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Sport and Exercise Nutrition Test 2 Flashcards

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3133692979AllCarbohydrate (CHO) consumption is at the heart of sports nutrition guidelines for ____ athletes.0
3133695570Moderate-IntesneCarbohydrates are the primary energy source for _______________ exercise.1
3133697791DepletesTraining significantly ________ CHO stores in the body.2
3133699377Re-Synthesis______________ of muscle glycogen is crucial on a daily basis.3
3133702570Amount Timing TypeWhen using carbohydrates it is important to consider proper: (3)4
3133703709ShortMost athletes fall _______ of meeting CHO recommendations.5
3133709172Oxygen (O) Hydrogen (H) Carbon (C)Carbohydrates are compounds that contain:6
3133710974Sugars Starches Cellulose (fiber)Carbohydrates are found in foods such as:7
3133713652GlucoseCarbohydrates are mostly found in the body predominantly in the form of ________. (mostly in the blood)8
3133715983GlycogenThe storage form of carbohydrate in the body. (in many tissues, predominantly muscle and liver.)9
3133724130Monosaccarides Disaccarides PolysaccaridesForms of carbohydrates in food are generally classified as (structurally):10
3133727686MonosaccaridesA one-sugar unit.11
3133730054Glucose Fructose GalactoseThese sugars are a form of monosaccharides:12
3133731122DisaccharideA two-sugar unit.13
3133734074Sucrose Lactose MaltoseThese sugars are forms of disaccharides:14
3133734549PolysaccaridesChains of glucose molecules such as starch.15
3133752374Starch Fiber GlycogenExamples of Polysaccharides16
3133737452Sugar AlcoholsFormed form mono and disaccharides "low impact carbs"17
3133741748Glycerol Sorbitol Mannitol XylitolExamples of sugar alcohols:18
3133743217"Low Impact Carbs"Marketing term indicating slow absorption Glucose and insulin concentrations rise slowly.19
3133744835IncompletelySorbitol and Mannitol are __________ absorbed20
3133746785Sorbitol and MannitolFew kcal/g than sucrose and fructose May have a laxative effect.21
3133759790StarchThe storage form of glucose in plants. - the end result of photosynthesis22
3133761891Amylose AmylopectinStarch is either strait (___________) or branched (___________) chains of glucose23
3133765761AmylaseThe digestive enzyme (_________) breaks down chains of starch to their basic component.24
3133768145GlucoseThe basic component of starch.25
3135362059FructoseSugar found naturally in fruits and vegetables. May also be processed from corn syrup and added to foods. It is a monosaccharide.26
3135366675GalactoseSugar found naturally in foods only as part of the disaccharide lactose. It is a monosaccharide.27
3135372243LactoseSugar found naturally in milk. May also be added to produce foods. It is a disaccharide made up of glucose and galactose.28
3135380885SucroseA disaccharide made of glucose and fructose29
3135383658MaltoseSugar produced during the fermentation process that is used to make beer and other alcoholic beverages. It is a disaccharide made up of 2 glucose molecules.30
3135397133FiberStructural component of plants31
3135399068PolysaccharidsFiber is composed of tightly packed ______________.32
3135400737Human___________ lack the enzymes necessary to digest cellulose.33
3135403557BacteriaAnimals and things that digest cellulose use _________ to do so.34
3135405068AnimalsGlycogen is the storage form of glucose in ___________35
3135410505GlycogenHighly branched glucose chain36
3135412093Food SourceGlycogen is not really a "________" of glucose.37
3135414854GlycogenesisGlycogen is formed via __________ from glucose molecules.38
3135417535Grains Legumes TubersForms of starches:39
3135418721GrainsGrasses that bear seeds40
3135419753Wheat Corn Rye Oats BarleyExamples of Grains:41
3135421368LegumesDouble-seamed pod containing single row of beans42
3135426691Lentils Split Peas Black-eyed peas BeansExamples of Legumes43
3135427797TubersUnderground stems44
3135429937Potatoes YamsExamples of Tubers45
3135436599Whole Grains (unrefined) Processed Grains (refined)The two types of Grains:46
3135440320Whole Grains (unrefined)Made up of Endosperm, Germ, Bran47
