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Terms for the AP Exam Flashcards

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9805615050AliiesWWI group of nations originally consisting of Great Britain, France, Russia and later the U.S.0
9805630834American Federation of LaborUnion that focused on collective bargaining, wages, hours and working conditions1
9805647257American Indian Movement (AIM)formed in 1968 to work for Native American rights2
9805661888Americanization MovementEducation program designed to help immigrants assimilate to American culture3
9805676169AnarchistA person who opposes all forms of government4
9805685481AnasaziNative American group that lived in the southwest in cliff sides and on the mesa tops5
9805718005Antifederalistopposed a strong central government6
9805833867AppeasementGranting of concessions to a hostile power in order to keep the peace. Such as what England did with Hitler in WWII7
9805847210Appomattox Court HouseTown where Lee surrendered to Grant8
9805859961ArmisticeA truce or agreement to end an armed conflict9
9807239239Axis PowersGroup of nations including Germany, Italy and Japan in WWII11
9807253403American SystemAn economic system that was meant to unify the nation through the use of protective tariffs, a national bank and internal improvements such as roads and canals12
9807316252AztecsA Native American people that settled in the valley of Mexico in the 1200's and developed a powerful empire13
9807324452Baby BoomSteep increase in the birth rate post WWII14
9807334158Battle of the BulgeA month long battle of WWII in which the Allies succeeded in turning back the last offensive of Germany in WWII15
9807349021Battle of MidwayWWII battle in 1942 where the allies destroyed part of the Japanese fleet and it allowed the allies to go on the offensive in WWII16
9807487867Battle of Wounded KneeMassacre of 300 unarmed Native Americans by U.S. soldiers17
9807499632The BeatlesA British band that had an enormous influence on popular music in the 1960s18
9807514600Beat MovementA social and artistic movement of the 1950s stressing non conformity and self expression19
9807616740Berlin AirliftA 327 day operation in which the U.S. and British flew supplies and food into West Berlin20
9807631877Bessemer ProcessA cheap and efficient process for making steel developed around 185021
9807641144Black listA list of about 500 actors , writers, producers and directors who were suspected of being communists22
9807656890Black PanthersA militant African American organization formed to fight police brutality and provide services to the impoverished community23
9807673962Black PowerA term used that encouraged African American pride and political and social leadership24
9807681942Black TuesdayOctober 29, 1929..when stock prices fell sharply25
9807691496BlitzkriegSudden massive attack that combined air attack with ground forces26
9807706707Bonanza FarmEnormous farm that produces a single crop27
9807712958Bonus ArmyWWI veterans that marched on Washington D.C. in 1932 to demand payment of money they had been promised by the government28
9807726145BootleggerPerson who smuggled alcoholic beverages into the U.S during prohibition29
9807731126Boston Massacreclash between British soldiers and Boston colonists in 1770 in which five colonists were killed30
9807746768Boston Tea PartyThe dumping of 18,000 pounds of tea in the harbor31
9807759078Boxer RebellionA 1900 rebellion in which members of a Chinese secret society sought to free their country from Western influence32
9820044581Bread LineA line of people waiting for free food33
9820054859BrinkmanshipThe practice of threatening an enemy with military retaliation for any aggression34
9820072317Bull Moose PartyProgressive Party formed to support Theodore Roosevelt for Pres in 191235
9820078240Buying on MarginThe purchasing of stocks by using borrowed money36
9820083321CabinetGroup of department heads who serve as advisors to the President37
9820091102Carpet BaggerA Northerner who moved to the South after the Civil War. A lot of them were teachers38
9820106891Checks and Balancesthe provisions in the US Constitution that prevent any branch of the US government from dominating the other two branches39
9820112306CIAA U.S. agency created to gather secret information about foreign governments40
9820117764Civilian Conservation CorpsAn agency, established as part of the New Deal, that put young unemployed men to work building roads, developing parks, planting trees41
9820124163Civil ServiceThe nonmilitary branches of government administration42
9820128318Cold WarThe state of hostility without direct military conflict, that developed between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II43
9820133951Columbian ExchangeThe transfer - beginning with Columbus's first voyage - of plants, animals, and diseases between the Western Hemisphere and the Eastern Hemisphere.44
