The South and the Slavery Controversy, 1793-1860
518991255 | oligarchy ("Before the Civil War, the South was in some respects not so much a democracy as an oligarchy. . . .") | Rule by a small elite. | 0 | |
518991256 | medievalism ("Southern aristocrats . . . strove to perpetuate a type of medievalism that had died out in Europe. . . .") | Devotion to the social values, customs, or beliefs of the European Middle Ages, especially a fixed social hierarchy and code of honor. | 1 | |
518991257 | commission ("They were pained by the heavy outward flow of commissions. . . .") | Fee paid to an agent in a transaction, usually as a percentage of the sale. | 2 | |
518991258 | middlemen ("[Southern planters] were pained by the heavy outward flow . . . to northern middlemen, bankers, agents, and shippers.") | In commerce, those who stand between the producer and the retailer or consumer. | 3 | |
518991259 | racism ("Thus did the logic of economics join with the illogic of racism in buttressing the slave system.") | Belief in the superiority of one race over another or behavior reflecting such a belief. | 4 | |
518991260 | squadron (" . . . the Royal Navy's West African Squadron seized hundreds of slave ships. . . .") | A medium-sized military unit, especially naval or air, assigned to a specific task or purpose. | 5 | |
518991261 | bankruptcy (". . . families were separated with distressing frequency, usually for economic reasons such as bankruptcy. . . .") | In law, the condition of being declared unable to meet legitimate financial obligations or debts, therefore requiring special supervision by the courts. | 6 | |
518991262 | overseer (". . . under the watchful eyes and ready whip-hand of a white overseer or black 'driver.' ") | Someone who governs or directs the work of another. | 7 | |
518991263 | sabotage ("They sabotaged expensive equipment. . . .") | Intentional destruction or damage of goods, machines, or productive processes. | 8 | |
518991264 | fratricidal (The killing of sisters is sororicide; of fathers patricide; and of mothers matricide.) (". . . supported a frightfully costly fratricidal war as the price of emancipation.") | Literally, concerning the killing of brothers; the term is often applied more broadly to the killing of relatives or countrymen in feuds or civil wars. | 9 | |
518991265 | barbarism (barbarian) ("It was good for the Africans, who were lifted from the barbarism of the jungle. . . .") | The condition of being crude, uneducated, or uncivilized. | 10 | |
518991266 | table (tabling) ("It required all such antislavery appeals to be tabled without debate.") | In parliamentary rules of order, the act of setting aside a resolution or law without voting or taking action, positive or negative, on the proposal itself. | 11 | |
518991267 | True | (True/False) After 1800, the prosperity of both North and South became heavily dependent on growing, manufacturing, and exporting cotton. | 12 | |
518991268 | True | (True/False) The southern planter aristocracy was strongly attracted to medieval cultural ideals. | 13 | |
518991269 | False (It was economically inefficient and agriculturally destructive of the soil.) | (True/False) The growing of cotton on large plantations was economically efficient and agriculturally sound. | 14 | |
518991270 | False (Most slaveowners owned fewer than ten slaves.) | (True/False) Most southern slaveowners owned twenty or more slaves. | 15 | |
518991271 | True | (True/False) In 1860, three-fourths of all white southerners owned no slaves at all. | 16 | |
518991272 | True | (True/False) Poor whites supported slavery because it made them feel racially superior and because they hoped someday to be able to buy slaves. | 17 | |
518991273 | True | (True/False) The one group of southern whites who opposed slavery consisted of those who lived in mountain areas far from plantations and from blacks. | 18 | |
518991274 | False (Free blacks had an extremely vulnerable status and were generally poor.) | (True/False) Free blacks enjoyed considerable status and wealth in both the North and the South before the Civil War. | 19 | |
518991275 | True | (True/False) Slaveowners generally treated their black slaves as valuable economic investment. | 20 | |
518991276 | False (The black family under slavery was generally strong, and most slave children were raised in two-parent homes.) | (True/False) Slavery almost completely destroyed the black family. | 21 | |
518991277 | True | (True/False) American slaves used many small methods of resistance to demonstrate their hatred of slavery and their yearning for freedom. | 22 | |
518991278 | False (Abolitionists were very unpopular in the North.) | (True/False) Abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison quickly attained great popularity in the North. | 23 | |
518991279 | True | (True/False) While moralistic white abolitionists like Garrison refused to become involved in politics, practical black abolitionists like Douglass looked for a way to abolish slavery through political action. | 24 | |
518991280 | True | (True/False) After about 1830, the South no longer tolerated even moderate pro-abolitionist discussion. | 25 | |
518991281 | True | (True/False) Southern whites increasingly argued that their slaves were happier and better off than northern wage earners. | 26 | |