3135442005Processed Grains (refined)Germ and bran removed (= poor source of fiber)48
3135449809EndospermTissue that surrounds and nourished the embryo inside a plant seed.49
3135451905GermWhen referring to grains, the embryo of the plant seed50
3135453596BranA polysaccharide added to processed foods as a thickener.51
3135460267SimpleSugars vs. Starches: Sugar= _________52
3135461938ComplexSugar vs. Starches: Starches= ____________53
3135463844HighlyHighly vs. Minimally Processed: ___________ = sugared beverages and cereals ("low quality")54
3135467378MinimallyHighly vs. Minimally Processed: ___________= whole grains and foods ("high quality")55
3135470769BadGood vs. Bad: _______ = highly processed, fiber-deficient, highly sweetened.56
3135474330DigestionBreakdown of food into smaller parts57
3135475543AbsorptionTaking smaller parts into intestinal cells, blood, and tissues.58
3135486285Mouth Stomach Small Intestine Large Intestine AnusDigestive Tract:59
3135488233Pancreas Gall Bladder LiverRelated Organs to the Digestive Tract:60
3135544737Mechanical DigestionPhysical process of manipulating and mixing foodstuffs and breaking into smaller parts Still "representative" of original foodstuff61
3135546363Chemical DigestionEnzymatic breakdown of foodstuffs into their chemical building blocks. Not "representative" of original foodstuff.62
3135552820AbsorptionAfter chemical digestion ________ can now occur.63
3135564973MouthDigestion of carbohydrates begins in the __________.64
3135564974Salivary AmylaseDigestion of carbohydrates in the mouth is done with he enzyme __________.65
3135564975Small IntestineAfter digestion of CHO begins in the mouth it then continues in the ____________.66
3135564976Pancreatic AmylaseDigestion of CHO in the small intestine is accomplished through the enzyme _____________.67
3135568383Mono and Disaccharides - Glucose - Maltose - Oligosaccharides.The end result in the digestion of CHO is.68
3135589175Small Intestine Brush BorderDisaccharide digestion occurs in the ___________ and is accomplished via __________ enzymes. There is one for each disaccharide.69
3135591945Small IntestineAbsorption of CHO occurs in the ___________.70
3135593353MonosaccharidesOnly ______________ are absorbed in.71
3135595134GlucoseAbsorption is carrier dependent and requires active transport72
3135597736SGLT1The glucose transporter in the small intestine73
3135599300SodiumThe SGLT1 carrier in the small intestine must be loaded with a __________ molecule to function74
3135602628LiverOnce absorbed glucose travels to the _________.75
3135606125GalactoseAbsorption: Uses the same mechanism as glucose76
3135608413SGLT1The galactose transporter in the small intestine77
3135610516GlucoseGalactose once absorbed is converted to ___________ in the liver.78
3135612805GLUT-2The fructose transporter in the small intestine (very limited number)79
3135616804GlucoseFructose once absorbed is converted to _________ in the liver.80
3135656605Insulin GlucagonHomestasis of blood glucose under hormonal control is controlled by:81
3135658885InsulinA hormone produced by the pancreas that helps regulate blood glucose82
3135661491GlucagonA hormone produced by the pancreas that raises blood glucose concentration by stimulating the conversion of glycogen to glucose in the liver.83
313567086870-110 mg/dLNormal blood glucose levels should be:84
3135674013HyperglycemiaInsulin is secreted in response to ______________.85
3135676815HypoglycemiaGlucagon is secreted in response to ___________.86
3135679527HyperglycemiaElevated blood glucose levels87
3135681659HypoglycemiaLow blood glucose.88
313568464450 mg/dLHypoglycemia normally occurs when blood glucose levels drop below ____________.89
3135688097Counter-RegulatoryInsulin and Glucagon are ________________.90
3135691358Glycemic ResponseEffect a food has on blood glucose (and insulin)91
3135694641Glycemic IndexClassification scheme for CHO-containing foods based on glycemic response92
313569738350gFrame reference for glycemic index is ___g of glucose (GI=100)93
31357170651.) CHO is consumed, digested, and absorbed 2.) Rapid increase in blood glucose 3.) Blood glucose peaks 4.) Blood glucose declinesTypical Glycemic Respones: (4)94
