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122919976The discovery of "Lucy"Discovered in 1974, earliest known homonid ancestor of modern man. Found at Hadar, Ethiopia0
122919977Homo Sapiens apperance in AfricaAbout 120,000 years ago evolved from homo erectus1
122919978Charles DarwinScientific voyage around the world in 1831 - 1836 aboard the British warship Beagle2
122919979First agricultural villages10,000 B.C.E people began to settle down creating the first agriculture villages3
122919980Innovative primary urbanizationTook place in Mesopatamia, the Nile, the Indus, the Huang He, the Niger, in Mexico, and in the Andes Mountains4
122919981CuneiformSumerian used as writing by 3,000 B.C.E5
122919982Rosetta Stone196 B.C.E. translated into hieroglyphics, a "demotic" and Greek6
122919983Aryan immigrantsReached west Ganges Valley and built first cities7
122919984Beginning of state formationXia, Shang, Zhou8
122919985Humans arrival in the western hemisphereCrossed Beringia 15,000 years ago9
122919986Mesoamerica UrbanizationSlash and burnt agriculture, pot irrigation, Chinampas10
122919987Jenne-jenoReaches peak of settlements by 900 C.E.11
122919988Sargon and Semitic peoples2350 B.C.E. Sargon leads an immigrant group into Sumer12
122923118Hittite Empire Collapse1193 B.C.E. perhaps from invaders13
122923119Peloponnesian War1432 B.C.E. Sparta attacked Athens and the war began14
122923120ParthenonConstructed in Athens 447 - 432 B.C.E. to Athena15
123056614Legalization of ChristianityIn 313 Constantine legalized Christianity throughout the Roman Empire16
123056615StoicismFounded by Greek Zeno about 300 B.C.E.17
123056616Hagia SophiaConstructed 532 - 537 under Justinian18
123056617Collapse of the Tang dynasty900 CE led to disunity19
123056618Chinese PhilosophyLegalism and Confucianism collided during the Qin dynasty fell within four years20
123056619Fall of the Qin dynastyAfter the death of Qin Shi Huangdi the Qin dynasty fell within four years21
123056620The Gupta EmpireBegan its rise to power in the Ganges valley in 320 CE22
123056621JanapadasBegan to emerge by 700 - 600 B.C.E. and we political groupings23
123056622RigvedaComposed between 1500 and 1200 B.C.E.24
123056623BuddhismFlourished for the most part of the Tang dynasty25
123056624Christianity emergesSplinter group of the Jewish people forming the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth26
123056625Clovis496, Chief of Merovingian Franks converted to Christianity, the first Barbarian to do so27
123056626Church divides east and westEastern orthodoxy and Roman Catholic28
123056627HijraThe migration or flight of Muhammed from Mecca to Medina in 622 B.C.E29
123056628Abu BakrBecame the first Caliph30
123056629Dome of the RockBuilt by the first Umayyed caliph as the first major monument in Islamic history31
123056630Spanish conquistadorsHernan Cortes and Spanish conquistadors defeat Aztecs and seize Mexico32
123056631International TradeFourth century Chinese participate in trade with South China and in the Indian Ocean33
123056632Pax MongoliciaLasted for about a century, international trade flourished across the re-opened silk route34
123056633Chinggis KhanWas proclaimed the "Universal Ruler'35
123056634Hundreds Years WarFought between England and France 1337 - 145336
123056635Bubonic PlagueEurope 1346 - 135037
123056636PhotographyInvenred in the 1830's38
123056637Muslim CalendarBegan with the date Muhammad moved to Medina39
123056638Peter the GreatFounds St. Petersburg in 170440
123056639PortugueseBegin sugar cultivation in Brazil c. 156041
123056640War of Spanish SuccessionReduced France's power42
123056641AsientoBritain won the right from the Spain to carry all the slave cargoes from Africa to Spanish America43
123056642Columbian ExchangeBrought in its wake both catastrophe and new opportunities44
123056643The MaoriEast Polynesian people had arrived and settled in New Zealand about 750 C.E.45
123056644Cape Colony1795 Britain took control from its Dutch settlers46
123056645Chinggis KahnConquered China in 121147
123056646Safavid PersiaThirteenth century the Mongols and the Turks first devastated and then repopulated Persia48
123056647Dutch settlersIn 1652 set up base at Cape Town South Africa49

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