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269993559barteringtrading goods services0
269993560currencyMoney;a symbol of value;intermediary1
269993561BankingA business; Makes money off of services2
269993562Supply and DemandSupply=Amount of good/service is avaliable Demand=How much people want it,level of desire3
269993563PricesValue of good/service, usually in currency4
269993564inflationValue of currency goes down (prices go up) Too much money printed out Demand goes up supply stays same5
269993565Marketa group of buyers and sellers of a particular good or service6
269993566Resources/capitalAnything that can be considered valuable down the road7
269993567Free market economyUnlimited natural forces are allowed to run their course;unregulated8
269993568The holy roman empirestarted in 962 when Pope John XII crowned Otto I as emperor of Central Europe; was the largest and almost only example of centralized government during the Renaissance; example of the Pope's superiority over civil rulers (the POPE IS IN CHARGE)9
269993569Sui, Tang, Song DynastiesSui=(581-618) Tang=(618-907) Song=(960-1279) General dominates and reunites.pattern! :o Confucianism, daoism, buddhism, & Mixing10
269993570Spread of buddhism in ChinaBuddhism spread into china because it helped bring spiritually.11
269993571The Mongol EmpireMongol khans relied on their subjects and on foreigners to administer their empire. Over time, power shifted from the Mongols to their bureaucrats, and this, added to the continual feuding among the different khanates, led to the empire's decline. In 1368 the Mongols lost China to the native Ming dynasty. In the same period, the Il-Khanid dynasty of Persia disintegrated, and the western Golden Horde was defeated by a Muscovy-led alliance in 1380. Soon the empire was reduced to the Mongol homeland and scattered khanates. Eventually Ming incursions into Mongolia effectively ended Mongol unity.12
269993572Khansexpert horseback riders13
269993573Yurtzlike tents14
269993574Chinggis Khan(1162-1227) All other Khans join together under his power15
269993575Kublai Khan******/*****, Mongolian emperor of China and grandson of Genghis Khan; In 1271, he founded the Yuan Dynasty, and became the first Yuan emperor.,16
269993576Yuan Dynasty**********, the imperial dynasty of China from 1279 to 136817
269993577Pax Mongolica(1250-1350) Things in Mongol Empire Stable18
269993578"Letter to the Pope"Khans response to the requests that he be baptized is somewhat anger and protected his religion. He said he doesn't understand why he wants them to convert christianity, and why he questions the religion if all they do is god's will.19
269993579Marco PoloVisits 1275 from Venice, gets arrested & writes book. 17 years of travel, observation "The travels" of Marco Polo20
269993580Mongol Empire/ Indian Ocean****21
269993581Qsof sufficient quantity22
269993582World trade chart/text**23
269993583Readinga mental representation of the meaning or significance of something24
269993584World TradeExchange of goods and services across international boundaries25
269993585Ming Dynastyoverthrows mongols in China. Mongol divisions official after Kublai., the imperial dynasty of China from 1368 to 164426
269993586Zeng HeHe lead seven great voyages. After he died, the government decided they didn't want to focus on voyages anymore, and put all their focus on Chinese culture. The government stopped the building of ships and letting ships with more than 2 masts come in.27
269993587JapanA string of more than 3,000 islands east of Asia extending 1,300 miles between the Sea of Japan and the western Pacific Ocean28
269993588Archipelagoa group of many islands in a large body of water29
269993589Feudalism in Japanthe emperor was the figure head, the shogun was the actual ruler, the shogun had rule over the daimyo (warriors)30
269993590Shogunthe supreme military commander of Japan, A general who ruled Japan in the emperor's name. Highest genearl/military figure31
269993591Daimyoa japanese feudal lord who commanded a private army of samurai. Lords, landowning nobility32
269993592Samuraia Japanese warrior who was a member of the feudal military aristocracy. Knights, provide protection33
269993593Japanese cultureunique traits= Chinese adoptions. Kimono-Traditional robe clothing high class. Diet: Fish & sushi & seafood& RICE.34
269993594AmaterasuSun Goddess that rules over all things, produced by Izangi, all Japanese emperors claim to be decent from35
269993595Bushidotraditional code of the Japanese samurai which stressed courage and loyalty and self-discipline and simple living36

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