Mullin, Hardy, Sutton
2222686193 | Sport Marketing | Consists of all activities designed to meet the needs and wants of sport consumers through exchange processes | 0 | |
2222689752 | Marketing WITH/THROUGH Sport | -Manufacturer -Product -Service -Country | 1 | |
2222691971 | Marketing OF Sport | -Federation -League -Team/Club -Event | 2 | |
2222693577 | Sport Producers | -Producers of investment goods (facilities and equipment) -Producers of consumer goods (sport apparel, nutrition) | 3 | |
2222709536 | Sport Services | -Services with ACTIVE sport consumers (profit and non-profit) -Services with PASSIVE sport consumers(events,media) -Consulting and mediation services (agencies) | 4 | |
2222716053 | Sport Product | -Intangible, ephemeral, experiential, and subjective nature -Strong personal and emotional identification -Dependence on social facilitation. - Inconsistency and unpredictability. - Core-product control beyond marketer's hands. | 5 | |
2222722781 | BIRGing | Basking in reflected glory (we won) | 6 | |
2222724509 | CORFing | Cutting off reflected failure (they lost) | 7 | |
2222728768 | Sport Market | -Many sport organizations simultaneously compete and cooperate (coopetition) -Sport has a universal appeal | 8 | |
2222767129 | Sport Financing | -Pricing the individual sport product unit by traditional job costing is difficult -The price of the sport product is invariably small in comparison with the total cost paid by the consumer -Indirect revenues are frequently greater than direct operating revenues (media and sponsors). | 9 | |
2222813193 | Sport Promotion | -The widespread media exposure is a double-edged sword (free promotion thru newspapers ect) - Media and sponsors emphasize celebrities | 10 | |
2222817263 | Marketing Communications (Above the line 'classics') | -Ads -Sales Promotions -Public Relations -Exhibitions | 11 | |
2222822276 | Marketing Communications (Below the line 'non-classics') | -Events -Product placement -Sponsoring -Customer Clubs -Employee Communications | 12 | |
2222833921 | Goods-Dominant Logic | - Purpose of economic activity is to make and distribute units of output, preferably tangible (i.e. goods) -Goal is to maximize profit through the efficient production and distribution of goods - goods should be standardized, produced away from the market, and inventoried till demanded -Firms exist to make and sell goods | 13 | |
2222841553 | Service-Dominant Logic | -See value as always co-created -Value-in-use / value-in-exchange -See goods as appliances for service delivery. -Implies all economies are service economies. -All businesses are service businesses | 14 | |
2222845817 | Co-creation | is a management initiative, or form of economic strategy, that brings different parties together in order to jointly produce a mutually valued outcome. | 15 | |
2222852780 | Strategic Marketing Management | The development of a comprehensive, strategic, and creative marketing plan. This plan must involve a process that combines both strategy (the big picture) and tactics (the details of a plan) | 16 | |
2222885782 | Strategic Marketing Management Process: | 1. Develop Vision, Position, and Purpose (Establishing the Organization's Direction) 2. Develop Strategic Goals and Objectives 3. Develop a Ticket Marketing, Sales, and Service Plan 4. Integrate the Marketing Plan into a Broader, Strategic Resource Allocation 5. Control and Evaluate Implementation of the Plan | 17 | |
2222898597 | Develop Vision, Position, and Purpose | -SWOT analysis -Macro environmental factors (e.g. political, legal, economic) -Micro environmental factors (e.g. finance, HR, knowledge) -Industry analysis (e.g. customers, suppliers, competitors) | 18 | |
2222906984 | Develop Strategic Goals and Objectives | -identification of strategic options -Corporate-level (getting bigger or getting smaller?) -Business-level (differentiation / cost leader / focus) -Functional-level (implementation into functional areas) -production, marketing, R&D, accounting, finance, HR, etc | 19 | |
2222908427 | Develop a Ticket Marketing, Sales, and Service Plan | -Market Segmentation and Determining Key Targets -Market Development Using the Escalator Concept -Product Development and Positioning -The P's in the Sport Marketing Mix | 20 | |
2222911393 | Integrate the Marketing Plan into a Broader, Strategic Resource Allocation | -Include research and input from all the key stakeholders (Ticket buyers, users, partners / sponsors, media, rights holders, community, etc.) -Support from senior and middle managers -Input from program directors | 21 | |
2222915717 | Control and Evaluate Implementation of the Plan | -Continuous monitoring and evaluation of the activities and performance, e.g. - financial measures - stakeholder satisfaction - value measurement -Feedback for changes and adjustment -Trend analysis (social, political & legal, economic, technological, geographic factors) | 22 | |
2222951378 | Escalator Concept | Sport organizations should invest first in nurturing existing consumers. Second is focusing on casual fans to make them more avid fans. Finally create new fans. -Retain -Grow -Acquire | 23 | |
