Spanish words I come across which I still don't freaking know!
48352159 | parte arriba | top | |
48352160 | parte abajo | bottom | |
48352161 | agradable | nice | |
48352162 | granero | barn | |
48352163 | dé a luz | to give birth | |
48352164 | arrugas | wrinkles | |
48352165 | jefe | boss | |
48352166 | camarera | waitress | |
48388918 | permanecer | to stay | |
48404431 | negar | to deny | |
48404432 | carácter | character | |
48404433 | alma | soul | |
48404434 | celos | jealousy | |
48404435 | escuchar | to listen | |
48404436 | oír | to hear | |
48404437 | puesta de sol | sunset | |
48404438 | salida de sol | sunrise | |
49208861 | apenas | hardly | |
49208862 | vagar | to wander | |
49208863 | la mente | the mind | |
49208864 | aventuras | adventures | |
49208865 | seguro | safe | |
49208866 | fingir | to pretend | |
49208867 | constantemente | constantly | |
49208868 | los rasgos | the traits | |
49432579 | preguntarse | to wonder | |
51664556 | vecindad | neighborhood | |
51664557 | campeonato | championship | |
56155419 | inspirar | to inspire | |
56155420 | el intercambio | the exchange | |
56155421 | entera | entire | |
56155422 | método | method | |
56155423 | recientemente | lately | |
56155424 | La física | the Physics | |
56155425 | mejorar | improve | |
56155426 | promedio | average | |
56155427 | el mejor | the best | |
56155428 | corredor | runner | |
56155429 | vallo | hurdle | |
56155430 | lejos | away | |
56155431 | el ruido | the sound | |
56155432 | prosperar | to thrive | |
56155433 | el patio trasero | backyard | |
56155434 | agradecidamente | Thankfully | |
61177726 | acertado | successful | |
61177727 | asoleado | sunny | |
61177728 | cuanto antes | as soon as possible |