The words and definitions from the science unit of the TEAS study guide.
61595251 | Acetylcholine (ACH) | Chemical transmitter substance released by some nerve endings | |
61595252 | Acid | A compound that yields H+ ions in solution, or a solution with the concentration of H+ exceeding OH- | |
61595253 | Acid- base balance | Situation in which the pH of the blood is maintained between 7.35 and 7.45 | |
61595254 | Actinides | The row of elements below the periodic table, from thorium to lawrencium | |
61595255 | Action Potential | A large transient depolarization event, including polarity reversal, that is conducted along the membrane of a muscle cell or a nerve fiber | |
103488019 | Active Transport | Membrane transportation process for witch ATP is provided | |
103488020 | Adaption | Receive, interpret, and respond to internal and external stimuli via the nervous system | |
103488021 | Adhesion | Molecular attraction between dissimilar molecules; attract between water molecules and molecules that make up the inside of a xylem tube | |
103488022 | Adrenergic Fibers | Nerve fibers that release norepinephrine | |
103488023 | Aerobic | In the presence of oxygen | |
103488024 | Afferent (sensory) Nerve | Nerve that contains processes of sensory neurons and carries nerve impulses to the central nervous system | |
103488025 | Agglutination | Clumping of (foreign) cells; induced by crosslinking of antigen- antibody compleses | |
103488026 | Agonist | Muscle that bears the major responsibility for effecting a particular movement; a prime mover | |
103488027 | Alkali Metals | The column of elements from lithium to francium | |
103488028 | Allele | Any of the alternative forms of a gene | |
103488029 | Allergy (hypersensitivity) | Overzealous immune response to an otherwise harmless antigen | |
103488030 | Alpha Particle | A cluster of 2 protons and 2 neutrons emitted from a nucleus in one type of radioactivity | |
103488031 | Amnion | Fetal membrane that forms a fluid-filled sac around the embryo | |
103488032 | Anabolism | Energy-requiring building phase of metabolism in which simpler substances are combined to form more complex substances | |
103488033 | Anaerobic | Without presence of oxygen | |
103488034 | Androgen | A hormone that controls make secondary sex characteristics, such as testosterone | |
103488035 | Anion | An atom or molecule with a negative charge | |
103488036 | Anode | The negative electrode at which oxidation occurs | |
103488037 | Antibody | A protein molecule that is released by a plasma cell (a daughter cell of an active B lumphocyte) and that binds specifically to an antigen; and immunoglobulin | |
103488038 | Aqueous | Refers to a solution with water as the solvent | |
103488039 | Arteries | Blood vessels that conduct blood away from the heart and into circulation | |
103488040 | Articulation (joint) | The junction of two or more bones | |
103488041 | Asexual Reproduction | Method of reproducing a new organism from only one parent by means of mitosis | |
103488042 | Atom | The smallest amount of an element; a nucleus containing protons and neutrons surrounded by electrons | |
103488043 | Atomic Number | The number of protons in the nucleus of the chemical element | |
103488044 | Atomic Weight | The weight in grams of one mole of the chemical element; approximately the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus | |
103488045 | Atrophy | Reduction in size or wasting away of an organ or cell resulting from disease or lack of use | |
103488046 | Avogadro's Law | Equal volumes of gases contain the same number of molecules | |
103488047 | Axon | Neuron process that carries impulses away from the nerve cell body; efferent process; the conduction portion of a nerve cell | |
123285939 | Bactericidal | Able to kill bacteria | |
123285940 | Basal metabolic rate (BMR) | Rate at which energy is expended (heat produced) by the body per unit of time under controlled (basal) conditions: 12 hours after a meal, at rest | |
123285941 | Base | A compound that yields OH- ions in solution or a solution with the concentration of OH- exceeding H+ | |
123285942 | Beta Particle | An electron emitted from a nucleus in one type of radioactivity | |
123285943 | Blood Pressure | Force exerted by blood against a unit area of the blood vessels walls; difference in blood pressure between different areas of the circulation provide the driving force for blood circulation | |
123285944 | Boiling Point | The temperature at which a liquid changes to a gas | |
123285945 | Bowman's Capsule | A network of capillaries encased in a membrane in the kidney for purpose of filtration | |
123285946 | Boyle's Law | The volume of a gas varies inversely with pressure | |
123285947 | Bronchioles | The branching air passageways inside the lungs | |
123285948 | Buffer | Chemical substance or system that minimizes changes in pH by releasing or binding hydrogen ions | |
123285949 | Calorie | A unit of energy, equal to 4.184 joules; the energy required to increase the temp of 1.0g of water by one degree celsius | |
