Vocab for her Final Exam for her AP spanish III class.
172230837 | colaborar con | to collaborate with | 0 | |
172230838 | conservar más | to conserve more | 1 | |
172230839 | consumir menos | to consume less | 2 | |
172230840 | convivir | to live together; to get along | 3 | |
172230841 | crear | to create | 4 | |
172230842 | cuidar de | to take care of | 5 | |
172230843 | donar | to donate | 6 | |
172230844 | educar al público | to educate the public | 7 | |
172230845 | embellecer | to beautify | 8 | |
172230846 | estar a favor de | to be for | 9 | |
172230847 | estar en contra de | to be against | 10 | |
172230848 | hacer un esfuerzo | to make an effort | 11 | |
172230849 | juntar fondos | to fundraise | 12 | |
172230850 | luchar contra | to fight against | 13 | |
172230851 | participar | to participate | 14 | |
172230852 | permitir | to permit | 15 | |
172230853 | pertenecer | to belong | 16 | |
172230854 | preservar | to preserve | 17 | |
172230855 | recoger | to pick up | 18 | |
172230856 | resolver | to resolve | 19 | |
172230857 | sembrar | to plant | 20 | |
172230858 | trabajar de voluntario | to volunteer | 21 | |
172230859 | valorar | to value | 22 | |
172230860 | votar | to vote | 23 | |
172230861 | los ancianos | the elderly | 24 | |
172230862 | el árbol | tree | 25 | |
172230863 | la basura | garbage | 26 | |
172230864 | la campaña | campaign | 27 | |
172230865 | el centro de la comunidad | community center | 28 | |
172230866 | el centro de rehabilitación | rehabilitation center | 29 | |
172230867 | el (la) ciudadano(a) | citizen | 30 | |
172230868 | el comedor de beneficencia | soup kitchen | 31 | |
172230869 | los derechos humanos | human rights | 32 | |
172230870 | el desarrollo | development | 33 | |
172230872 | la discriminación | discrimination | 34 | |
172230875 | los enfermos | the sick | 35 | |
172230877 | la gente sin hogar | the homeless | 36 | |
172230879 | los jóvenes | young people | 37 | |
172230882 | los minusválidos | the physically challenged | 38 | |
172230884 | la pobreza | poverty | 39 | |
172230886 | el prejuicio | prejudice | 40 | |
172230888 | el ser humano | human being | 41 | |
172230890 | el servicio social | social service | 42 | |
172230892 | la solución | solution | 43 | |
172230895 | ¿Cómo puedo ayudarte(lo, la)? | How can I help you? | 44 | |
172230897 | ¿Podría(s) darme una mano? | Could you give me a hand? | 45 | |
172230899 | ¿Puede(s) ayudarme? | Can you help me? | 46 | |
172230901 | ¿Puede(s) hacerme un favor? | Can you do me a favor? | 47 | |
172230904 | Estoy agotado(a) | I'm exhausted | 48 | |
172230906 | Lo siento mucho, pero | I'm sorry, but | 49 | |
172230908 | Me es imposible | It's just not possible for me | 50 | |
172230910 | No, de veras, no puedo | No, really, I can't | 51 | |
172230912 | ¿Por qué no? | Sure, why not? | 52 | |
172230914 | Sí, con mucho gusto | Yes, gladly | 53 | |
172230917 | Si pudiera, lo haría | If I could, I would | 54 | |
172230919 | el combustible | fuel | 55 | |
172230921 | los efectos | effects | 56 | |
172230923 | el medio ambiente | environment | 57 | |
172230925 | el planeta | planet | 58 | |
172230926 | la población | population | 59 | |
172230927 | por todas partes | all around | 60 | |
172230928 | los recursos naturales | natural resources | 61 | |
172230929 | la tierra | land | 62 | |
172230930 | el aerosol | aerosol | 63 | |
172230931 | la capa de ozono | ozone layer | 64 | |
172230932 | complicado(a) | complicated | 65 | |
172230933 | la contaminación del aire | air pollution | 66 | |
172230934 | el contaminante | pollutant | 67 | |
172230935 | dañino(a) | damaging | 68 | |
172230936 | el derrame de petróleo | oil spill | 69 | |
172230937 | el desperdicio | waste | 70 | |
172230938 | la destrucción | destruction | 71 | |
172230939 | echar | to throw away | 72 | |
172230940 | inútil | useless | 73 | |
