heed32
4450047392accederto agree, to consent33
4450047393el accidenteaccident34
4450047394la accíonaction35
4450047395accionarto work, to act36
4450047396las accionesstocks37
4450047397el aceiteoil38
4450047398la aceitunaolive39
4450047399acentuar (se)to accentuate40
4450047400aceptarto accept41
4450047401la acequiairrigation ditch42
4450047402la acerasidewalk, pavement43
4450047403acercarseto approach, to go near44
4450047404el acerosteel45
4450047405acertar(ie)to ascertain, to be right, to guess46
4450047406aclararto clarify47
4450047407acogerto welcome, to make welcome48
4450047409acomodarto accomodate50
4450047410acompañarto accompany51
4450047411aconsejarto advise52
4450047412acontecerto happen, to occur, to take place53
4450047413el acontecimientoevent, happening54
4450047414acordarse deto remember55
4450047415acorralarto enclose, to corner56
4450047416acostarseto go to bed57
4450047417acostumbrarto be accustomed to58
4450047418la actitudattitude59
4450047419la actividadactivity60
4450047420la actuaciónaction, conduct61
4450047421actualpresent, modern62
4450047422la actualidadpresent time63
4450047423en la actualidadat the present moment64
4450047424actuarto act, to behave65
4450047425acudirto come66
4450047426acudir ato come to, to aid, to heed67
4450047427el acuerdoagreement, understanding68
4450047428de acuerdo con, ain accordance with69
4450047429de mutuo acuerdoin mutual agreement70
4450047430estar de acuerdo conto be in agreement with71
4450047431ponerse de acuerdoto bring to an agreement72
4450047432el acumuladorbattery(car)73
4450047433acusarto accuse74
4450047434el adagioadage75
4450047435adaptarto adapt76
4450047436adelantarto move forward, to progress77
4450047437¡adelante!Go on! Come in!78
4450047438en adelantefrom now on, henceforth, in the future79
4450047439adelgazar(se)to get thin, to slim down80
4450047440ademásmoreover, in addition81
4450047441además debesides82
4450047443adiestrarto train, to instruct, to guide84
4450047444el adiósgoodbye85
4450047445la adivinanzariddle, prediction86
4450047446adivinarto guess, to divine87
4450047447el adivinomagician, fortune-teller, sage88
4450047448admirarto admire89
4450047449adoctrinarto indoctrinate90
4450047450adornarseto adorn oneself91
4450047451el adornoornament, adornment92
4450047452adosarto lean, to attach93
4450047453adquirirto require94
4450047454el advenedizoupstart95
4450047455el advenimientocoming, arrival, advent96
4450047456advertenciawarning, piece of advice97
4450047457advertirto advise, to warn98
4450047458el afánhard work, industry, zeal99
4450047459afectarto affect100
4450047460el afectoaffection, fondness101
4450047461afianzarto guarantee, to strengthen, to reinforce102
4450047462el aficionadoamateur103
4450047463afirmarto affirm104
4450047464afrontarseto confront, to face up to105
4450047465las afuerasoutskirts, outside, out-of-doors, suburbs106
4450047466agacharseto lean over, to bend down, to duck107
4450047467agarrarto grasp, to seize108
4450047468agasajarto treat kindly, to regale109
4450047469el agente publicitariopublicity agent110
4450047470agitarto shake, to wave, to excite, to rouse111
4450047471agitarseto get excited112
4450047472agobiarto burden113
4450047473agonizarto agonize114
4450047474agotarseto become exhausted115
4450047475agraciadopretty, attractive, graceful116
4450047477agradarto please118
4450047478agradecerto thank119
4450047479agregarto add120
4450047480agrícolafarming, agricultural121
4450047481agruparseto form a group, to crowd together122
4450047482el aguawater123
4450047483hacerse agua la bocato make one's mouth water124
4450047484el aguacateavocado125
4450047485aguantarto put up with, to stand, to tolerate, to bear126
4450047486aguardarto wait for, to await127
4450047488el águilaeagle129
4450047489la agujaneedle130
4450047490el agujerohole131
4450047491aguzarto sharpen132
4450047493de ahífrom there134
4450047494el ahijadogodchild, adopted child135
4450047495ahogarto drown136
4450047496ahorcarto hang137
4450047497ahorrar(se)to save138
4450047498airosoventilated, windy, graceful, elegant139
4450047499aislarto isolate140
4450047500el ajedrezchess141
4450047501ajenoother people's142
4450047502el ajogarlic143
4450047503el ajonjolísesame144
4450047504ajustarto adjust145
4450047505el alawing146
4450047506alabarto praise147
4450047507la alabanzapraise148
4450047508el alambradowire netting, wire fencing149
4450047509el álamopoplar tree150
4450047510alargarto lengthen, to prolong151
4450047511el alaridohowl, yell, shriek152
4450047512el albadawn153
4450047513albergarto lodge, to stay154
4450047514el alborotouproar, disturbance155
4450047515la alcachofaartichoke156
4450047516el alcaldemayor157
4450047517el alcancereach158
4450047518al alcance dewithin reach of159
4450047519tener al alcanceto have within reach160
4450047520la alcancíamoney box, piggy bank161
4450047521alcanzarto reach, to achieve162
4450047522alcanzar la felicidadto find happiness163
4450047523la alcobabedroom164
4450047524la aldeavillage, town165
4450047525alegrarto allege, to claim166
4450047526alegrarseto be happy167
4450047527la alegríahappiness168