123285950 | Capillary Action | The rising of a liquid in a small tube because of adhesive and cohesive force | |
123285951 | Carbohydrate | Organic compound containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The hydrogen-to-oxygen ratio is 2:1 | |
123285952 | Catalyst | A chemical that changes the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being chemically altered | |
123285953 | Cathode | The positive electrode at which reduction occurs | |
123285954 | Cation | An atom or molecule with a positive charge | |
123285955 | Charles' Law | The volume of a gas varies directly with temperature | |
123285956 | Chlorophyll | Green plan pigment that is found in chloroplast and is necessary for photosynthesis | |
123285957 | Chloroplast | Plant cell structures containing light-sensitive chlorophyll | |
123410726 | Circulation | Transporting oxygen and other nutrients to the tissues via cardiovascular system | |
123410727 | Clone | Descendants of a single cell | |
123410728 | Coenzyme | Nonprotein substance associated with and activating an enzyme, typically a vitamin | |
123410729 | Cohesion | Attraction between similar molecules | |
123410730 | Colloid | Suspension that does not separate on standing | |
123410731 | Colloidal Osmotic Pressure | Pressure created in a fluid by large non-diffusible molecules, such as plasma proteins, that are prevented from moving through a (capillary) membrane; such substances tend to draw water to them. | |
123410732 | Colony | Group of bacteria cells | |
123410733 | Complemental Air | Amount of air that can be forcefully inhaled | |
123410734 | Compound | A substance formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements | |
123410735 | Concentration | The relative abundance of a solute in a solution | |
123410736 | Corticosteroids | Steroid hormones released by the adrenal cortex | |
123410737 | Cotyledon | Seed leaf that stores food for a plant embryo of seen plants | |
123410738 | Covalent Bond | Atoms linked together by sharing valence electrons | |
123410739 | Cranial Nerves | The 12 nerve pairs that arise from the brain | |
123410740 | Culture Medium | Specially prepared nutritious substance used to grow experimental organisms | |
123410741 | Cytoplasm | The cellular material surrounding the nucleus and enclosed by the plasma membrane | |
123410742 | Decomposition | A chemical reaction in which a compound is broken down into simpler compounds or elements | |
123410743 | Dehydrate | To lose water | |
123410744 | Dendrite | Branching neurons that transmit the nerve impulse toward the cell body | |
123410745 | Disaccharide | Sugar formed by the combination of two simple sugar molecules | |
123410746 | Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) | A nucleic acid found in all living cells which carries the organism's hereditary info | |
123410747 | DNA Replication | The process that occurs before cell division and insures that all daughter cells have identical genes | |
123410748 | Dominant Traits | Occur when one allele masks or suppresses the expression of its partner | |
123553542 | Ecosystem | The interaction of living organisms with their environment | |
123553543 | Electrode | A conduction substance that connects an electrolyte to an external circuit | |
123553544 | Electrolyte | An ionic substance that has high electrical conductivity | |
123553545 | Electron | A light subatomic particle with negative charge; found in orbitals surrounding an atomic nucleus | |
123553546 | Element | A substance that cannot be decomposed by ordinary chemical means; each chemical element is characterized by the number of protons in the nucleus (for example, all atoms of hydrogen have 1 proton, and atoms of oxygen have 8 protons) | |
123553547 | Elimination | Removing metabolic wastes from the body via renal system | |
123553548 | Embryo | Early development of an animal or a plant after fertilization; cylindrical structure within a seed that develops unto a plant | |
123553549 | Emulsion | Suspension of two liquids which are incapable of mixing or attaining homogeneity | |
123553550 | Endocrine Glands | Ductless glands that empty their hormonal products directly into the blood | |
123553551 | Endocrine System | Body system that includes internal organs that secrete hormones | |
123553552 | Energy | The concept of motion or heat | |
123553553 | Enzyme | Protein catalyst; chemical that changes the rate of a chemical reaction living tissue without itself being chemically altered | |
123553554 | Equilibrium | A balanced condition resulting from two opposing reactions | |
123553555 | Erythrocytes | Red blood cells | |
123553556 | Estrogen | Hormones that stimulate female secondary sex characteristics; female sex hormones | |
123553557 | Expiration | Process of breathing out | |
123553558 | Extracellular Fluid | Internal fluid located outside cells | |
123553559 | Farady's Laws | Two laws of electrolysis relating the amount of substance to the quantity of electric charge | |
