167976534 | Straw Polls | old method of asking the same questions to a large # of ppl. unreliable because it did not represent the general U.S. Pop (Literary Digest polling only the wealthy during the depression) | 0 | |
167976535 | divisive opinion | Strongly divided public opinion | 1 | |
167976536 | Speaker of the House | most powerful member of the house. Assigns bills to committee, controlling floor debate, and appointing party party members to committees | 2 | |
167976537 | Opinion leaders | individuals held in great respect position. able to excersise their influence | 3 | |
167976538 | Majority Leader | assistant to speaker, helps plan party's legislative program, directs floor debate. spokes for minority party | 4 | |
167976539 | apportionment | distribution among states based on the population of each of the states | 5 | |
167976540 | Political culture | A set of basic values and beliefs about a country or government shared by most citizens | 6 | |
167976541 | Article VII | Article of the constitution that focuses on Ratification process | 7 | |
167976542 | George Gallup | developed polling process that called for: Clear directions,respondent should have knowledge of the issue and not be influenced by polster, report how poll was taken to avoid sampling error | 8 | |
167976543 | gerrymandering | drawing congressional districts to favor one political party or group over another | 9 | |
167976544 | Radical | Type of ideology that favors rapid change in political order. open to violence | 10 | |
167976545 | congressional districting | drawing by state legislatures of congressional districts for those stastes withe more than one rep | 11 | |
167976546 | liberal | Type of ideology supports active govt in promoting welfare and civil rights | 12 | |
167976547 | moderate | Type of ideology that falls between liberal and conservative. tolerant of others opinions. | 13 | |
168109568 | Conservative | Type of ideology that promotes limited government role when helping people economicaly. favors active govt in national security. Dont like change. | 14 | |
168109569 | Reactionary | Type of ideology advocates a return to early history with social order | 15 | |
168109570 | Bill of Rights | granted civil liberties | 16 | |
168109571 | Richard Nixon | The only president to resign from office | 17 | |
168109572 | brings charges of impeachment | The House of Rep | 18 | |
168109573 | Primary elections | First elections held to narrow down the feild of candidates within s political party | 19 | |
168109574 | Primary purpose of political parties | Win elections | 20 | |
168109575 | Federal Reserve System | supervises the nations banking system and money supply | 21 | |
168109576 | briefs | written documents supporting one's legal veiwpoint | 22 | |
168109577 | filibusters | an oratical tactic the can be used ONLY IN THE SENATE | 23 | |
168109578 | Interest groups | mostly associated with economic interest | 24 | |
168109579 | Dependent on the national census | House of Rep | 25 | |
168109580 | The Lemon Test | set standards for establisment clause. state aid for schools must be given for secular purposes | 26 | |
168109581 | Electoral college | Bad-electors are not legally pledged to their candidate | 27 | |
168109582 | 9 of the 13 states | number of States needed to aproove constitution | 28 | |
168109583 | 22 Amendment | limited the president terms to 2 elected terms and no more then 10 years in office | 29 | |
168109584 | Sandra Day O'Connor | first woman to the supreme court by Ronald Reagan | 30 | |
168109585 | The House of Rep | brings charges of Impeachment, electing president if no majoriy in the electoral college, and Initiate revenue bill | 31 | |
168109586 | The Bureaucracy | organization that tends to represent the departments in which they work | 32 | |
168109587 | Interest Groups | private organizations that works to get govt. officials on their side | 33 | |
168109588 | Theodore Roosevelt | promoted the stewardship theory | 34 | |
168109589 | stewardship theory | belief that the president shouldact in interest of the people | 35 | |
168109590 | Runoff Primary | primary held when no candidate recieves an absolute majority | 36 | |
168109591 | Closed Primary | primary in which Participants must be declared party members | 37 | |
168109592 | Nonpartisan primary | primary in which candidates do not run on party labels | 38 | |
168109593 | Direct primary | primary in which voters vote directly for their party's candidate | 39 | |
168109594 | courts run by congress | Constitutional courts and legislative courts | 40 | |
168109595 | Legislative courts | run by congress; hear cases | 41 | |
168109596 | District courts | type of constitutional court; federal trial courts | 42 | |
168109597 | 2nd Amendment | provides right to bear arms | 43 | |
168109598 | 1st Amendment | right of free speach and right to petition the government | 44 | |
168109599 | The Virginia Plan | plan that provided a strong central government with 3 branches | 45 | |
