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Texas Geography Unit Vocab

Vocabulary needed to complete the first unit of study, Texas Geography

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190327989geographystudy of physical and human characteristics of a place or region
190327990environmentphysical surroundings
190327991culturelearned system of shared beliefs, traits, and values
190327992geographical information systems (GIS)computer databases that store huge amounts of geographical information that aids in future planning
190327993ecosystemall of an area's plants and animals together with the nonliving parts of their environment
190327994migrationmovement of people
190327995urbanizationincrease of people living and working in cities
190327996relative locationwhere a place is in relation to other places
190327997absolute locationthe exact position of a place on Earth
190327998latitudelines that run east and west and measure north and south of the equator
190327999longitudelines that run north and south and measure east and west of the prime meridian
190328000equatorimaginary line that runs halfway between the North and South Poles
190328001prime meridianimaginary line that runs around the globe from the North Pole through Greenwich, England to the South Pole and back.
190328002compass roseshows direction on a map; points to north, south, east, and west
190328003scaleshows relationship between a measurement on the map and actual distance on Earth's surface
190328004legendthe KEY; this explains the meaning of all the symbols on the map
190328005reference mapused to find locations; 2 common reference maps: political (shows boundaries, borders, citites) and physical (shows landforms and bodies of water)
190328006thematic mapmaps that show a particular topic or theme
190328007map projectionsmapmakers use different map projections to create a flat representations of the Earth's surface
190328008statisticsinformation in number form
190328009bar graphuse bars to represent information for comparison; have horizontal axis (line across the bottom) and vertical axis (line along the side)
190328010line graphused to present a trend or pattern; also has a vertical and horizontal axis
190328011pie chartaka: circle graph; shows how parts of a whole are divided
190328012charts that show relationships between different subjectstime line: sequence of events; flowchart: series of activities or steps; causation chart: cause and effect
190328013plainsareas of flat or gently rolling land
190328014plateausareas of flat, elevated land that drop sharply on one or more sides
190328015mountain rangesgroups of mountains
190328016tributariessmaller stream or river that flows into a larger stream or river
190328017reservoirsartificial lakes that store water for drinking or irrigation
190328018irrigationwatering of crops
190328019aquifersformations of natural gravel, rock and sand that trap and hold rainwater underground
190328020Ogallala Aquiferlargest underground water source in the state; stretches from West Texas north to North Dakota
190328021Edwards Aquiferprovides water for San Antonio and Austin
190328022humidityamount of moisture in the air
190328023droughtlong period without rainfall
190328024erosionsoil loss
190328025habitatenvironmental home
190328026extinctdie out completely
190328027immigrationmovement of people from one country to another
190328028demographybranch of geography that studies human populations; growth rate: speed of growth; birth rate: number of births per 1,000 people; death rate: number of deaths per 1,000 people; age distribution: portion of the population at each age
190328029agriculturegrowing crops and raising animals
190328030nonrenewable resourcescannot be replaced by Earth's natural processes: ex. oil, natural gas, coal
190328031renewable resourcesresources that are easily replaced by Earth's natural processes
190328032natural regionsan area with common physical environments
190328033subregionssmaller regions
190328034bayousdeep, slow moving tributaries
190328035petrochemicalschemicals made from oil and natural gas
190328036lignitesoft coal found in the Post Oak Belt
190328037Metroplexaka: the DFW metropolitan area
190328038Sunbeltsouthern region of the U.S.
190328039transportation centerplace where goods arrive to be shipped to many destinations
190328041faultbreak in the Earth's crust
190328042basinslowland surrounded by higher land
190328043Guadalupe Peak8,749 ft above sea level; highest point in Texas
190328044tourismbusiness of attracting visitors to a region or place
190328045Big Bend National Parkcovers over 800,000 acres

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