123553560 | Fascia | Layers of fibrous tissue covering and separating muscles | |
123553561 | Fermentation | Release of energy from sugar without the use of oxygen; anaerobic respiration | |
123553562 | Fertilization | Fusion of the sperm and egg nuclei | |
123553563 | Fetus | Developmental stage extending from the ninth week of development to birth | |
123553564 | Fibrinogen | A blood protein that converted to fibrin ( a white, insoluble protein) during blood clotting | |
123553565 | Filtrate | Liquid that passes through the pores in a filter | |
123553566 | Follicle | Ovarian structure consisting of a developing egg surrounded by one or more layers of follicle cells; colloid-containing structure of the thyroid gland | |
123553567 | Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) | Hormone produced by the anterior pituitary that stimulates ovarian follicle production in females and sperm production in males | |
123553568 | Free Energy | The thermodynamic quantity measuring the tendency of a reaction to proceed; also called Gibbs free energy | |
123553569 | Freezing Point | The temperature at which a liquid changes to a solid | |
123553570 | Fulcrum | The fixed point on which a lever moves when force is applied | |
123553571 | Gamete | Sex or germ cell | |
123553572 | Genetic Code | The rules by which the base sequence of a DNA gene is translated into protein structures (amino acid sequences) | |
123553573 | Genome | The complete set of chromosomes derived from one parent, the haploid genome, or the two sets of chromosomes, (one set from one egg, the other from the sperm), the diploid genome | |
123553574 | Genotype | One's genetic makeup or genes | |
123553575 | Germinate | Developed from a seed into a plant | |
123553576 | Glucose | One of the simplest and most important sugars which is the basic transportable form of fuel for living organisms | |
123553577 | Golgi Apparatus | Membranous system close to the cell nucleus that packages protein secretion for export, package enzymes into lysosomes for cellular use, and modifies proteins destined to become part of cellular membranes | |
123553578 | Gram Formula Wight | An amount of a substance equal in grams to the sum of the atomic weights | |
123553579 | Gray Matter | Neural tissue of the brain and spinal cord that contains nerve-cell bodies as well as nerve fibers; is brownish gray color | |
123553580 | Halogens | The column of elements from fluorine to astatine | |
123553581 | Heat Capacity | The amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of substance by one degree Celsius of Kelvin | |
123553582 | Hemoglobin | Oxygen- transporting compnents of erythrocytes | |
123553583 | Hepatic (portal) System | Circulation in which the hepatic portal vein carries dissolved nutrients to the liver tissues for processing | |
123553584 | Homeostasis | Ability of a cell to regulate a stable internal environment by controlling the passage of fluids into and out of the cell | |
123553585 | Hormones | Steroidal or amino acid-based molecules released to the blood that act as chemical messengers to regulate specific body functions | |
123553586 | Hydrocarbon | An organic compound containing only carbon and hydrogen | |
123553587 | Hypertension | High blood pressure | |
123553588 | Hypertonic Solution | Solution having a lower water concentration than solution to which it is compared | |
123553589 | Hypotension | Low blood pressure | |
123553590 | Hypotonic Solution | Solution having a higher water concentration than a solution to which it is compared | |
123553591 | Immune System | A functional system whose components attack foreign substances or prevent their entry into the body | |
123553592 | In Vitro | In a test tube, glass, or artificial environment | |
123553593 | Inert Gases | The column of elements from helium to radon; also called noble gases | |
123553594 | Inflammation | A nonspecific defensive response of the body to tissue injury, including dilation of blood vessels and an increase in vessel permeability; indicated by redness, heat, swelling, and pain | |
123553595 | Inoculation | Placement of bacteria onto a culture medium | |
123553596 | Inspiration | The process of breathing in | |
123553597 | Ion | An atom with an electric charge due to gain or loss of electrons | |
123553598 | Ionization | Adding or subtracting electrons from an atom; alternatively, the dissociation of a solute into ions | |
123560865 | Isomers | Several molecules with the same composition but different structures | |
123560866 | Isotonic Solution | A solution with a concentration of nonpenetrating solutes equal to that found in the reference cell | |
123560867 | Isotope | A variation of an element characterized by a specific number of neutrons in the nucleus | |
123560868 | Joule | A unit of energy equal to 0.239 calories | |
123560869 | Krebs Cycle | Aerobic metabolic pathway occurring within mitochondria, in which food metabolites are oxidized and CO2 is liberated, and coenzymes are reduced | |