3135752543HighlyGlycemic Index: Time course and magnitude of response are ________ variable.95
3135761640High GIBlood glucose and insulin rise quickly Highly refined starchy foods and vegetables - white bread, pasta, rice.96
3135766912Low GIBlood glucose and insulin rise slowly Legumes, beans, non-strachy vegetables.97
3135770674IncreaseGenerally ______ in fiber = decrease in GI (slows digestion and absorption).98
3135780022Fat ProteinYou can also lower the GI by presence of ________ and ________.99
3135784378Medium-LowIf you have issues related to GI, then in your daily diet you should consume CHO that have _____________ GI.100
3135795328LowIf you have issues related to GI, immediately before and after exercise you should avoid _______ GI foods.101
3135795455IncreaseLow GI foods generally = ___________ fiber.102
3135797635High UrgentlyIf you have issues related to GI, during and after exercise ______ GI foods may be warranted. Glucose required __________.103
3135815950OxidationHigh GI foods during exercise are used to maintain _________ of glucose.104
3135821164ResynthesisHigh GI foods after exercise are used to have rapid glycogen __________.105
3135831852GlycogenInsulin (fed state) favors __________ storage.106
3135833295Liver MusclesGlycogen is stored in the _________ and _________.107
31358395501.) Prior exercise favors glycogen storage 2.) Glycogen depletion favors glycogen storage.2 factors favoring glycogen storage.108
3135846689TrainingConversion of excess glucose to fat is not likely to occur if ________.109
3135850889SedentaryConversion of excess glucose to fat is more likely in _________ people.110
3135857114AdiposeGlucose is converted into fat in ________ tissue.111
3135952257Starvation-bingeGlucose converted to fat in adipose tissue is more likely when following a "________________" cycle.112
3135952258StarvationGlucose converted to fat in adipose tissue: Greater insulin response following ___________.113
3135954745Glycogen SynthaseThe primary enzyme that controls the process of glycogen transformation114
3135958139LipogenesisThe production of fat115
3135965205GluconeogenesisThe manufacturing of glucose by the liver from other compounds such as lactate, protein, and fat.116
3135967441Creatine Phosphate Carbohydrates (glucose and glycogen) Fats ProteinsA variety of energy sources can be called upon during exercise:117
3136037453IntensityFuel source depends on several factors: - Exercise ________ plays a major role.118
3136042048During high intensity, short duration anaerobic exercise. During prolonged moderate-high intensity exercise.Carbohydrate used almost exclusively:119
3136050415Muscle Glycogen Blood Glucose Liver GlycogenSources of CHO in the body are:120
3136056395Muscle GlycogenExercising muscle prefers to use ______________.121
3136058869DepletionMuscle Glycogen ______________ clearly associated with fatigue.122
3136067668Insulin-likeExercise has an "________________" effect.123
3136615556GlucoseExercise has an "Insulin-like" effect: Contracting muscle draws ________ from blood.124
3136615557Glycogenolysis in liver Gluconeogensis in liverBlood glucose homeostasis maintained by:125
31366250421.) Maximizing beginning amounts 2.) Supplement during 3.) Maximize restoration afterwards.Knowing the importance of CHO for exercise, what broad strategies would be helpful?126
31366428001.) Daily Training Diet 2.) Week Before A Competitive Event 3.) Meal Before Exercise 4.) During Prolonged Exercise 5.) Immediately After Exercise.Critical Periods of CHO manipulation:127
31366502605-10 g/kgCurrent recommendations for CHO manipulation is _______ g/kg body weight. - Assuming adequate total energy intake.128
31366729285Fine tune your specific CHO intake in reflect specific training demands: ____ g/kg/day is the minimum (and not enough for most athletes)129
31366980645-7Fine tune your specific CHO intake in reflect specific training demands: ____ g/kg/day for power or moderately-exercising individuals (<1h).130
31366980658-10Fine tune your specific CHO intake in reflect specific training demands: ____ g/kg/day for heavy training (1-3h)131
