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Stoudenmier Exam Vocabulary All-Fall

Fall Exam vocabulary for Ms. Stoudenmier at LAMP.
Year 2011. Full set, all 238 words

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290546744barb(n) sharp projection from fishhook, etc.
290546745baroque(adj) highly ornate
290546746barrage(n) barrier laid down by artillery fire
290546747barrister(n) counselor at law
290546748barterer(n) trader
290546749bate(v) let down, restrain
290546750batten(v) grow fat; thrive upon others
290546751bauble(n) trinket; trifle
290546752beatific(adj) giving bliss; blissful
290546753bedizen(v) dress with vulgar finery
290546754bedraggle(v) wet throughly
290546755beguile(v) delude; cheat; amuse
290546756behoove(v) be suited to; be incumbent upon
290546757belabor(v) beat soundly; assail verbally
290546758beleaguer(v) besiege
290546759bellicose(adj) warlike
290546760benediction(n) blessing
290546761benefactor(n) giver; patron
290546762beneficiary(n) perspon entitled to benefits or proceeds of an insurance policy or will
290546763benighted(adj) overcome by darkness
290546764benign(adj) kindly; favorable; not malignant
290546765bereft(adj) deprived of; lacking
290546766berserk(adv) frenzied
290546767besmirch(v) soil, defile
290546768bestow(v) confer
290546769betroth(v) becoming engaged to marry
290546771bicameral(adj) two-chambered, as a legislative body
290546772bigotry(n) stubborn intolerance
290546774bivouac(n) temporary encampment
290546775bizarre(adj) fantastic; violently contrasting
290546776blasphemous(adj) profane; impious
290546777blatant(adj) loudly offensive
290546778blazon(v) decorate with an heraldic coat of arms
290546779bleak(adj) cold; cheerless
290546780blighted(adj) suffering from a disease; destroyed
290546781blithe(adj) gay; joyous
290546782bludgeon(n) club; heavy-headed weapon
290546783bode(v) foreshadow; portend
290546784bogus(adj) counterfeit; not authentic
290546785boisterous(adj) violent; rough; noisy
290546786bombastic(adj) pompous; using inflated lanague
290546787bootless(adj) useless
290546788bountiful(adj) generous; showing bounty
290546789bourgeois(n) middle class person
290546790braggadocio(n) boasting
290546791bravado(n) swagger; assumed air of defiance
290546792brazen(adj) insolent
290546793brazier(n) open pan in which live coals are burned
290546794breach(n) breaking of contract or duty; fissure, gap
290546795brevity(n) conciseness
290546796bristling(adj) rising like bristles; showing irritation
290546797broach(v) open up
290546798brocade(n) rich, textured fabric
290546799brochure(n) pamphlet
290546800brooch(n) ornamental clasp
290546801bullion(n) gold and silver in the form of bars
290546802bulwark(n) earthwork or other strong defense; person who defends
290546803bumptious(adj) self assertive
290546804bungle(v) spoil by clumsy behavior
290546805burgeon(v) grow forth; send out buds
290546806burlesque(v) give an imitation that ridicules
290546807buttress(n) support or prop
290546808buxom(adj) plump; vigorous; jolly
290546809cabal(n) small groups of persons secrely united to promote their own interests
290546810cache(n) hiding place
290546811cacophony(n) discordant sound
290546812cadaver(n) corpse
290546814cryptic(adj) mysterious; hidden; secret
290546815cuisine(n) style of cooking
290546816cull(v) pick out; reject
290546817culmination(n) attainment of highest point
290546818culpable(adj) deserving blame
290546819cupidity(n) greed
290546820cur, curr, cursrun
290546821curry(v) treat leather
290546822cursory(adj) casual; hastily done
290546823curtail(v) shorten, reduce
290546824dais(n) raised platform for guests of honor
290546825dally(v) trifly with procrastination
290546826dank(adj) damp
290546827dastard(n) coward
290546828daunt(v) intimidate
290546829dauntless(adj) bold
290546830dawdle(v) loiter, waste time
290546831debase(v) reduce to lower state
290546832debaunch(v) corrupt; make intemperate
290546833debonair(adj) sauve; aiming to please
290546834debutante(n) young lady making formal entrance into society
290546835decadence(n) decay
290546836decant(v) pour off gently
290546837deciduous(adj) falling off as of leaves
290546838declivity(n) downward slope
290546839decoy(n) lure or bait
290546840decrepit(adj) worn out by age
290546841decry(v) disparage
290546842deducible(adj) derived by reasoning
290546843degalcate(v) misuse money held in trust
290546844defamation(n) harming a person's reputation
290546845default(n) failure to act
290546846defeatist(adj) attitude of one who is ready to accept defeat as a natural outcome
290546847defection(n) desertion
290546848deference(n) courteous regard for another's wish
290546849defile(adj) pollute; profane
290546850definitive(adj) final; complete
290546851deflect(v) turn aside
290546852deign(v) condescend
290546853delete(v) strike out
290546854deleterious(adj) harmful
290546855delineation(n) portrayal
290546856delirium(n) mental disorder marked by confusion
290546857delusive(adj) deceptive; raising vain hopes
290546858demean(v) degrade; condescend to do
