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The Complement System Flashcards

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6208143823A series of proteins working in a cascading manner to generate important host defense mechanisms =Complement0
6208143824The three pathways of complement activation =Classical Alternative Mannose Binding Ligand (MBL)1
6208143825Classical complement system is activated by?Antigen antibody binding complexes2
6208143826What happens when antibody binds antigen in classical complement activation?Complement binding site on Fc region is exposed3
6208143827Where is the complement binding site located?Fc region, heavy chain4
6208143828C1q binds to?exposed complement binding site5
6208143829C1r and C1s bind to?C1q6
6208143830What makes up the activated C1?The complex of C1q C1r and C1s7
6208143831What does activated C1 do?Splits C4 into C4a and C4b8
6208143832C4 is circulating t/f?true9
6208143833What does C4b do?sticks to the activated C110
6208143834When C4b binds to activated C1 what is formed?C14b11
6208143835What does C14b do?splits C2 into C2a and C2b12
6208143836What does C2b bind to? What does this make?C14b to make C14b2b13
6208143837What does C14b2b do?splits C3 into C3a and C3b14
6208143838What does C3b bind to? What does this make?C14b2b to make C14b2b3b15
6208143839What does C14b2b3b do?splits C5 into C5a and C5b16
6208143840What forms the membrane attack complex?C6 C7 C8 and C9 bind to C5b in stepwise fashion17
6208143841What does the membrane attack complex do to the antigen membrane? (MAC)assembles on the antigen membrane and perforates it18
6208143842c5b binds?c6 and c719
6208143843C5b67 binds to membrane via?binds to membrane via C720
6208143844C8 binds to the membrane attack complex and does what?inserts into the cell membrane of the bacteria21
6208143845C9 moleculeS bind to the membrane attack complex and _____________polymerizes22
62081438461-16 molecules of c9 bind to form a _________ in the membranepore23
6208143847The membrane attack complex pokes holes in bacterial membranes causing what?fluids to rush in and causing the organism to burst24
6208143848What is opsonization?coating of organisms with antibody and C3b so that they are more easily phagocytosed by neutrophils and macrophages25
6208143849Neutrophils alone ingest organisms __________slowly26
6208143850Phagocytic activity of neutrophils is markedly ____________ by the addition of antibodyincreased27
6208143851In what conditions are phagocytosis most efficient?When neutrophils are combined with antibody and *complement*28
620814385290% of organisms are phagocytosed in 10 minutes when what is combined?neutrophils, antibody and complement29
6208143853Important functions of the complement systemopsonization chemotaxis anaphyatoxin production lysis of organisms30
6208143854The complement proteins that are important in chemotaxis are?C3a and C5a... phagocytic cells are attracted to the site of the antigen31
6208143855c3b is important in?opsonization32
6208143856The anaphylatoxins are?c3a and c5a33
6208143857What do c3a and c5a, the anaphylatoxins do?They degranulate mast cells and basophils34
6208143858granules of mast cells and basophils contain?potent inflammatory chemicals --> histamine35
6208143859degranulation is a ___________ part of the complement systemnormal36
6208143860allergy occurs when?excess degranulation occurs37
6208143861What do C3a and c5a bind to to cause degranulation of mast cells?IgE38
6208143862Which complement proteins promote lysis of organisms that are coated with antibodies?C8 and C939
6208143863What is C1 inhibitor?a protein that block the complement system40
6208143864When is C1 inhibitor normally active?when you have removed all of the antigen, C1 inhibitor turns the complement system off41
6208143865Heriditary angioedema is caused by lack of?lack of C1 inhibitor42
6208143866Alternative complement pathway is activated by?bacterial or viral products such as LPS43
6208143867C3b is produced for the alternative complement pathway how?generated from the natural breakdown of C3 in the body44
6208143868The following proteins are important in alternative complement pathway:C3b factor B factor D Properdin45
6208143869Together, C3b, factor B factor D and properdin generate what?C3bBbP46
6208143870What does C3bBbP do?splits C3 into C3a and C3b47
6208143871The production of C3a and C3b in alternative complement pathway does what?continues the normal complement cascade48
6208143872What are the inhibitors of the alternative pathway?Factor H and Factor I49
6208143873If you have no C4 complement protein what happens?You can only activate complement using the alternative pathway50
6208143874If you are exposed to an antigen for the first time which pathway will you use to kill it?The alternative pathway because you have no antibodies against the antigen to start the classical complement pathway51
6208143875The lectin pathway is activated by?organisms with mannose on their surface52
6208143876The following proteins are important in the lectin pathway:MBL (mannose binding lectin) MASP 1 MASP 253
6208143877t/f most bacteria have mannose on their surface?true54
6208143878MBL, MASP 1 and MASP 2 activate what?C4b2b which then feeds into C355
6208143879absence of C1q, C2 or C4 is associated with?SLE = lupus56
6208143880Absence of C3 leads to?severe recurrent bacterial infections57
6208143881Absence of C5 leads to?bacterial infections58
6208143882Absence of C6 C7 or C8 leads to ?overwhelming Neisserial infections (N. menningitidis and N. gonorrhea)59
6208143883Absence of alternative pathway components leads to?recurrent bacterial infections60
6208143884Absence of lectin pathway proteins leads to?infections in childhood61
6208143885Absence of C1-INH (C1 inhibitory protein) leads to?hereditary angioedema62
6208143886What is hereditary angioedema?rare autosomal dominant disorder resulting from inherited deficiency or dysfunction of the C1 inhibitor63
6208143887Hereditary angioedema is characterized by?recurrent episodes of angioedema without urticaria or pruritus which most often affect the skin, as well as the mucosal tissues of the upper respiratory and GI tract causes swelling of mouth, lips and throat64
6208143888Hereditary angioedema swelling is self limited but laryngeal involvement may cause fatal ___________asphyxiation65
6208143889hereditary angioedema symptoms are brought on by?minor trauma leading to severe swelling66
6208143890What is given to treat swelling due to hereditary angioedemaC1 inhibitor given via IV injection67
6208361497As a picture68

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