172230941 | ¡Qué lío! | What a mess! | 74 | |
172230942 | el químico | chemical | 75 | |
172230943 | el smog | smog | 76 | |
172230944 | ¡A todos nos toca! | It's up to all of us! | 77 | |
172230945 | la botella | bottle | 78 | |
172230946 | el cartón | cardboard | 79 | |
172230947 | desarrollar | to develop | 80 | |
172230948 | descubrir | to discover | 81 | |
172230949 | increíble | incredible | 82 | |
172230950 | instituir | to institute | 83 | |
172230951 | la lata | can | 84 | |
172230952 | el permiso | permission | 85 | |
172230953 | el plástico | plastic | 86 | |
172230954 | el programa de reciclaje | recycling program | 87 | |
172230955 | prohibir | to prohibit | 88 | |
172230956 | proteger | to protect | 89 | |
172230957 | reducir | to reduce | 90 | |
172230958 | respetar | to respect | 91 | |
172230959 | separar | to separate | 92 | |
172230960 | el vidrio | glass | 93 | |
172230961 | las zonas de reserva ecológica | conservation land | 94 | |
172230962 | la altura | altitude | 95 | |
172230963 | el bosque | forest | 96 | |
172230964 | el cielo | sky | 97 | |
172230965 | el clima | climate | 98 | |
172230966 | la colina | hill | 99 | |
172230967 | diverso(a) | diverse | 100 | |
172230968 | el ecosistema | ecosystem | 101 | |
172230969 | las especies | species | 102 | |
172230970 | la fauna silvestre | wild animal life | 103 | |
172230971 | la flora silvestre | wild plant life | 104 | |
172230972 | la naturaleza | nature | 105 | |
172230973 | la piedra | rock | 106 | |
172230974 | la selva | jungle, forest | 107 | |
172230975 | la sequía | drought | 108 | |
172230976 | el valle | valley | 109 | |
172230977 | Es bueno que | It's good that | 110 | |
172230978 | Es importante que | It's important that | 111 | |
172230979 | Es lógico que | It's logical that | 112 | |
172230980 | Es malo que | It's bad that | 113 | |
172230981 | Es mejor que | It's better that | 114 | |
172230982 | Es necesario que | It's necessary that | 115 | |
172230983 | Es peligroso que | It's dangerous that | 116 | |
172230984 | Es posible que | It's possible that | 117 | |
172230985 | Es probable que | It's probable that | 118 | |
172230986 | Es raro que | It's rare that | 119 | |
172230987 | Es ridículo que | It's ridiculous that | 120 | |
172230988 | Es triste que | It's sad that | 121 | |
172230989 | Es una lastima que | It's a pity that | 122 | |
172230990 | festejar | to celebrate | 123 | |
172230991 | pasarlo bien | to have a good time | 124 | |
172230992 | patrocinar | to sponsor | 125 | |
172230993 | ¡Buen provecho! | Enjoy! (you meal) | 126 | |
172230994 | ¡Próspero Año Nuevo! | Happy New Year! | 127 | |
172230995 | Muy amable | That's kind of you | 128 | |
172230996 | No hay de qué | It's nothing | 129 | |
172230997 | el arroz con dulce | rice-coconut milk dessert | 130 | |
172230998 | el arroz con gandules | rice and pigeon peas | 131 | |
172230999 | el arroz con leche | sweet rice-milk dessert | 132 | |
172231000 | el budín | pudding | 133 | |
172231001 | el coquito | eggnog | 134 | |
172231002 | los guineítos en escabeche | small green bananas in garlic vinegar, red pepper, and oil | 135 | |
172231003 | el lechón asado | roast suckling pig | 136 | |
172231004 | el pastel | tamale-like mixture of plantain, yuca, and meat turkey | 137 | |
172231005 | el pavo | turkey | 138 | |
172231006 | el tembleque | coconut-milk custard | 139 | |
172231007 | El día de Acción Gracias | Thanksgiving | 140 | |
172231008 | El día de la Amistad | Valentine's Day | 141 | |
172231009 | El día de la Independencia | Independence Day | 142 | |
172231010 | El día de las Madres/de los Padres | Mother's/Father's Day | 143 | |
172231011 | El día de la Raza | Columbus Day | 144 | |
172231012 | la Hanuka | Hanukkah | 145 | |
172231013 | la Navidad | Christmas | 146 | |
172231014 | las Pascuas | Easter | 147 | |
172231015 | la quinceañera | fifteenth birthday | 148 | |