9820140087Committee to Reelect the President (CREEP)An organization formed to run President Nixon's 1972 re election campaign, which was linked to the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters that set off the Watergate scandal45
9820143423CommunismAn economic and political system based on one-party government and state ownership of property46
9820151102Concentration CampA prison camp operated by Nazi Germany in which Jews and other groups considered to be enemies of Adolf Hitler were starved or murdered47
9820154847ConfederacyThe Confederate States of America, a confederation formed in 1861 by the Southern states after their secession from the Union48
9820162579ConquistadorOne of the Spaniards who traveled to the Americas as an explorer and conqueror in the 16th century49
9820170490ConcriptionThe drafting of citizens for military service50
9820174055ConsumerismPreoccupation with the purchasing of material goods.51
9820179666ContainmentThe blocking of another nation's attempts to spread its influence--especially the efforts of the United States to block the spread of Soviet influence during the late 1940's and early 1950's52
9820182298ContrasA member of a guerrilla force in Nicaragua that was supported by the US53
9820189644Convoy SystemThe protection of merchant ships from U-boat attacks by having the ships travel in large groups escorted by warships54
9820193411Counter CultureThe culture of the young people who rejected mainstream American society in the 1960s, seeking to create an alternative society based on peace, love, and individual freedom55
9820201882Credibility GapA public distrust of statements made by the government56
9820205893CreditAn arrangement in which a buyer pays later for a purchase, often on an installment plan with interest charges57
9820209602Credit MobilierA construction company formed in 1864 by owners of the Union Pacific Railroad, who used it to fraudulently skim off railroad profits for themselves58
9820212681D-DayA name given to June 6, 1944‒ the day on which the Allies launched an invasion of the European mainland during World War II.59
9820223238Deficit SpendingA government's spending of more money than it receives in revenue.60
9820226076Democratic-RepublicanPolitical party known for its support of strong state governments, founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1792 in opposition to the Federalist Party61
9820233522DeregulationThe cutting back of federal regulation of industry62
9820238062DetenteA policy aimed at easing Cold War tensions63
9820242700Direct ReliefCash payments or food provided by the government to the poor64
9820245722Dollar Diplomacythe use of a country's financial power to extend its international influence.65
9820256095Domino TheoryTheory that likened the countries on the brink of communism to a row of dominoes waiting to fall one after the other66
9820265720DoveA person who opposed the Vietnam War and believed that the U.S should withdraw from it67
9820269356DraftRequired enrollment in the armed forces68
9820269357Dust BowlThe region, including Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico , that was made worthless for farming by drought and dust storms during the 1930s.69
9820279230EgalitarianismThe belief that all people should have equal political, economic, social, and civic rights.70
9820285878EncomiendaA system in which Spanish authorities granted colonial landlords the service of Native Americans as forced laborers71
9820289980EnlightenmentAn 18th-century intellectual movement that emphasized the use of reason and the scientific method as means of obtaining knowledge72
9820297808EntrepreneurA person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture.73
9820302607EPAA federal agency established in 1970 for the regulation of water and air pollution, toxic waste, pesticides, and radiation74
9820307356ExodusterAn African American who migrated from the South to Kansas in the post-Reconstruction years75
9820521890Fair DealPresident Harry S. Truman's economic program‒ an extension of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal‒ which included measures to increase the minimum wage, to extend social security coverage, and to provide housing for low-income families76
9820532241FascismPolitical philosophy that stressed nationalism and placed the interests of the state above those of the individuals.77
9820556566Federal Communications CommissionAn agency that regulates U.S. communications industries, including radio and television broadcasting78
9820579974Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)An agency created in 1933 to insure individual bank accounts, protecting people against losses due to bank failures79
9820585759FederalistA supporter of the Constitution and of a strong national government80
9820593126Federal Reserve SystemA national banking system, established in 1913, that controls the U.S. money supply and the availability of credit in the country81
9820601639Federal Trade CommissionA federal agency established in 1914 to investigate and stop unfair business practices.82