3136698066> 12Fine tune your specific CHO intake in reflect specific training demands: ____ g/kg/day for ultra-endurance athletes. (>4h).132
3136698067NotSurveys suggest many athletes do ______ meet the recommendations of 8-10 g/kg/day/133
31367802787.6Male endurance athletes need about ______ g/kg134
31367823905.7Female endurance athletes need about _____ g/kg135
3136784168Do NotMost athletes _________ meet CHO recommendations.136
31367987651.) Low muscle glycogen levels 2.) Reduced ability to recover from daily training 3.) Acute and chronic fatigue may result from low CHO intake 4.) Immune System SuppressionInsufficient CHO intake may lead to:137
3136801014FailedMany studies have ______ to show decrements in performance despite declining muscle glycogen levels.138
3136805595ReductionStudies of longer duration (months) do indicate a _________ in performance.139
3136817240g/kg/dExpressing CHO requirements ___________ is preferred.140
3136825897Adequate% of total energy intake may be used if energy intake is __________.141
313683000850-60%Typically _________ % of calories should be from CHO.142
313683207070%Calories from CHO increasing to _____ % for those athletes with very high needs.143
31368473591.) Exercise 2.) Supranormal 3.) Capacity2.) The week before a Competitive Event (esp. prolonged): Manipulation of ____1______ and dietary CHO content over a 7 day period. - _____2_______ levels of muscle glycogen (double) - Enhanced CHO oxidation and improved endurace _____3_____.144
3136860375Carbohydrate LoadingA diet and exercise protocol used to attain maximum glycogen stores prior to an important competition.145
3136878780Classical Method to Carbohydrate Loading (Bergstrom)7 days prior to competition, exhaustive exercise is performed for 3 and a half days in combination with an extremely low carbohydrate diet. During this phase, known as the depletion stage, carbohydrate stores are severely depleted by exercise and remain low due to the lack of dietary carbohydrate. The depletion stage is followed by 3 and a half says of very light or no exercise and a high carbohydrate diet (~8g/kg/d). This phase is known as the repletion stage, supplies large quantities of carbohydrate to glycogen-starved muscles. In response the body "supercompinsates" and near maximum glycogen storage is achieved.146
3136930402Modified Method to Carbohydrate Loading (Sherman)This 6 day plan includes a 3-day depletion stage that consists of dietary carbohydrate intake of 5g/kg/d. It is sufficient enough to allow athletes to complete the required training during this stage -- 90 mins of hard training on the first day, followed by 2 days of hard training for 40 mins. The repletion stage calls for a carbohydrate intake of 10g/kg/d for 3 days and 2 days of 20 mins of exercise followed by a rest day.147
3136969892Carbohydrate Stores3.) The Meal Before Exercise: Meal consumed prior to exercise may be used to maximize _______________. - Especially after an overnight fast.148
3136976092Deminished Performance3.) The Meal Before Exercise: Fasting prior to prolonged endurance events results in ____________________.149
31370121681 g/kg3.) The Meal Before Exercise: Rule of thumb is ____ g/kg for each hour prior to exercise.150
31370121691 2 33.) The Meal Before Exercise: ____ g/kg one (1) hour before. ____ g/kg two (2) hours prior. ____ g/kg three (3) hours prior (essentially a meal at this point)151
3137012146Usually3.) The Meal Before Exercise: Glycemic Index (GI) __________ not an issue.152
3137585889Endogenous Carbohydrates Endurance Central Fatigue4.) During Prolonged Exercise: _____________ stores of CHO will eventually become depleted _________________ must be consumed to maintain high rates of CHO oxidation. Clearly beneficial to ____________ athletes. May alleviate "_______________."153
313759563760gDuring prolonged exercise _______ g of CHO per hour.154
3137604720GlucoseMax rate of ____________ absorption is 1 g/min or 60 g/hr.155
31376047216-8CHO concentrations of _____% (60-80 g in 1000 mL)156
3137608782Liquid Gel SolidsDifferent Forms of Carbohydrates:157
3137612841LiquidForm of carbohydrate: ____________ = additional benefit of hydration158