290546859demeanor(b) behavior; bearing
290546860demise(n) death
290546861demolition(n) destruction
290546862demonic(adj) fiendish
290546863demur(v) delay; object
290546864demure(adj) serious; coy
290546865denizen(n) inhabitant
290546866depict(v) portray
290546867depilate(v) remove hair
290546868deplete(v) reduce; exhaust
290546869deploy(v) move troops so that the battle line is extended at the expanse of depth
290546870deposition(n) testimony under oath
290546871depravity(n) corruption; wickedness
290546872deprecatory(adj) disapproving
290546873depreciate(v) lesson in value
290546874deranged(adj) insane
290546875deride(v) scoff at
290546876dermatologist(n) physician who treats the skin and it diseases
290546877derogatory(adj) expressing a low opinion
290546878desecrate(v) profane; violate the sanctity of
290546879desiccate(v) dry up
290546880despicable(adj) contemptible
290546881despise(v) scorn
290546882despoil(v) plunder
290546883dysbad, ill, different
290546885exoout of, outside
290546887fer, ferrousbearing, producing, yielding
290546888flect, flexbend
290546890hyperover, above, beyond the ordinary
290546891intelligentsia (n)the intelligent and educated classes. (often used derogatorily)
290546892interim (n)meantime
290546893interment(n) burial
290546894intermittent(adj) periodic; on and off
290546895intimidation(n) fear
290546896intransigent(adj) refusing any compromise
290546897intrepid(adj) fearless
290546898intrinsic(adj) belonging to a thing in itself; inherent
290546899introvert(n) one who is introspective; inclined to think more about oneself
290546900intrude(v) trespass; enter as an uninvited person
290546901intuition(n) power of knowing without reasoning
290546902inundate(v) overflow; flood
290546903inured(adj) accustomed; hardened
290546904inveigle(v) lead astray; wheedle
290546905inveterate(adj) deep-rooted; habitual
290546906invidious(adj) designed to create ill will or envy
290546907inviolability(n) security from being destroyed, corrupted or profaned
290546908iota(n) very small quantity
290546909irascible(adj) irritable; easily angered
290546910iridescent(adj) exhibiting rainbow-like colors
290546911ironicalresulting in an unexpected and contrary manner
290546912irrelevant(adj) not applicable; unrelated
290546913irremediable(adj) incurable; uncorrectable
290546914irreparable(adj) not able to be corrected or repaired
290546915irreverent(adj) lacking proper respect
290546916iterate(v) utter a second time; repeat
290546917itinerant(adj) wandering; traveling
290546918jaded(adj) fatigued; surfeited
290546919jargon(n) language used by a special group; gibberish
290546920jaundiced(adj) yellowed; prejudiced; envious
290546922jeopardy(n) exposure to death or danger
290546923jettison(v) throw overboard
290546924jingoism(n) extremely aggressive and militant
290546925jocular(adj) said or done in jest
290546926jollity(n) gaiety; cheerfulness
290546927judicious(adj) wise; determined by sound judgement
290546928junket(n) a merry feast or picnic
290546929junta(n) a group of men joined in political intrigue; cabat
290546930ken(n) range of knowledge
290546931kiosk(n) summerhouse; open pavilion
290546932kismet(n) fate
290546933kith(n) familiar friends
290546934kleptomaniac(n) person who has a compulsive desire to steal
290546935knavery(n) rascality
290546936knell(n) tolling of the bell at a funeral; sound of the funeral bell
290546937knoll(n) little round hill
290546938labyrinth(n) maze
290546939lacerate(v) mangle; tear
290546940lackadaisical(adj) affectedly languid
290546941lackey(n) footman; toady
290546942laconic(adj) brief and to the point
290546943laggard(adj) slow ; sluggish
290546944lagniappe(n) trifling present given to a customer
290546945lagoon(n) shallow body of water near a sea; lake
290546946lambent(adj) flickering; softly radiant
290546947lampoon(v) ridicule
290546948languish(v) lost animation; lose strength
290546949lapidary(n) worker in precious stones
290546950largess(n) generous gift
290546951lascivious(adj) lustful
290546952lassitude(n) languor; weariness
290546953lateral(adj) coming from the side
290546954laudatory(adj) expressing praise
290546955lave(v) wash
290546956lecherous(adj) impure in thought and act; lustful; unchaste
290546957lethargic(adj) drowsy; dull
290546958lewd(adj) lustful
290546959libelous(adj) defamatory; injurious to the good name of a person
290546960lieu(n) instead of
290546961limn(v) portray; describe vividly
290546962limpid(adj) clear
290546963linguistic(adj) pertaining to language
290546964liquidate(v) settle accounts; clear up
290546965listless(adj) lacking in spirit or energy
290546966locut, loquspeak, talk
290546967mandorder, command, commit
290546969monoone, single, alone
290546970mor, mortdeath
290546971periaround, about, near, enclosing
290546972phil, philoloving, fond of
290546976prehend, prehensseize, grasp
290546977tact, tangtouch
290546978tort, torstwist
290546979vict, vincconquer, show conclusively

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