123560870 | Lipid | Organic compound formed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (fats and cholesterol) | |
123560871 | Locomotion | Voluntary and involuntary movement of body via musculoskeletal system | |
123560872 | Lymphatic System | A complex system of thin-walled vessels similar to the blood capillaries, which serve to collect lymph fluid from tissues and organs and to transport the fluid to the venous circulation | |
123608353 | Macrophage | Protective cell type common in connective tissue, lymphatic tissue, and certain body organs that phagocytizes tissue cells, bacteria, and other foreign debris; important as an antigen presenter to T cells and B cells in the immune response | |
123608354 | Malignant | Life threatening; pertains to neoplasms that spread the lead to death; such as cancer | |
123608355 | Maltose | A disaccharide or double sugar made of two glucose molecules | |
123608356 | Mast Cells | Immune cells that function to detect foreign substances in the tissue spaces and initiate local inflammatory responses against them; typically found clustered deep to an epithelium or along blood vessels | |
123608357 | Mechanical Disadvantage (speed lever) | A condition that occurs when the load is far from the fulcrum and the effort is applied near the fulcrum; the effort applied must be greater than the load to be moved | |
123608358 | Mechanical Energy | The energy directly involved in moving matter (in cycle riding, the legs provide the mechanical energy that moves the pedals) | |
123608359 | Metals | The elements in the middle and left parts of the periodic table, except for hydrogen | |
123608360 | Metamorphosis | Series of changes that take place as an egg develops into an adult, including the four stages of egg, larva, pupa, and adult | |
123608361 | Milliequivalent per Liter (mEq/L) | The units used to measure electrolyte concentrations of body fluids; a measure of the number of electrical charges in 1 liter of solution | |
123608362 | mitosis | Process of cell duplication, in which two daughter cells receive exactly the same nuclear material as the original cell | |
123608363 | Molarity | The number of moles of solute in 1 liter of solution | |
123608364 | Mole | An amount of a substance equal in grams to the sum of the atomic weights | |
123608365 | Molecule | A group of atoms linked together by covalent bonds | |
123608366 | Monosaccharide | A simple sugar that cannot be broken down by hydrolysis (glucose, fructose, and galactose); building block of carbohydrates | |
123608367 | Motor Neurons | Special nerve cells that transmit impulses to the muscles | |
123608368 | Mucous Membranes | Membranes that form the lining of body cavities open to the exterior (digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive tracts) | |
123608369 | Muscle Tone | Sustained partial contraction of a muscle in response to stretch receptor inputs; keeps the muscle healthy and ready to act | |
123608370 | Nephron | Structural and functional unit of the kidney; consists of the glomerulus and renal tubule | |
123608371 | Neutralization | The chemical reaction of an acid and base to yield a salt and water | |
123608372 | Neutron | A heavy subatomic particle with zero change; found in an atomic nucleus | |
123608373 | Nonmetals | The elements in the upper-right part of the periodic table, and also hydrogen | |
123608374 | Nucleus | The core of an atom, contains protons and neutrons | |
123608375 | Nutrient | Nourishment; food that promotes growth in living organisms | |
123608376 | Nutrition | Taking in and breaking down nutrients to be used for metabolism via digestive system | |
123608377 | Operant Conditioning | A method of using rewards to train an animal to preform tasks that are not innate | |
123608378 | Ophthalmic | Pertaining to the eye | |
123608379 | Optic | Pertaining to the eye or vision | |
123608380 | Orbital | A classification of the energy level occupied by electrons indication the probable location of the electrons | |
123608381 | Organ | A part of the body formed by two or more tissues and adapted to carry out a specific function | |
123608382 | Organ System | A group of organs that work together to preform a vital body function (ex. nervous system) | |
123608383 | Organic | Refers to compounds based on carbon | |
123608384 | Osmosis | Movement of water through a semipermeable membrane from an area of greater water concentration to an area of lesser water concntration | |
123608385 | Osmotic Pressure | Force produced by the pressure of water diffusing through a semipermeable membrane; the greater the difference in water concentration on either side of the membrane, the greater the osmotic pressure | |
123608386 | Oxidation | A reaction involving the loss of electrons by an element | |
123608387 | Oxidation- Reduction Reaction | A reaction that couples the oxidation (loss of electrons) of one substance with the reduction (fain of electrons) of another substance | |
123608388 | Oxygenation | Taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide via respiratory system | |