3137612842SolidsForm of carbohydrate: __________ difficult or poorly tolerated in some events159
3137615822GelsForm of carbohydrate: ___________ and solids concentrate source of CHO.160
3137644925More energy Empty from stomach slowly May exceed intestinal absorption capacityConsiderations for a CHO sport beverage: High concentration = (3)161
313765030310Considerations for a CHO sport beverage: Solutions up to ____ % generally tolerable.162
31376709451.0Max oxidation rates of Glucose is _____ g/min.163
31376741301.0Max oxidation rates for Sucrose is ____ g/min164
31376758630.7Max oxidation rates for Fructose is _____ g/min.165
31376785861.75Max oxidation rates for the combination of Glucose + Fructose is _____ g/min.166
313768512760Sports beverage of general carbohydrate recommendation is ____ g/hr.167
31376970841.) Timing 2.) Meal Size 3.) Type of Carbohydrate 4.) Amount of Carbohydrate 5.) Addition of other nutrients.Guidelines for maximizing CHO re-synthesis.168
3137711327Exercise Fast; Slow 2Maximizing Glycogen Synthesis: 1.) Timing CHO should be consumed as soon as possible after ________. ______ (early) and ________ (late) phase of glycogen synthesis. Waiting as little as ___ hours significantly slows synthesis.169
3137721173Smaller; Frequent Carbohydrate InsulinMaximizing Glycogen Synthesis: 2.) Meal Size _________ and more ________ meals appear better. Sustained provision of ____________ Sustained elevation of ___________.170
3137729125Glucose; Sucrose FructoseMaximizing Glycogen Synthesis: 3.) Type of Carbohydrate Carbohydrate beverages should contain ________ and/or _________ Those with only ________ exhibit low glycogen synthesis rates.171
31377383151.5 0.75-1.5Maximizing Glycogen Synthesis: 4.) Amount of Carbohydrate Highest rate of synthesis is observed when: ________ g/kg consumed in first hour. ________ g/kg consumed the next 3 hours172
3137752660Fat Protein; Amino Acids SuboptimalMaximizing Glycogen Synthesis: 5.) Addition of Other Nutrients ________ not necessary. - Not a substrate for glycogen - Slows digestion ___________ and __________ - Some amino acids cause significant elevations in insulin. Some studies show increased rate of glycogen synthesis, but only when carbohydrate consumption was _________.173
3137603667ProteinA critical nutrient It functions optimally when energy intake is sufficient.174
3137873292Tissue Growth Enzymes Hormones Immune SystemFunctional Roles of Proteins:175
3137877792HigherAmount of protein recommend for athletes is typically ________ than non-athletes176
3137882738SupplementsProtein ____________ are no more or less effective than food proteins.177
3137885949Amino AcidsBasic component of proteins The building blocks of proteins.178
3137914848Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen NitrogenAmino acids/proteins are made up of:179
313791484920A total of _______ amino acids are used by the body.180
3137914850R groupAmino acids are distinguished by their side chains ("________").181
3137914851Peptide__________ bonds join amino acids together.182
3137952598Dipeptide2 amino acids joined together183
3137952599Tripeptide3 amino acids joined together184
3137952600PolypeptideMany amino acids185
3137985457Order CompositionProteins are defined by specific ______ and _________ of amino acids.186
3137990674Structure Energy Enzymes Hormones Transport Immune SystemProtein Functions:187
3137998547Indispensable Amino AcidsAmino acid that must be provided by the diet because the body cannot manufacture it.188
3138003219Dispensable Amino AcidsAmino acid that the body can manufacture in the liver. Not absolutely necessary to consume in the diet.189
31380053406___ amino acids are considered "Conditionally Indispensable"190
3138014100Meat Fish Poultry EggsHigh protein food sources:191
3138018376Dairy Products LegumesModerate-high food sources of protein:192
3138018650Cereal GrainsModerate food sources of protein193
3138021172Fruits VegetablesLow food sources of protein.194
3138076628Protein QualityThe amounts and types of amino acids contained in a protein and their ability to support growth and development.195