4450047528alejado, -afaraway169
4450047529el alejamientoestrangement, removal, absence170
4450047530alejar(se) deto back away from, distance oneself from171
4450047531el alemánGerman172
4450047532alentarto encourage, to inspire173
4450047533el aleroeaves (house), fender (of a car)174
4450047534la alfareríapottery, ceramic175
4450047535el alfilbishop (chess)176
4450047536la algazarauproar177
4450047537algunas cuantassome, few178
4450047538la alhajajewel, gem, piece of jewelry179
4450047539la alhambradawire fencing, wire netting180
4450047540el alientobreath181
4450047541alimentar(se)to nourish182
4450047542el alimentofood183
4450047543aliviarto relieve, to ease, to alleviate184
4450047544el almasoul185
4450047545el almacéndepartment store, shop, warehouse186
4450047546la almendraalmond187
4450047547el almíbarsyrup (not medicine)188
4450047548la almohadapillow189
4450047549el almuerzolunch190
4450047550alojarto house, to lodge, to stay a night191
4450047551el alpinismomountain climbing192
4450047552alquilarto rent193
4450047553el alquilerrent194
4450047554alrededor dearound, about, encircling195
4450047555los alrededoresthe outskirts, the out-of-doors196
4450047556el altavozspeaker197
4450047557altohigh, tall, stop198
4450047558la alturaheight199
4450047620aludirto allude200
4450047621el alumbradolight201
4450047622alumbrarto light, to enlighten202
4450047623alusivoallusive, referring to203
4450047624el alzarise204
4450047625el alzamientolifting, raising205
4450047626alzarto raise, to lift206
4450047628el más alláthe beyond208
4450047629más alláfarther on, beyond209
4450047630el ama de casahousewife210
4450047631amablepleasant, agreeable211
4450047632el amaestradortamer212
4450047633amanecerto get daylight213
4450047634la amapolapoppy (flower)214
4450047635amarto love215
4450047637el amargor, la amargurabiterness217
4450047639amarrarto tie up, to make fast, to moor219
4450047640la amatistaamethyst220
4450047641ambicionarto on aspire, to strive for, to seek221
4450047643el ambienteenvironment223
4450047644el medio ambientenatural environment224
4450047646la amenazathreat226
4450047647amenazarto threaten227
4450047648la ametralladoramachine gun228
4450047650la amistadfriendship230
4450047651amontonarseto add up, to amass231
4450047652amortizarto amortize, to pay off232
4450047653ampararto help, to aid233
4450047654ampliarto enlarge234
4450047655ampliowide, large235
4450047656la ampolletahourglass, electric bulb236
4450047657el analfabetismoilliteracy237
4450047658analizarto analyze238
4450047660el ancianoold man240
4450047661anclarto moor, to anchor241
4450047662andarto walk242
4450047663andar angustiadoto worry, to stew about243
4450047664el anfiteatroamphitheater244
4450047665el ánguloangle245
4450047666la angustiaanxiety246
4450047667anhelanteyearning, longing247
4450047668anhelarto long for, to pine for, to yearn for248
4450047669el anilloring249
4450047670animarto animate, to encourage250
4450047671animarse ato take heart, to regain courage251
4450047672el ánimospirit, will, heart252
4450047673el anochecerto become night253
4450047674el ansiaanxiety, worry254
4450047676anteayerday before yesterday256
4450047677el antepasadoancestor257
4450047678anteriorbefore, anterior258
4450047680antiguoold, ancient260
4450047681antojar (se)to fancy, to feel like261
4450047682anularto repeal, to revoke, to invalidate262
4450047683anunciarto announce263
4450047684el anuncioad, news, announcement264
4450047685añadirto add to, to increase265
4450047686el añilindigo266
4450047687el añoyear267
4450047688año tras añoyear after year268
4450047689antañolong ago269
4450047690apaciguarto pacify270
4450047691apagadoput out, extinguished271
4450047692apagarto put out, to turn off272
4450047693el aparatomachine273
4450047694aparecerto appear, to turn up274
4450047695apartar(se)to depart from, to forsake, to go away a distance275
4450047696aparte deaside from276
4450047697apáticoapathetic, listless277
4450047698el apellidofather's name, family name278
4450047700la aperturaopening, hole280
4450047701apetecerto appeal to, to look tasty281
4450047702aplastarto smash282
4450047703aplaudirto applaud283
4450047704aplicar(se)to apply oneself284
4450047705apodarto nickname285
4450047706apoderarse deto seize, to take power286
4450047708apoltronadoidle, lazy288
4450047709aporrearto hit, to give a beating289
4450047710anunciarto announce290
4450047711el anuncioad, news, announcement291
4450047712añadirto add to, to increase292
4450047713el añilindigo293
4450047714el añoyear294
4450047715año trans añoyear after year295
4450047716antañolong ago296
4450047717apaciguarto pacify297
4450047718apagadoput out, extinguished298
4450047719apagarto put out, to turn off299
4450047720el aparatomachine300
4450047721aparecerto appear, to turn up301
4450047722apartar (se)to depart from, to forsake, to go away a distance302
4450047723aparte deaside from303
4450047724apáticoapathetic, listless304
4450047725el apellidofather's name, family name305
4450047727la aperturaopening, hole307
4450056766apetecerTo be appealing308

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