2223038875 | Paradigm of Consumer Behavior Research | • Who? Who takes part in the decision making process? • Buys what? Which products and services are purchased? • Why? Reasons, motivations, utility expectations? • How? Decision Making process itself? • How much? Amount of products and services? • When? Time of purchase and frequency of purchase? • Where? Choice of location / supplier? | 24 | |
2223048271 | Consumer Behavior | -Individual Factors -Influences by social groups | 25 | |
2223051264 | Individual Factors | -Motivation -Perception -Attitude -Learning -Emotion -Self-Concept -Social Identity | 26 | |
2223054113 | Influences by Social Groups | -Reference Groups -Socialization Process -Subcultures in Sports | 27 | |
2223067462 | Understanding the Sport Consumer | 1.Involvement 2.Identification 3.Loyalty | 28 | |
2223076483 | Situational Factors | -Physical surroundings -Social surroundings -Task requirements / Problem solving requirements -Temporal perspective (time pressure, Season, ...) -Antecedent states (Mood, Budget, Tiredness, Illness, ....) | 29 | |
2223078371 | Internal Factors | -Motivations -Perceptions -Attitudes -Experiences -Involvement -Identification | 30 | |
2223082198 | External Factors | -Reference groups -Socialization -Subcultures -Marketing Efforts | 31 | |
2223085191 | Environmental Factors | -Significant Others -Cultural Norms and Values -Class -Race and Ethnicity -Gender and Sexuality -Culture in the Global Marketplace -Market Behavior | 32 | |
2223088255 | SOR (Stimulus Organism Response) | -Stimulus=Offer -Organism=Attitude (feeling, thinking, acting) -Response=Action | 33 | |
2223109121 | Decision Making Process | 1. Need of recognition 2. Information seeking 3. Evaluation of alternatives 4. Purchase 5. Post-purchase Evaluation(cognitive dissonance, satisfaction) -Repurchase -Recommendation | 34 | |
2223119271 | Syndicated data | Secondary Data (US Census, demographics ect) | 35 | |
2223124562 | Custom Research | Primary Data | 36 | |
2223126654 | Quantitative Research | -Online -Intercepts (interviewing respondents in person) -Telephone (calling a respondent to administer a survey) -Direct Mail (print and mail surveys, return envelope with postage, enter data manually into a system for data analysis) | 37 | |
2223130696 | Qualitative Research | -In-Depth Interviews -Focus Groups -Ethnography (observing respondents in their real-life environment) -Videography (a form of visual anthropology encompassing the collection, analysis, and presentation of visual data) | 38 | |
2223137122 | Business to Business Research- B2B | -Corporate Partners -Vendors -Premium seat holders | 39 | |
2223150314 | Market Research Process | 1. Defining the problem 2. Choosing the research design type 3. Identifying data collection methods 4. Designing data collection forms 5. Collecting, analyzing, and interpreting 6. Preparing the research report | 40 | |
2223173506 | Market Segmentation | The process of dividing a large, heterogeneous market into more homogeneous groups of people, who have similar wants, needs, or demographic profiles. -Primary goals: Maximize customer satisfaction and maximize market response. -Pre-requisites: Indentifiability, accessibility, and responsiveness of potential segment | 41 | |
2223188508 | Socio-Demographic | 1. Age 2. Gender 3. Family size 4. Income 5. Profession 6. Education 7. Religion 8. Ethnicity | 42 | |
2223191025 | Psycographic | 1. Social Class 2. Lifestyle 3. Personal Characteristics - Needs - Attitudes - Interests - Opinions - Willingness to pay | 43 | |
2223204479 | Four Bases of Segmentation | 1. State of being 2. State of Mind 3. Benefit 4. Usage | 44 | |
2223208898 | State of Being | -Geography -Age -Income -Education -Gender -Sexual Orientation -Race and Ethnicity | 45 | |
2223212276 | State of Mind | -Innovators -Thinkers -Achievers -Experiencers -Believers -Strivers -Makers -Survivors | 46 | |
2223215119 | Benefit | -Depend on the motivation of the customers -Product benefits differ between "competitive runners"- "intermediate tennis player" - "casual sneaker customer | 47 | |
2223217779 | Usage | -Primarily focuses on the heavy users -80-20 Rule ( 80% of market consumption comes from 20% of the consumers) | 48 | |
2223245057 | Sport Product (ch. 6) | Complex package of the tangible and intangible | 49 | |
2223257157 | Sport Product- Core | -Game Form (rules and techniques) -Players, Coaches, and Owners (star power) -Fan Behavior -Equipment and Apparel -Venue -Personnel and Process | 50 | |
2223262143 | Sport Product- Extensions | -Memories -Novelties and Fantasies -Ticket, Program, and other materials -Hybrid Products / Electronic Products | 51 | |
2223266626 | Sport Product Strategies | - Differentiation (Nike vs. Reebok / NFL vs. MLS) - Product Development(Cavaliers move from Richfield Coliseum near Akron to Gund Arena in downtown Cleveland) - Product Position(Repositioning Harlem Globetrotters) - Brands and Branding ("Any damn fool can put on a price reduction, but it takes brains and perseverance to create a brand.", David Ogilvy) - Product and Brand Cycles(NFL - MLB - NBA - NHL - MLS) | 52 |