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Specimen preservation Flashcards

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4707826144most commonly used method of preservationrefrigeration0
4707826554does not interfere with chemical tests, prevents bacterial growth up to 24 hours, raises sp. gr. by hydrometer, precipitates amorphous phosphates and uratesrefrigeration1
4707826838for culture transportboric acid2
4707827092preserves glucose and sediments well, interferes with acid precipitation test for proteinthymol3
4707828004preserves protein and sediments well, keeps pH at about 6.0, does not interfere with routine UA except pH, may precipitate crystals when used in large amountsboric acid4
4707828116BACTERIOSTATIC at 18 g/L; interferes with drug and hormone analysisboric acid5
4707828144interferes with drug and hormone analysisboric acid6
4707829065excellent SEDIMENT preservative that acts as a reducing agentformalin7
4707829528interferes with chemical tests for glucose, blood, leukocyte esterase and copper reductionformalin8
4707829710used to preserve cells and castsformalin9
4707829998does not interfere with routine analysis, flots on surface of specimens and clings to pipets and testing materialstoluene10
4707830041prevents glycolysissodium fluoride11
4707830182inhibits reagent strip tests for glucose, blood and leukocytessodium fluoride12
4707830527good preservative for DRUG ANALYSISsodium fluoride13
4707830884causes odor change, does not interfere with routine tests, use 1 drop per ounce of specimenphenol14
4707831001preserves cellular elements, for CYTOLOGY studiesSaccamano fixative15
4707831834at a pH of ____, 30 mL of 6N _____ can be used for catecholamines, VMA or 5-HIAA1-2; HCl16
4707832693at a pH of ____, _____ is used for AMINO ACID ANALYSIS3; HCl17
4707833072prevents bacterial growth and is useful as a glucose preservativeClorhexidine18
4707843456preserves bacteria, stable at 48 hrsGray C & S tube19
4707843561used for automated instrumentsyellow plain UA tube20

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