123608389 | Pathogen | Disease- causing microorganism | |
123608390 | Periodic Table | Display of the elements in order of atomic number with similar elements falling into columns | |
123608391 | Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) | Portion of the nervous system consisting of nerves and ganglia that lie outside of the brain and spinal cord | |
123608392 | Peristalsis | Wavelike contractions of muscle in tubular organs; motion that forces food through the human digestive organs; means of locomotion in earthworms | |
123608393 | Permeability | That property of membranes that permits passage of molecules and ions | |
123608394 | pH | A number describing the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution | |
123608395 | Photosynthesis | Energy-making reaction in plants; formation of carbohydrates in chlorophyll- containing tissue of plants exposed to light | |
123608396 | Phototropism | Growth response of plants to light | |
123608397 | Pituitary Gland | Neuroendocrine gland located beneath the brain that serves a variety of functions including regulations of gonads, thyroid, adrenal cortex, lactation, and water balance | |
123608398 | Pleural Cavities | A subdivision of the thoracic cavity; each houses a lung | |
123608399 | Polymer | A large molecule formed by small molecules linked together in chainlike fashion | |
123608400 | Potential Energy | Stored or inactive energy | |
123608401 | Pressure Gradient | Difference in hydrostatic pressure that drives filtration | |
123608402 | Progesterone | Hormone partly responsible for preparing the uterus for the fertilized ovum | |
123608403 | Prostate Gland | Accessory reproductive gland, produces one-third of semen volume, including fluids that activate sperm | |
123608404 | Proton | A heavy subatomic particle with a positive charge; found in an atomic nucleus | |
123608405 | Radioactivity | The emission of subatomic particles from a nucleus | |
123608406 | Recessive Traits | A trait due to a particular allele that does not manifest itself in the presence of other alleles that generate traits dominant to it; must be present in double dose in order to be expressed | |
123608407 | Reduction | A reaction involving the gain of electrons by an element | |
123608408 | Regeneration | Replacement of destroyed tissues with the same kind of tissue | |
123608409 | Regulation | Hormonal control of bodily function via endocrine system | |
123608410 | Renal | Pertaining to the kidney | |
123608411 | Reserve Air | Amount of air that can be forced out of the lungs after normal expiration | |
123608412 | Residual Air | Amount of air left in the lungs after forced expiraton | |
123608413 | Respiration | Reaction in the cells of plants and animals that use oxygen and sugar to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy | |
123608414 | Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) | Genetic material that assists with protein synthesis | |
123608415 | Salt | A solid compound composed of both metallic and nonmetallic elements | |
123608416 | Saturated | Describes a solution that has as much solutes ad it can hold at a given temperature | |
123608417 | Scientific Method | A series of logically related steps used to gather info in order to solve a problem | |
123608418 | Self- Duplication | Production of offspring via the reproductive system | |
123608419 | Semipermeable Membrane | A membrane that selectively allows materials to pass through | |
123608420 | Sensory Neurons | Special nerve cells that transmit impulses from a stimulus to a receptor | |
123608421 | Sex-Linked Inheritance | Inherited traits determined by genes on the sex chromosomes | |
123608422 | Shell | A set of electron orbitals with the same principal quantum number | |
123608423 | Skeletal Muscle | Muscle composed of cylindrical multinucleated cells with striations; skeletal muscle, a voluntary muscle, attaches to the body's skeleton | |
123608424 | Solubility | The upper limit to the concentration of a solute | |
123608425 | Solubility Product | The constant obtained by multiplying the ion concentrations in a saturated solution | |
123608426 | Solute | The substance that is dissolved in a solution | |
123608427 | Solvent | The host substance of dominant abundance in a solution | |
123608428 | Stimulus Receptors | Sensory organs that respond to stimuli; organs that respond to sight, sound, smell. tough, or taste | |
123608429 | Sublimation | The transformation of a solid directly to a gas without an intervening liquid state | |
123608430 | Substrate | Substance on which an enzyme operates | |
123608431 | Tidal Air | Amount of air involved during normal breathing | |
123608432 | Tropism | Movement of plants in response to stimuli | |
123608433 | Valence | A signed integer describing the combining power of an atom as a real or hypothetical charge | |
123608434 | Ventrally | In the front, or near the bottom | |
123608435 | Vital Capacity | Maximum volume of air inhaled or exhaled during forced breathing |