9820610489FeminismThe belief that women should have economic, political, and social equality with men.83
9820622265FlapperFree-thinking young women who embraced the new fashions and urban attitudes of the 1920s84
9820627602Freedmen's BureauA federal agency set up to help former slaves after the Civil War85
9820632135Free EnterpriseThe economic system in which private businesses and individuals control the means of production86
9820635484Free Speech MovementAn anti-establishment New Left organization that originated in a 1964 clash between students and administrators at the University of California at Berkeley.87
9820639028French and Indian WarA conflict in North America, lasting from 1754 to 1763, that was a part of a worldwide struggle between France and Britain and that ended with the defeat of France and the transfer of French Canada to Britain.88
9820648941FundamentalismA protestant religious movement grounded in the belief that all the stories and details in the Bible are literally true.89
9820654219Genocidethe deliberate and systematic extermination of a particular racial, nationality, or religious group90
9820659610GlasnostThe open discussion of social problems that was permitted in the Soviet Union in the 1980's91
9820663144Gold StandardA monetary system in which the basic unit of currency is defined in terms of a set amount of gold92
9820669522GraftThe illegal use of political influence for personal gain93
9820680749Grandfather ClauseA provision that exempted whites from the strict voting requirements used to keep African Americans from the polls94
9820684598The GrangeThe Patrons of Husbandry- a social and educational organization through which farmers attempted to combat the power of the railroads in the late 19th century95
9820690346First Great AwakeningA revival of religious feeling in the American colonies during the 1730s and 1750s96
9820696697Great Depressiona period, lasting from 1929 to 1940 in which the U.S. economy was in severe decline and millions of Americans were unemployed97
9820701350Great MigrationThe large-scale movement of African Americans from the South to Northern cities in the early 20th century98
9822264007Great PlainsThe vast grassland that extends through the central portion of North America, from Texas northward to Canada, east of the Rocky Mountains99
9822273735Great SocietyPresident Lyndon B. Johnson's program to reduce poverty and racial injustice and to promote a better quality of life in the United States100
9822282989Harlem RenaissanceA flowering of African-American artistic creativity during the 1920s, centered in the Harlem community of New York City101
9822289761HawkA person who supported U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War and believed that the United States should use increased military force to win it102
9822293765H-BombHydrogen bomb-a thermonuclear weapon much more powerful than the atomic bomb103
9822302304HolocaustThe systematic murder- or genocide- of Jews and other groups in Europe by the Nazis before and during World War II104
9822307615Horizontal IntegrationThe merging of companies that make similar products105
9822318494House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)A congressional committee that investigated Communist influence inside and outside the U.S. government in the years following World War II106
9822329505ImpressmentThe forcible seizure of men for military service107
9822337664Indentured ServantA person who has contracted to work for another for a limited period, often in return for travel expenses, shelter, and sustenance108
9822344562Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)A labor organization for unskilled workers, formed by a group of radical unionists and socialists in 1905109
9822352990InflationAn increase in prices or decline in purchasing power caused by an increase in the supply of money110
9822358881Iron CurtainA phrase used by Winston Churchill in 1946 to describe an imaginary line that separated Communist countries in the Soviet bloc of Eastern Europe from countries in Western Europe111
9822362597Iroquoisa group of Native American peoples inhabiting the woodlands of the Northeast112
9822371645IsolationismOpposition to political and economic entanglements with other countries113
9822378647Joint Stock CompanyBusinesses in which investors pool their wealth for a common purpose114
9822382345Judicial ReviewThe power of the courts to declare laws of the legislative branch and acts of the executive branch unconstitutional115
9822400563Judicial ReviewThe power of the courts to declare laws of the legislative branch and acts of the executive branch unconstitutional116
9822409094Kent State UniversityWhere a massive student protest against the Vietnam war occurred, requiring the presence of the National Guard117
9822416310King Phillips WarA conflict, in the years 1675-1676, between New England colonists and Native American groups allied under the leadership of the Wampanoag chief Metacom.118