172231016 | el anfitrión | host | 149 | |
172231017 | la anfitriona | hostess | 150 | |
172231018 | el Año Nuevo | New Year | 151 | |
172231019 | la campana | bell | 152 | |
172231020 | la campanada | tolling of the bell | 153 | |
172231021 | el cohete | firecracker | 154 | |
172231022 | el concurso | contest | 155 | |
172231023 | la despedida del año | New Year's Eve | 156 | |
172231024 | la fiesta continua | party in stages | 157 | |
172231025 | los fuegos artificiales | fireworks | 158 | |
172231026 | la gala | big, formal party | 159 | |
172231027 | inolvidable | unforgettable | 160 | |
172231028 | la madrugada | early morning, dawn | 161 | |
172231029 | el motivo | purpose | 162 | |
172231030 | el (la) músico(a) | musician | 163 | |
172231031 | la orquesta | orchestra | 164 | |
172231032 | la pareja | couple | 165 | |
172231033 | la radioemisora | radio station | 166 | |
172231034 | el ruido | noise | 167 | |
172231035 | típico(a) | typical, regional | 168 | |
172231036 | De nada | You're Welcome | 169 | |
172231037 | Es un placer | It's a pleasure | 170 | |
172231038 | Gracias | Thank you | 171 | |
172231039 | Mil gracias | many thanks | 172 | |
172231040 | Se lo agradezco | It's really appreciated | 173 | |
172231041 | dudar que | to doubt that | 174 | |
172231042 | No creer que | to not think that | 175 | |
172231043 | No es cierto que | it's not true that | 176 | |
172231044 | no es verdad que | it's not true that | 177 | |
172231045 | no estar seguro(a) (de) que | to not be sure that | 178 | |
172231046 | no opinar que | to not be of the opinion that | 179 | |
172231047 | no pensar que | to not think that | 180 | |
172231048 | buscar | to look for | 181 | |
172231049 | no hay nada | there is nothing | 182 | |
172231050 | no hay nadie | there is nobody | 183 | |
172231051 | ¿Hay algo...? | Is there anything? | 184 | |
172231052 | ¿Hay alguien...? | Is there anyone? | 185 | |
172471719 | agradecer | to thank | 186 | |
172471720 | el apoyo | support | 187 | |
172471721 | apreciar | to appreciate | 188 | |
172471722 | el birrete | cap | 189 | |
172471723 | brindar | to make a toast | 190 | |
172471724 | el brindis | toast | 191 | |
172471725 | la ceremonia de graduación | graduation ceremony | 192 | |
172471726 | el desfile | parade; procession | 193 | |
172471727 | el diploma | diploma | 194 | |
172471728 | el discurso | speech | 195 | |
172471729 | emocionarse | to be thrilled; touched | 196 | |
172471730 | la enhorabuena | congratulations | 197 | |
172471731 | el éxito | success | 198 | |
172471732 | la generosidad | generosity | 199 | |
172471733 | generoso(a) | generous | 200 | |
172471734 | el (la) graduando(a) | graduate | 201 | |
172471735 | graduarse | to graduate | 202 | |
172471736 | llevar a cabo | to accomplish | 203 | |
172471737 | orgulloso(a) | proud | 204 | |
172471738 | los padrinos | godparents | 205 | |
172471739 | la toga | gown | 206 | |
172471740 | valer la pena | to be worthwhile | 207 | |
172471741 | avanzar | to advance | 208 | |
172471742 | el camino | path; road | 209 | |
172471743 | imponer | to impose | 210 | |
172471744 | el orgullo | pride | 211 | |
172471745 | el tropiezo | setback | 212 | |
172471746 | vencer | to defeat; to overcome | 213 | |
172471747 | dejar | to allow | 214 | |
172471748 | exigir | to demand | 215 | |
172471749 | insistir en | to insist on | 216 | |
172471750 | oponerse a | to oppose | 217 | |
172471751 | prohibir | to prohibit | 218 | |
172471752 | rogar | to beg | 219 | |
172471753 | suplicar | to ask; to plead | 220 | |
172471754 | aconsejar | to advise | 221 | |
172471755 | desear | to want | 222 | |
172471756 | esperar | to hope; wait | 223 | |
172471757 | mandar | to order; send | 224 | |
172471758 | pedir | to request | 225 | |
172471759 | permitir | to permit | 226 | |
172471760 | querer | to want | 227 | |