518991282 | d | (Multiple Choice) The primary marker for southern cotton production was a) the North. b) France. c) Latin America. d) Britain. | 27 | |
518991283 | c | (Multiple Choice) The invention that transformed the southern cotton economy was a) the sewing machine. b) the mechanical cotton-picker. c) the cotton gin. d) the steamboat. | 28 | |
518991284 | a | (Multiple Choice) A large portion of the profits from cotton growing went to a) northern traders and European manufacturers. b) southern and northern slave traders. c) southern textile industrialists. d) midwestern farmers and cattle growers. | 29 | |
518991285 | b | (Multiple Choice) Among the economic consequences of the South's cotton economy was a) increasing immigration of laborers from Europe. b) a dependence on the North for trade and manufacturing. c) a stable system of credit and finance. d) a relatively equal distribution of property and wealth. | 30 | |
518991286 | c | (Multiple Choice) Most southern slaveowners held a) over a hundred slaves. b) over fifty slaves. c) fewer than ten slaves. d) only one slave. | 31 | |
518991287 | c | (Multiple Choice) Even though they owned no slaves, most southern whites supported the slave system because a) they were bribed by the planter class. b) they enjoyed the economic benefits of slavery. c) they felt racially superior to blacks and hoped to be able to buy slaves. d) they disliked the northern abolitionists. | 32 | |
518991288 | d | (Multiple Choice) The only group of white southerners who strongly opposed slavery and the slaveowners were a) poor southern whites. b) urban merchants and manufacturers. c) religious leaders. d) Appalachian Mountain whites. | 33 | |
518991289 | c | (Multiple Choice) The condition of the 500,000 or so free blacks was a) considerable better in the North than in the South. b) notable improving in the decades before the Civil War. c) as bad or worse in the North than in the South. d) politically threatened but economically secure. | 34 | |
518991290 | c | (Multiple Choice) Most of the growth in the African-American slave population before 1860 came from a) the illegal importation of slaves from Africa. b) the re-enslavement of formerly free blacks. c) natural reproduction. d) the incorporation into the United States of new slave territories. | 35 | |
518991291 | b | (Multiple Choice) Most slaveowners treated their slaves as a) objects to be beaten and brutalized as often as possible. b) economically profitable investments. c) members of their extended family. d) sources of technological innovation. | 36 | |
518991292 | a | (Multiple Choice) The African-American family under slavery was a) generally stable and supportive. b) almost nonexistent. c) largely female-dominated. d) seldom able to raise children to adulthood. | 37 | |
518991293 | c | (Multiple Choice) Most of the early abolitionists were motivated by a) a desire to see an independent black republic in America. b) anger at the negative economic consequences of slavery. c) religious feeling against the "sin" of slavery. d) a philosophical commitment to racial integration. | 38 | |
518991294 | d | (Multiple Choice) The most prominent black abolitionist leader was a) Sojourner Truth. b) David Walker. c) William Lloyd Garrison. d) Frederick Douglass. | 39 | |
518991295 | c | (Multiple Choice) After 1830, most southerners came to look on slavery as a) a curse on their region. b) a necessary evil. c) a positive good. d) a threat to their social ideals. | 40 | |
518991296 | a | (Multiple Choice) By the 1850s, most northerners could be described as a) opposed to slavery but also hostile to immediate abolitionists. b) fervently in favor of immediate abolition. c) sympathetic to white southerners arguments in defense of slavery. d) eager to let the slaveholding South break apart the Union. | 41 | |
519017308 | Cotton Kingdom | Term for the ante-bellum South that emphasized its economic dependence on a single staple product | 42 | |
519017309 | West Africa Squadron | British naval unit that seized hundreds of slave ships in the process of suppressing the illegal slave trade in the early 1800s | 43 | |
519017310 | Uncle Tom's Cabin | Harriet Beecher Stowe's powerful 1852 novel that focused on slavery's cruel effects in separating black family members from one another | 44 | |
519017311 | black belt | The fertile region of the Deep South, stretching across Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, where the largest concentration of black slaves worked on rich cotton plantations | 45 | |
519017312 | Amistad | Spanish slave ship, seized by revolting African slaves, that led to a dramatic U.S. Supreme court case that freed the slaves | 46 | |
519017313 | American Slavery As It Is | Theodore Dwight Weld's powerful antislavery book | 47 | |
519017314 | American Colonization Society | Organization founded in 1817 to transport American blacks back to Africa | 48 | |
519017315 | Liberia | African republic founded by freed American slaves in 1822 | 49 | |
519017316 | Lane Rebels | The group of theology students, led by Theodore Dwight Weld, who were expelled from their seminary for abolitionist activity and later became leading preachers of the anti-slavery gospel | 50 | |
519017317 | The Liberator | William Lloyd Garrison's fervent abolitionist newspaper that preached an immediate end to slavery | 51 | |