9822424072Ku Klux KlanA secret organization that used terrorist tactics in an attempt to restore white supremacy in Southern states after the Civil War119
9822432928League of NationsAn association of nations established in 1920 to promote international cooperation and peace120
9822443857Louisiana PurchaseThe 1803 purchase by the United States of France's Territory - extending from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains - for $15 million.121
9822453396Lowell Textile Mills19th century mills for the manufacture of cloth, located in Massachusetts, that mainly employed young women122
9822460420LoyalistA colonist who supported the British government during the American Revolution123
9822465175LusitaniaA British passenger ship that was sunk by a german U-boat in 1915124
9822471026Manhattan ProjectThe U.S. program to develop an atomic bomb for use in World War II125
9822477257Manifest DestinyThe 19th-century belief that the United States would inevitably expand westward to the Pacific Ocean and into Mexican Territory126
9822508291Market RevolutionThe major change in the U.S. economy produced by people's beginning to buy and sell goods rather than make them for themselves127
9822522473McCarthyismThe attacks, often unsubstantiated, by Senator Joseph McCarthy and others on people suspected of being Communists in the early 1950s128
9832583156MedicaidA federal program, established in 1965, that provides health insurance for people on welfare129
9832588715MedicareA federal program, established in 1965, that provides hospital insurance and low-cost medical insurance to Americans aged 65 and over.130
9832633410Melting PotA mixture of people from different culture and races who blend together by abandoning their native languages and cultures131
9832641642Mercantilismwealth is generated via trade and commerce with the colonizing nation132
9832663723MestizoA person of mixed Spanish and Native American ancestry133
9832666677Middle PassageThe voyage that brought enslaved Africans to the West Indies and later to North America134
9832676587Moral MajorityA political alliance of religious groups, consisting mainly of evangelical and fundamentalist Christians, that was active in the 1970s and 1980s135
9832690141MuckrakerJournalists of the 1900s who exposed corrupt business practices136
9832698046NAACPAn organization founded in 1909 to promote full racial equality137
9832706758NAFTA1993 treaty that lowered tariffs and brought Mexico into the free-trade zone established by the United States and Canada138
9832711705NapalmA gasoline-based bomb that set fire to the jungle139
9832714637NationalismA devotion to the interests and culture of one's nation.140
9832717447National Labor Relations BoardAn agency created in 1935 to prevent unfair labor practices and to mediate disputes between workers and management141
9832721436NativismFavoring the interests of native born people over foreign born people142
9832726771NAWSAorganization founded in 1890 to gain the vote for women143
9832734505NazismExtreme nationalism, racism and militaristic expansionism used by Hitler144
9832738497New DealFDR's program to provide relief, economic recovery and financial reform145
9832745379New FederalismNixon's program to turn some power of the Federal Government over to the state and local governments146
9832756546New FrontierKennedy's programs to provide medical care for the elderly, to rebuild blighted urban areas, to aid education, to bolster the national defense, to increase international aid, and to expand the space program.147
9832767956Niagara MovementFounded by W. E. B. Du Bois in 1905 to promote the education of African Americans in the liberal arts148
9832773206NullificationA state's refusal to recognize an act of Congress that it considers unconstitutional.149
9832776104Nuremberg TrialsThe court proceedings held in Nuremberg, Germany, after World War II, in which Nazi leaders were tried for war crimes150
9832780460Ohio GangA group of close friends and political supporters who President Warren G. Harding appointed to his cabinet151
9832783957OPECThe organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries-an economic association of oil-producing nations that is able to set oil prices.152
9832786133Operation Desert StormA 1991 military operation in which UN forces, led by the United States, drove Iraqi invaders from Kuwait153
9832789092Oregon TrailA route from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon City, Oregon, used by pioneers traveling to the Oregon Territory154
9832791560Panama CanalAn artificial waterway cut through the Isthmus of Panama to provide a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, opened in 1914155
9832794616PatronageAn office holder's power to appoint people - usually those who have helped him or her get elected - to positions in government156
9832799408Peace CorpsAn agency established in 1961 to provide volunteer assistance to developing nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America157