172471761 | recomendar | to recommend | 228 | |
172471762 | sugerir | to suggest | 229 | |
172471763 | a menos que | unless | 230 | |
172471764 | con tal de que | provided that; as long as | 231 | |
172471765 | en caso de que | in case | 232 | |
172471766 | para que | so that | 233 | |
172471767 | antes (de) que | before | 234 | |
172471768 | el agua dulce | freshwater | 235 | |
172471769 | (el) amanecer | down; to start the day | 236 | |
172471770 | (el) anochecer | nightfall; to get dark | 237 | |
172471771 | (el) atardecer | late afternoon; to get dark | 238 | |
172471772 | bucear | to scuba-dive | 239 | |
172471773 | el campamento | camp | 240 | |
172471774 | descubrir | to discover | 241 | |
172471775 | el (la) ecoturista | ecotourist | 242 | |
172471776 | la luz | light | 243 | |
172471777 | nadar con tubo de respiración | to snorkel | 244 | |
172471778 | navegar por rápidos | to go white-water rafting | 245 | |
172471779 | oscurecer | to get dark | 246 | |
172471780 | la oscuridad | darkness | 247 | |
172471781 | peligroso(a) | dangerous | 248 | |
172471782 | el refugio de vida silvestre | wildlife refuge | 249 | |
172471783 | salvaje | wild | 250 | |
172471784 | el sendero | path | 251 | |
172471785 | la ballena jorobada | humpback whale | 252 | |
172471786 | la boa constrictora | boa constrictor | 253 | |
172471787 | el búho | owl | 254 | |
172471788 | el halcón | falcon | 255 | |
172471789 | la iguana | iguana | 256 | |
172471790 | el jaguar | jaguar | 257 | |
172471791 | el loro | parrot | 258 | |
172471792 | la mariposa | butterfly | 259 | |
172471793 | el mono araña | spider monkey | 260 | |
172471794 | el ocelote | ocelot | 261 | |
172471795 | el oso hormiguero | anteater | 262 | |
172471796 | el pelícano | pelican | 263 | |
172471797 | el pez | fish | 264 | |
172471798 | el picaflor | hummingbird | 265 | |
172471799 | la serpiente | snake | 266 | |
172471800 | el tiburón | shark | 267 | |
172471801 | la tortuga | turtle | 268 | |
172471802 | el tucán | toucan | 269 | |
172471803 | el venado | deer | 270 | |
172471804 | el zorrillo | skunk | 271 | |
172471805 | el abrelatas | can opener | 272 | |
172471806 | la almohada | pillow | 273 | |
172471807 | el fósforo | match | 274 | |
172471808 | el fuego | fire | 275 | |
172471809 | la leña | firewood | 276 | |
172471810 | la linterna | flashlight | 277 | |
172471811 | la manta | blanket | 278 | |
172471812 | la navaja | jackknife | 279 | |
172471813 | el saco de dormir | sleeping bag | 280 | |
172471814 | la tienda de campaña | tent | 281 | |
172471815 | el aguacero | downpour | 282 | |
172471816 | centígrado | centigrade | 283 | |
172471817 | húmedo(a) | humid; wet | 284 | |
172471818 | el huracán | hurricane | 285 | |
172471819 | la llovizna | drizzle | 286 | |
172471820 | la neblina | mist | 287 | |
172471821 | la nube | cloud | 288 | |
172471822 | el rayo | thunderbolt; flash of lightning | 289 | |
172471823 | el relámpago | lightning | 290 | |
172471824 | soleado(a) | sunny | 291 | |
172471825 | el trueno | thunder | 292 | |
172471826 | Es triste que | It's sad that | 293 | |
172471827 | Espero que | I wish that | 294 | |
172471828 | Me alegro de que | I'm happy that | 295 | |
172471829 | Ojalá que | I hope that | 296 | |
172471830 | siento que | I'm sorry that | 297 | |
172471831 | Tengo miedo de que | I'm afraid that | 298 | |
172471832 | Dudo que | I doubt that | 299 | |
172471833 | No creo que | I don't think that | 300 | |
172471834 | No es cierto que | It's not certain that | 301 | |
172471835 | No es seguro que | It's not sure that | 302 | |
172471836 | No es verdad que | It's not true that | 303 | |
172471837 | quizás/quizá | maybe | 304 | |
172471838 | tal vez | perhaps; maybe | 305 | |
172471839 | cuando | when | 306 | |
172471840 | en cuanto | as soon as | 307 | |
172471841 | hasta que | until | 308 | |
172471842 | tan pronto como | as soon as | 309 |