519017318 | American Anti-Slavery Society | Garrisonian abolitionist organization, founded in 1833, that included the eloquent Wendell Phillips among its leaders | 52 | |
519017319 | Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass | Classic autobiography written by the leading African American abolitionist | 53 | |
519017320 | Mason-Dixon Line | The line across the southern boundary of Pennsylvania that formed the boundary between free states and slave states in the East | 54 | |
519017321 | gag resolution (or gag rule) | Strict rule passed by pro-southern Congressmen in 1836 to prohibit all discussion of slavery in the House of Representatives | 55 | |
519017322 | free-soilers | Northern antislavery politicians, like Abraham Lincoln, who rejected radical immediate abolitionism, but fought to prohibit the expansion of slavery in the western territories | 56 | |
519401990 | Eli Whitney | Inventor of a machine for extracting seeds from cotton that revolutionized the southern economy | 57 | |
519401991 | Harriet Beecher Stowe | Author of an abolitionist novel that portrayed the separation of slave families by auction | 58 | |
519401992 | Nat Turner | Visionary black preacher whose bloody slave rebellion in 1831 tightened the reins of slavery in the South | 59 | |
519401993 | William Wilberforce | British evangelical Christian reformer who in 1833 achieved the emancipation of slaves in the British West Indies | 60 | |
519401994 | Theodore Dwight Weld | Leader of the Lane Rebels who wrote the powerful antislavery work American Slavery As It Is | 61 | |
519401995 | Wendell Phillips | New England patrician and Garrison follower whose eloquent attacks on slavery earned him the title "abolition's golden trumpet" | 62 | |
519401996 | Denmark Vesey | Free black whose failed attempt to lead a slave revolt in Charleston, South Carolina, led to the execution of more than thirty of his followers | 63 | |
519401997 | William Lloyd Garrison | Leading radical abolitionist who burned the Constitution as "a covenant with death and an agreement with hell" | 64 | |
519401998 | David Walker | Black abolitionist writer who called for a bloody end to slavery in an appeal of 1829 | 65 | |
519401999 | Sojourner Truth | New York free black woman who fought for emancipation and women's rights | 66 | |
519402000 | Martin Delany | Black abolitionist who visited West Africa in 1859 to examine sites where African Americans might relocate | 67 | |
519402001 | Frederick Douglass | Escaped slave and great black abolitionist who fought to end slavery through political action | 68 | |
519402002 | Lewis Tappan | Wealthy New York abolitionist merchant whose home was ransacked by a proslavery mob in 1834 | 69 | |
519402003 | John Quincy Adams | Former president who won the Amistad rebellious slaves' freedom and fought for the right to discuss slavery in Congress | 70 | |
519402004 | Elijah Lovejoy | Illinois editor whose death at the hands of a mob made him an abolitionist martyr | 71 | |
519402005 | 2, 5, 3, 1, 4 | Put the following events in correct order by numbering them from 1 to 5. 1. ___ The last slaves to be legally imported from Africa enter the United States. 2. ___ A radical abolitionist editor is murdered, and so becomes a martyr to the antislavery cause. 3. ___ A radical abolitionist newspaper and a slave rebellion spread fear through the South. 4. ___ A new invention increases the efficiency of cotton production, laying the basis for the vast Cotton Kingdom. 5. ___ A group of seminary students expelled for their abolitionist views spread the antislavery gospel far and wide. | 72 | |
519402006 | Whitney's cotton gin and southern frontier expansionism. | (Cause and Effect) Turned the South into a booming one-crop economy where "cotton was king" | 73 | |
519402007 | Excessive soil cultivation and financial speculation | (Cause and Effect) Created dangerous weaknesses beneath the surface prosperity of the southern cotton economy | 74 | |
519402008 | Belief in white superiority and the hope of owning slaves | (Cause and Effect) Kept poor, nonslaveholding whites committed to a system that actually harmed them | 75 | |
519402009 | The selling of slaves at auctions | (Cause and Effect) Often resulted in the cruel separation of black families | 76 | |
519402010 | The slaves' love of freedom and hatred of their condition | (Cause and Effect) Caused slaves to work slowly, steal from their masters, and frequently run away | 77 | |
519402011 | The religious fervor of the Second Great Awakening | (Cause and Effect) Stirred a fervent abolitionist commitment to fight the sin of slavery | 78 | |
519402012 | Politically minded abolitionists like Frederick Douglass | (Cause and Effect) Opposed Garrison and organized the Liberty party and the Free Soil party | 79 | |
519402013 | Garrison's Liberator and Nat Turner's bloody slave rebellion | (Cause and Effect) Aroused deep fears of rebellion and ended rational discussion of slavery in the South | 80 | |
519402014 | White southerners defenses of slavery as a positive good | (Cause and Effect) Widened the moral and political gap between the white South and the rest of the Western world | 81 | |
519402015 | The constant abolitionist agitation in the North | (Cause and Effect) Made abolitionists personally unpopular but convinced many Northerners that slavery was a threat to American freedom | 82 |