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The American Pageant (16th Edition) Chapter 4 Flashcards

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4044226699Bacon's RebellionUprising of Virginia back-country farmers and indentured servants led by a planter; initially a response to Governor William Berkeley's refusal to protect back-country settlers from Indian attacks, the rebellion eventually grew into a broader conflict between impoverished settlers and the planter elite.0
4044226700Congregational ChurchSelf-governing Puritan congregations without the hierarchical establishment of the Anglican Church.1
4044226701Half-Way CovenantAgreement allowing unconverted offspring of church members to baptize their children. It signified a waning of religious zeal among second and third generation Puritans.2
4044226702headright systemEmployed in the tobacco colonies to encourage the importation of indentured servants, the system allowed an individual to acquire fifty acres of land if he paid for a laborer's passage to the colony.3
4044226703indentured servantsMigrants who, in exchange for transatlantic passage, bound themselves to a colonial employer for a term of service, typically between four and seven years. Their migration addressed the chronic labor shortage in the colonies and facilitated settlement.4
4044226704JeremiadOften-fiery sermons lamenting the waning piety of parishioners first delivered in New England in the mid-seventeenth century; named after the doom-saying Old Testament prophet Jeremiah.5
4044226705Leisler's RebellionArmed conflict between aspiring merchants led by Jacob ? and the ruling elite of New York. One of many uprisings that erupted across the colonies when wealthy colonists attempted to recreate European social structures in the New World.6
4044226706Middle PassageTransatlantic voyage slaves endured between Africa and the colonies. Mortality rates were notoriously high.7
4044226707New York slave revoltUprising of approximately two dozen slaves that resulted in the deaths of nine whites and the brutal execution of twenty-one participating blacks.8
4044226708Royal African CompanyEnglish joint-stock company that enjoyed a state-granted monopoly on the colonial slave trade from 1672 until 1698. The supply of slaves to the North American colonies rose sharply once the company lost its monopoly privileges.9
4044226709Salem witch trialsSeries of witchcraft trials launched after a group of adolescent girls in Salem, Massachusetts, claimed to have been bewitched by certain older women of the town. Twenty individuals were put to death before the trials were put to an end by the Governor of Massachusetts.10
4044226710Slave CodesSet of laws defining racial slavery beginning in 1662, including establishing the hereditary nature of slavery, and legally limiting the rights and learning of slaves.11
4044226711South Carolina slave revoltUprising, also known as the Stono Rebellion, of more than fifty South Carolina blacks along the Stono River. The slaves attempted to reach Spanish Florida but were stopped by the South Carolina militia.12
4044226712disfranchiseTo take away the right to vote.13
4044226713civil warAny conflict between the citizens or inhabitants of the same country.14
4044226714tidewaterThe territory adjoining water affected by tides - that is, near the seacoast or coastal rivers.15
4044226715fertilityThe ability to produce and bear abundant young.16
4044226716menialFit for servants; humble or low.17
4044226717militiaA voluntary, non-professional armed force of citizens, usually called to military service only in emergencies.18
4044226718hierarchyA social group arranged in ranks or classes.19
4044226719corporationA private group or institution to which the government grants legal rights to carry on specific activities.20
4044226720lynchingThe illegal execution of an accused person by mob action, without due process of law.21
4044226721hinterlandAn inland region set back from a port, river, or seacoast.22
4044226722social structureThe basic pattern of the distribution of status and wealth in society.23
4044226723blue bloodOf noble and upper class descent.24

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