Terms that will most likely be on your test.
472654605 | 2nd Continental Congress | the body that choose George Washington commander of the Continental Army. | |
472654606 | Canada | the British colony that Americans invaded in hopes of adding it to the rebellious thirteen | |
472654607 | Common Sense | the inflammatory pamphlet that demanded independence and heaped scorn on "the Royal Brute of Great Britian" | |
472654608 | Declaration of Independence | the document that provided a lengthy explanation and justification of Richard Henry Lee's resolution that was passed by Congress on July 2, 1776 | |
472654609 | Whigs | the term by which the American Patriots were commonly known, to distinguish them from the American "Tories" | |
472654610 | Loyalists | Another name for the American Tories | |
472654611 | Anglican Church | the church body most closely linked with Tory sentiment, except in Virgina. | |
472654612 | Ohio | The river valley that was the focus of Britian's early military strategy and the scene of Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga in 1777. | |
472654613 | "Armed Nullity" | term for the alliance of Catherine the Great of Russia and other European powers who did not declare was but assumed a hostile neutrality toward Britian. | |
472654614 | Yorktown | the region that saw some of the Revolution's most bitter fighting, from 1780 to 1782, between American General Greene and British General Cornwallis. | |
472654615 | privateers | "Legalized pirates", more than a thousand strong, who inflicted heavy damage on British shipping. | |
472654616 | Whigs | British political party that replaced Lord North's Tories in 1782 and made a generous treaty with the United States. | |
472654617 | Mississippi River | The western boundary of the United States established in the Treaty of Paris | |
472654618 | Militamen | the irregular American troops who played a crucial role in swaying the netural civilian population toward the Patriot cause | |
472654619 | Holland & the Netherlands | the other European nation besides France and Spain that supported the American Revolution by declaring war on Britian | |
472654620 | Bunker Hill | Military engagment that led King George III offically to declare colonist in revolt | |
472654621 | Hessians | German mercenaries hired by George III to fight the American revoultionaries | |
472654622 | Yorktown | the British defeat that led to the fall of North's governement and the end of the war | |
472654623 | Saratoga | the decisive early battle of the American Revolution that led to the alliance with France | |
472654624 | Stamp Act | Legislation passed in 1765 but repealed the next year, after colonial resistance made it impossible to enforce. | |
472654625 | Boston Tea Party | event organized but disguised "Indians" to sabotage British support of a British East India Company monopoly | |
472654626 | Sons and Daughters of Liberty | male and female organization that enforced the nonimportation agreements, sometimes by coercive means | |
472654627 | Townshend Acts | The series of four acts imposed duties on imports of white lead, paint, glass, paper, and tea and established a board of customs commissioners to enforce collection | |
472654628 | Proclamation of 1763 | prohibited settlement by whites on Indian territory. | |
472654629 | Merchantilism | the basic economic and political theory by which seventeenth- and eighteenth- century European powers governed their overseas colonies | |
472654630 | Navigation Laws | the set of Parliamentary laws, first passed in 1650, that restricted colonial trade and directed it to the benefit of Britian | |
472654631 | Enumerated Goods | the term for products, such as tobacco, that could be shipped only to England and not to foreign markets | |
472654632 | Admiralty Courts | Hated British courts in which juries were not allowed an defendants were assumed gulity until proven innocent. | |
472654633 | virtual representation | british governmental theory that Parliament spoke for all British subjects, including Americans, even if they did not vote for its members. | |
472654634 | Nonimportation Agreements | the effective form organized colonial resistance against the Stamp Act, which made homespun clothing fashionable | |
472654635 | Tea | the product taxed under the Townshend Acts that generated the colonial resistance | |
472654636 | Committee of Correspondence | Underground networks of communication and propaganda, established by Samuel Adams, that sustained colonial resistance. | |
472654637 | Catholic | religion that was granted toleration in the trans-Allegheny West by Quebec Act, arousing deep colonial hostility. | |
472654638 | The Association | Effective organization created by First Continental Cognress to provide a total, unified boycott of all British goods. |