9832803553Perestroikathe restructuring of the economy and the government instituted in the Soviet Union in the 1980s158
9832817345Political MachineAn organized group that controls a political party in a city and offers services to voters and businesses in exchange for political and financial support159
9832820384Poll TaxAn annual tax that formerly had to be paid in some Southern states by anyone wishing to vote160
9832824583Popular SovereigntyA system in which the residents vote to decide the issue161
9832829601PopulismA late-19th-century political movement demanding that people have a greater voice in government and seeking to advance the interests of farmers and laborers.162
9832833840Progressive MovementMovement seeking to return control of the government to the people and correct injustices163
9832842679ProhibitionThe banning of all alcoholic beverages164
9832850926Protective TariffA tax on imported goods165
9832856832PuebloA group of Native American peoples - descendants of the Anasazi - inhabiting the deserts of the Southwest166
9832859565PuritanA member of a group that wanted to eliminate all traces of Roman Catholic ritual and traditions in the Church of England167
9832865352QuakerA member of the Society of Friends, a religious group persecuted for its beliefs in 17th-century England168
9832867729Quota SystemA system that sets limits on how many immigrants from various countries a nation will admit each year169
9832870751RatificationThe official approval of the Constitution or an amendment by the states170
9833304201ReaganomicsThe economic policies which were focused on budget cuts and the granting of large tax cuts in order to increase private investment171
9833311089RecallA procedure for removing a public official from office by vote of the people172
9833316402ReconstructionThe period of rebuilding that followed the Civil War, during which the defeated Confederate states were readmitted to the Union.173
9833319336ReferendumA procedure by which a proposed legislative measure can be submitted to a vote of the people174
9833323352The ReformationA religious movement in 16th century Europe, growing out of a desire for reform in the Roman Catholic Church and leading to the establishment of various protestants churches.175
9833326974The RenaissanceA period of European history lasting from about 1400-1600, during which renewed interest in classical culture led to far-reaching changes in art, learning, and views of the world.176
9833330815ReparationsThe compensation paid by a defeated nation for the damage or injury it inflicted during war177
9833335178Republic of CaliforniaThe nation proclaimed by American settlers in California when they declared their independence from Mexico in 1846178
9833339277SALT IA five-year agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union, signed in 1972, that limited the nations' numbers of intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine-launched missiles179
9833346651Satellite NationA country that is dominated politically and economically by another nation180
9833350908ScalawagA white Southerner who joined the Republican Party after the Civil War181
9833358083Scopes TrialA sensational 1925 court case in which the biology teacher John T. Scopes was tried for challenging a Tennessee law that outlawed the teaching of evolution182
9833360888Search and Destroy MissionA U.S. military raid on a South Vietnamese village, intended to root out villagers with ties to the Vietcong but often resulting in the destruction of the village and the displacement of its inhabitants183
9833368038SecessionThe formal withdrawal of a state from the Union184
9833374963Security and Exchange CommissionAn agency, created in 1934, that monitors the stock market and enforces laws regulating the sale of stocks and bonds185
9833382097Seneca Falls ConventionA women's rights convention held in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848186
9833389829Settlement HouseA community center providing assistance to residents—particularly immigrants187
9833393572Shanty TownA neighborhood in which people live in makeshift shacks188
9833398449Shays RebellionAn uprising of debt ridden Massachussetts farmers protesting increased state taxes in 1787189
9833414796Sit InsA form of demonstration used by African Americans to protest discrimination, in which the protesters sit down in a segregated business and refuse to leave until they are served.190
9833419653Social DarwinismAn economic and social philosophy- supposedly based on the biologist Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection- holding that a system of unrestrained competition will ensure the survival of the fittest191
9833423430Social Gospel MovementA 19th-century reform movement based on the belief that Christians have a responsibility to help improve working conditions and alleviate poverty192
9833428279SpeakeasyA place where alcoholic drinks were sold and consumed illegally during prohibition.193