3138082275Complete ProteinProtein that contains all the indispensable amino acids in the proper concentrations and proportions to each other to prevent amino acid deficiencies and to support growth.196
3138087597Incomplete ProteinProtein that lacks one or more of the indispensable amino acids in the proper amounts and proportions to each other to prevent amino acid deficiencies and to support growth.197
3138095158Complementary ProteinsThe pairing of two incomplete proteins to provide sufficient quantity and quality of amino acids.198
3138104347Rice and Beans Beans and Corn Cereal and Milk Bread and CheeseExamples of combining "incomplete" protein sources.199
3138112745Denatured Pepsin PolypeptidesDigestion of Proteins: Proteins are ____________ by gastric juices in the stomach (hydrochloric acid) Hydrochloric acid also activates __________ (enzyme) - Pepsin breaks down ______________ into amino acid chains.200
3138116848Small Polypeptides Tripeptides Dipeptides Free Amino AcidsOther digestive enzymes in the small intestine break large polypeptides into:201
3138125173Small Intestine Tripeptides Dipeptides Free Amino AcidsAbsorption of Proteins: Happens in the middle and lower __________ ______________, ____________, and ____________ only.202
3138132943IndispensableAbsorption of Proteins: Number of different carriers of varying affinities. - ________________ amino acids are absorbed most rapidly.203
3138191705Liver CleaninghouseTransport of Proteins: Free amino acids released from the intestine circulate to the _______. The liver is the "__________________" for most amino acids.204
3138203507Liver ImmediatelyThe ________: Monitors the supply of amino acids to tissues Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) circulate ___________ in the plasma205
3138205917Amino AcidBlood ____________ concentration increased for several hours after protein-containing meal.206
3138208736Amino Acid PoolAmino acids not absorbed by the liver enter into the ______________.207
3138223155Amino Acid PoolFree amino acids circulating in the blood or fluid within or between cells.208
313822809650%_____% of the amino acid pool is associated with skeletal muscle tissue.209
3138234044150g_______ g of amino acids makes of the pool.210
3138351526Protein TurnoverThe constant change in the body proteins as a result of protein synthesis and breakdown.211
3138353753Anabolic CatabolicAmino acids are involved in ________ and __________ reactions212
3138354755AnabolicBuilding complex molecules from simple molecules213
3138358399CatabolicThe breakdown of complex molecules into simple ones.214
3138371026Skeletal Muscle AnabolismStimulation of genes that synthesize specific proteins Mechanical stress of force production stimulates genes that regulate muscle protein synthesis.215
3138387738Genetics Training status and type Nutrition HormonesFactors influencing skeletal muscle anabolism:216
3138387739StoredSkeletal Muscle Catabolism: Excess amino acids not "__________" - Energy, fat synthesis, glucose synthesis217
31383950814 kcalSkeletal Muscle Catabolism: Releases ____ kcal of energy218
3138402330Has a protein-sparing affect Dietary protein is reduced.Increased caloric intake (all sources): (2)219
3138407442FluctuatesProtein balance _________ throughout the day.220
3138408931Synthesis BreakdownProtein balance a function of two things: 1.) Muscle protein ___________ 2.) Muscle protein ___________ (degradation)221
3138414078Fasting Feeding ExerciseProtein synthesis and breakdown are affected by:222
3138638028Increase Decrease NegativeDuring the fasted state: ___________ in protein breakdown, and ____________ in protein synthesis. Net protein balance becomes ___________223
3138645189Increase Decrease PositiveDuring fed state ("postprandial") _____________ protein synthesis and a ____________ in protein breakdown. Net protein balance becomes _____________224
3138653975LargelyDuring recovery from exercise protein balance __________ depends on whether fasted or fed.225
3138671693Increases ReducesFeeding alone ________ synthesis and _________ breakdown.226
3138674075Increases IncreasesExercise alone ________ synthesis and _________ breakdown.227
