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Steffen 8th Grade ELA Elements of Literature

Essential Knowledge

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206266244Plotsequence of events in a story
206266245Foreshadowingthe use of hints and clues to suggest what will happen later in a story
206266246Flashbackauthor trick: insertion of events that happened earlier
206266247Suspenseexcited anticipation of an approaching climax
206266248Expositionintroduces the characters, setting, and basic situation
206266249Prologueintroduction to a poem or play
206266250Rising Actionevents leading up to the climax
206266251Climaxthe decisive moment in a novel or play
206266252Conflictopposition in a work of drama or fiction between characters or forces; 4 types: person vs. person; person vs. self; person vs. nature; person vs. fate
206266253Epiloguea short passage added at the end of a story
206266254Falling Actionevents after the climax, leading to the resolution
206266255Resolutionend of the story where loose ends are tied up
206266256Antagonistthe character who works against the protagonist in the story
206266257Direct Characterizationthe writer tells us directly what a character's personality is like
206266258Dynamic CharacterA character who grows, learns, or changes as a result of the story's action
206266259Flat Charactera character who embodies a single quality and who does not develop fully over the course of a story
206266260Indirect Characterizationthe character is gradually revealed through his or her personality, appearance, words, actions, and effect on others
206266261Protagonistthe major character in a work of fiction
206266262Round Characterthis character is fully developed - the writer reveals good and bad traits as well as background
206266263Static Charactera character who does not change at all, or who remains almost entirely the same, throughout the course of a play or story
206266264Stereotypea generalized belief about a group of people
206266265First Person Point of Viewa character in the story is actually telling the story himself/herself
206266266Limited Point of Viewthe story is told from the perspective of one of the characters whose information is restricted only to what he/she sees, hears, and feels.
206266267Omniscient Point of Viewas if God is telling the story and knows everything and can get into each character's mind
206266268Point of Viewthe perspective from which a story is told
206266269Dramatic Ironywhen a reader is aware of something that a character isn't
206266270Ironythe opposite of what is expected
206266271Situational Ironyan outcome that turns out to be very different from what was expected
206266272Styleparticular way in which a writer writes
206266273Verbal IronyA figure of speech in which what is said is the opposite of what is meant
206266274Moodthe overall emotion created by a work of literature
206266275Moralrelating to principles of right and wrong
206266276SatireThe use of humor to emphasize human weaknesses or imperfections in social institutions
206266277Settingwhere and when the story takes place
206266278Symbolsomething that stands for something else
206266279ThemeThe deeper meaning of a text; an insight about human life revealed in a literary work
206266280Foila character who provides a striking contrast to another character
206266281Confidanta character type: a close friend or associate to whom secrets are confided or with whom private matters and problems are discussed
206266282Dialoguethe lines spoken by characters in drama or fiction
206266283Figurative languageWriting or speech that is used to create vivid impressions by setting up comparisons between dissimilar things: 3 examples are metaphor, simile, and personification
206266284Genrea kind or type of literary or artistic work
206266285Imageryliterary description that appeals to the senses: sight, sound, smell, touch, taste
206266286Alliterationthe repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words
206266287Metaphorcomparison not using like or as
206266288Onomatopoeiawords that have sounds that suggest their meaning ex: the water gurgled down the drain.
206266289PersonificationA figure of speech in which an object or animal is given human feelings, thoughts, or attitudes
206266290Similecomparison using like or as
206266291Versimilitudein a fiction setting, the similarity to reality; the appearance of truth; looking like the real thing
206266292Stream of consciousnessA literary technique that presents the flowing thoughts and feelings of a character as they occur.
206266293Fab Fivea reading strategy that helps you summarize the basic, essential elements of a story; NOT a huge retelling: who? wants what? but? so? then?
206266294Inferencea reasonable conclusion that a reader draws by combining what you already know about the subject with what's in the text
206266295Connectingthinking about how what you're reading has to do with you personally, other things you've read, and what's happening in the world
206266296Questioningthe process of raising questions while reading in an effort to understand characters and events; checking your internal comprehension
206266297Allusiona reference to another work of literature, person, or event; usually Biblical or Shakespearean
206266298Punplay on the multiple meanings of a word or on two words that sound alike but have different meanings; can be somewhat humorous
206266299Flashbacka scene or event from the past that appears in a narrative out of chronological order, to fill in information or explain something in the present
206266300Suspenseexcited anticipation that a reader fells of an approaching climax; nervous or anxious about the outcome of a scene or novel
206266301Epiloguea short passage added at the end of a literary work
206266302Stereotypea type of character that is a distorted, exaggerated, or oversimplified
206372616Short storya brief work of fiction generally read in one sitting
209388212Main charactersstory centers around the events of these characters
209388213Eventsattempts by main character to solve his/her problem/overcome roadblocks; found in rising action
219702043motivea driving force that causes a person to take action to satisfy specific needs
219702044motifan element in literature that recurs in stories from many cultures and from many periods in history; example: the number three

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