9833430367SpeculationA risky business transaction that usually involved borrowing money to invest194
9833434436Square DealPresident Theodore Roosevelt's program of progressive reforms designed to protect the common people against big businesses195
9833440813Supply Side EconomicsThe idea that a reduction of tax rates will lead to increases in jobs, savings, and investments, and therefore to an increase in government revenue196
9833444707TenementA multifamily urban dwelling, usually overcrowded and unsanitary197
9833447292TET OffensiveA massive surprise attack by the Vietcong on South Vietnamese towns and cities early in 1968198
9833454156Tiananmen SquareThe site of 1989 demonstrations in Beijing, China in which Chinese students demanded freedom of speech and a greater voice in government199
9833461703Gulf of Tonkin ResolutionA resolution adopted by Congress in 1964, giving the president broad powers to wage war in Vietnam200
9833467007Trail of TearsThe marches in which the cherokee people were forcibly removed from Georgia to the Indian Territory in 1838-1840, with thousands of Cherokee dying on the way201
9833470311TranscendentalismA philosophical and literary movement of the 1800s that emphasized living a simple life and celebrated the truth found in nature and in personal emotion and imagination202
9833473381Transcontinental RailroadA railroad line linking the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States, completed in 1869203
9833477924Trench WarfareMilitary operations in which the opposing forces attack and counterattack from systems of fortified ditches rather than on an open battlefield.204
9833480815Triangle TradeThe transatlantic system of trade in which goods and people, including slaves, were exchanged between Africa, England, Europe, the West Indies, and the colonies in North America.205
9833486968Tuskegee InstituteFounded in 1881, and led by Booker T. Washington, to equip African Americans with teaching diplomas and useful skills in the trades and agriculture206
9833491048Underground RailroadA system of routes along which runaway slaves were helped to escape to Canada or to safe areas in the free states207
9833495127United NationsAn international peacekeeping organization to which most nations in the world belong, founded in 1945 to promote world peace, security, and economic development.208
9833499170USS MaineA U.S. warship that mysteriously exploded and sank in the harbor of Havana, Cuba, on February 15, 1898209
9833501976U-2 Incidentdowning of a U.S. spy plane and capture of its pilot by the Soviet Union in 1960210
9833504959V-E DayA name given to May 8, 1945, "Victory in Europe Day" on which General Eisenhower's acceptance of the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany marked the end of World War II in Europe211
9833509138Vertical IntegrationA company's taking over its suppliers and distributors and transportation systems to gain total control over the quality and cost of its product212
9833512959Vietcongthe South Vietnamese Communists who, with North Vietnamese support, fought against the government of South Vietnam in the Vietnam War.213
9833517798VietminhAn organization of Vietnamese Communists and other nationalist groups that between 1946 and 1954 fought for Vietnamese independence214
9833521229VietnamizationPresident Nixon's strategy for ending U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, involving the gradual withdrawal of U.S. troops and their replacement with South Vietnamese forces215
9833525099Warren CommissionA group, headed by Chief Justice Earl Warren, that investigated the assassination of President Kennedy and concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald was alone responsible for it.216
9833532590Warren CourtThe Supreme Court during the period when Earl Warren was chief justice, noted for its activism in the areas of civil rights and free speech217
9833535585WatergateA scandal arising from the Nixon administration's attempt to cover up its involvement in the 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate apartment complex.218
9833540535WAACThe Women's Auxiliary Army Corps was a US army unit created during World War II to enable women to serve in noncombat positions.219
9833544207WoodstockA free music festival that attracted more than 400,000 young people to a farm in upstate New York in August 1969220
9833548810XYZ AffairA 1797 incident in which French officials demanded a bribe from US diplomats221
9833551792Yellow JournalismThe use of sensationalized and exaggerated reporting by newspapers or magazines to attract readers222
9833554999Zimmerman NoteA message sent in 1917 by the German foreign minister to the German ambassador in Mexico, proposing a German-Mexican alliance and promising to help Mexico regain Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona is the United States entered world War I.223

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