168109600 | incumbent | current office holders | 46 | |
168109601 | The New Jersey Plan | called for a weak national government with 3 separate branches | 47 | |
168109602 | The Connecticut Compromise | compromise for NJ and VA Plan. created a strong national government with 3 separate branches | 48 | |
168135984 | Iron triangle | alliance between bureaucratic agencies, interest groups and congressional committees in pursuit of a common goal | 49 | |
168135985 | issue network | group of individuals in Washington who discuss and advocate public policy | 50 | |
168135986 | poll watcher | ensures that the election process at the poll is fair | 51 | |
168135987 | President cabinet | advise the president and administer a dept of government | 52 | |
168135988 | Pork Barrel | members of Congress acquiring funds or projects for their home district | 53 | |
168135989 | Logrolling | attempt by congress members to gain support of other members to support congress person's legislation | 54 | |
168135990 | bicameralism | describes legislative body composed of two houses | 55 | |
168135991 | coattail effect | weaker candidates from presidents win congress elections by riding coat-tails of nominee | 56 | |
168135992 | McCullloch v. Maryland | upheld power of national government by denying the right of a state to tax the bank of the U.S. | 57 | |
168135993 | Mapp v. Ohio | protects against unreasonable police searches to states as well as the nation | 58 | |
168378032 | referendum | allows citizens to vote directly on issues called propositions | 59 | |
168378033 | initiative | allows voters to petition to propose issues to be decided by qualified voters | 60 | |
168378034 | reserved powers | powers reserved for the state | 61 | |
168378382 | Full Faith and Credit Clause | States are required to recognize the laws and legal documents of other states like birth certificates wills. | 62 | |
168652913 | inherent powers | Powers given because government rules over state. | 63 | |
168652914 | concurrent powers | powers that belong to both the national and state government. | 64 | |
168652915 | Privileges and immunities clause | clause that says States cannot discriminate against residents of other states. People have the same priveleges and immun. anywhere in the country | 65 | |
168652916 | Supremacy Clause | clause that states that Constitutional law rules over any other law | 66 | |
168652917 | Gibbons v Ogden | defined commerce as all buisness dealings. And the power to regulate interstate commerce belongs to the nationl govt. | 67 | |
168652918 | dual federalism | nat and state govt are supreme within their own sphere of influence | 68 | |
168652919 | presidential preference primary | used to determine whom the state delegates to the national party convention will support. | 69 | |
168652920 | Fiscal federalism | type of federalism in which the govt. spends and provides grants to influence state and local govts | 70 | |
168652921 | Grants in aid | Grants given for specific projects or programs. | 71 | |
168652922 | Categorical grants | grants given for specific purpose defined by law. (school lunch programs) | 72 | |
168652923 | block grants | used for a variety of purposes with little restrictions | 73 | |
168652924 | revenue sharing | revenue given to states with no strings attached. cant exceed more than 2% of revenues | 74 | |
168652925 | mandates | requirements imposed on states by the nat government. (disabilities act, all public buildings must be accesable to people with disabilities) | 75 | |
169826832 | Federalist 10 | (James madison) warned against factions. first political parties were Federalists and jeffersonian republicans | 76 | |
169826833 | independents | Large number of candidates register for polls as this | 77 | |
169826834 | What political parties do | recruit candidates, nominate and support cand. educate voters about cand, organize the government. | 78 | |
169826835 | The democratic Party | once known as the party of the common man. (opp whig party) | 79 | |
169826836 | recall | election initiated by petition to allow for the removal of an official form before the term expires | 80 | |
169826837 | dealignment | When a significant # of voters no longer support a particular party | 81 | |
169826838 | realignment | When voting patterns shift and new coalitions of party supporters form. | 82 | |
169826839 | Splinter third party | those that have split from parties once a leader steps aside. | 83 | |
169826840 | national convention | Delegates meet to select the party candidates | 84 | |
169826841 | the national commitee | manages the party's buisness between conventions. select conventionsite establish rules | 85 | |
169826842 | National chair person | responsible for directing the work of the national commitee, all the way | 86 | |
169826843 | Soft money | Money distributed from the national political party org. DOES NOT HAVE TO BE REPORTED. | 87 |