3138675198AdditiveExercise and feeding have an ________ effect.228
3138676698Amino acidsConsuming ____________ before and after resistance exercise displays the highest rates of synthesis.229
3138686107Anabolic WindowProtein Consumption after exercise: Take advantage of limited "______________"230
31386877771-2Protein Consumption after exercise: Take ______ hours post-exercise.231
3138688360CatabolicProtein Consumption after exercise: Is an attempt to reverse __________ environment.232
3138689866Re-distributionProtein Consumption after exercise: It is simply a __________ of daily protein.233
31386931990.1 ProteinStudies show amino acid intake immediately after exercise is beneficial: _______ g/kg is sufficient Consume a food or beverage containing ___________.234
3138701055Glycogen Insulin Amino Acids CHO+PCHO intake provides energy and restores ____________. High glycemic CHO stimulates _________ secretion. Insulin stimulates __________ uptake into the muscles. So therefore _________ beverages have merit.235
3138716637IncreasedWhen energy intake deficient, protein intake should be ___________.236
3138717508DeficientEnergy intake should not be __________ for long periods.237
3138720704Muscle Mass Training Performance HealthLow energy and protein intake have negative effects on:238
3138726143Inadequate 0.8Protein Recommendations as a Relative Amount: Relative amounts can be inaccurate if energy intake is _________ - 10% of total energy is typically equal to _____ g/kg/day239
313873501310-15 15-20Protein Recommendations as a Relative Amount: General guidelines if energy intake is adequate: _______% for endurance athletes _______% for strength athletes. g/kg basis is perfered240
313876148410% Plant ProteinsRecommended Protein Intake for Vegetarian Athletes: General recommendations + ____% - Takes into account lower digestabilibty of ______________.241
3138769290Safe Dehydration CHO; FatIntake of Protein Above Recommended Levels: Short-term effects: -Short-term high protein intake seems ________. -Adequate fluid intake needed to prevent ___________. - Consider protein intake in relation to need for _____ and _______242
3138772421CVD Urinary Calcium ExcretionIntake of Protein Above Recommended Levels: Long-Term Effects: - Increased risk for ______ - Increased _______________243
3138775908MaximizeAnecdotal evidence suggest that high protein intakes is necessary to _________ skeletal muscle anabolism.244
3138780074Increased IncreasedIncreased protein consumption: _________ protein synthesis _________ protein breakdown245
3138785348Body cannot maintain protein balance Skeletal muscle mass and functionality are reduced Training adaptations jeopardized or lost Immune system negatively affected.Intake of Protein Below Recommended Levels:246
3138791207Curdled MilkWhey and Casin proteins are both processed from ________________.247
3138791280Whey ProteinThe liquid portion of curdled milk248
3138792551Casein ProteinThe semi-solid portion of curdled milk249
3138795203Whey ProteinConcentrate, powder, or isolate (fat+lactose removed) High in indispensable amino acids Absorbed Quickly "Fast Acting" rapid rise250
3138798640Casein ProteinMore dispensable amino acids Absorbed slower "Slow acting" slower.251
3138804675Essential Amino AcidsSupplemental source of indispensable amino acids Lack of studies showing effectiveness252
3138811386B-hydroxy-Bmethylbutyrate (HMB)Metabolite of leucine (indispensable amino acid) Hypothesized to increase muscle size and strength. - Reduce protein breakdown after resistance exercise.253
3138815000GlutamineConditionally indispensable amino acid Endurance exercise is a physiological stress for this It is a fuel source for immune system cells.254
3138820382Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)Used for energy during prolonged exercise. - Possible alternative fuel source during prolonged exercise.255
3138823400Leucine Isoleucine ValineThe Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs).256
3138387459Genetics Training status and type Nutrition HormonesFactors influencing skeletal muscle anabolism:257

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