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The Constitution and Bill of Rights Vocab Flashcards


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481722807Federalistssupporters of the constitution
481722808Anti-Federaliststhose who opposed retification of the Constitution
481722810concurrent powerspowers shared by the state and federal governments
481722811checks and balancesa system in which each branch of government is able to check, or restrain, the powers of the others
481722812separation of powersthe split of authority among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches
481722813amendmentany change to the Constitution
481722814Preamblethe opening section of the Constitution
481722815implied powerspowers that Congress has that are not stated explicitly in the Constitution; Where congress gets most of their power today
481722816The Constitutionoutlines the ideals of American government and describes how they should be achieved
481722817expressed powerspowers that Congress has that are specifically listed in the Constitution
481722818federalisma form of government in which pwoer is divided between the federal, or national, government and the states
481722819legislative branchthe lawmaking branch of government
481722820executive branchthe branch of government that carries out laws
481722821judicial branchthe branch of government that interprets laws
481722822popular sovereigntythe notion that power lies with the people
481722823civil libertiesfreedom from unfair government intrusion
481722824bill of rightsfirst 10 amendments to the Constitution, it is its own separate document
481722825rule of lawequally to all
481722826slandersaying false/likes to purposely hurt someones reputation
481722827hate speechyou can say you hate someone but you can't call someone gay, which is a name for lashing out at somebody for their race, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity
481722828freedom of pressfreedom from CENSORSHIP and PRIOR RESTRAINT
481722829libelwritten slander
481722830obscenityI know it when I see it, and the standards vary from community to community.
481722831peaceful assemblyattend meetings, parades, rallies to associate with people we choose so we can join social bulbs, political parties, labor unions, etc.
481722832petitionway to express views to government
481722833probable causeyour probably doing something wrong, they can check you because of probable cause
481722834search warrantclearly states where is being searched and what is being searched for
481722835double jeopardyyou can't be tried for the same crime twice
481722836indictmentformally charge
481722837grand jurylook to see if there is enough evidence to see if you maybe did something
481722838remain silentbe quiet unless to ask for a call
481722839Steps to amend the constitutionproposal and ratification
481722840proposal* voted yes in 2/3 both houses * national convention at request of 2/3 of states * proposed in congress
481722841ratification* approved by 3/4 states * approved by 3/4 of ratifying conventions of each of 50 states
4817228421st amendmentfreedoms for all - religion, speech, press, assembly, petition
4817228432nd amendmentright to bear arms
4817228443rd amendmentno quartering
4817228454th amendmentNo unreasonable searches and seizures
4817228465th amendmentindictment, grand jury, right to remain silent, double jeopardy, due process, eminent domain
4817228476th amendmenttold what charged with, trial by jury, have lawyer, etc.
4817228487th amendmentjury trial for Civil Suits over $20
4817228498th amendment* no excessive bail or fines * no cruel and unusual punishment - must be proportionate
4817228509th amendmentall other rights not mentioned in the BOR given to the people
48172285110th amendmentreserved powers
48172285213th amendmentNo Slavery, civil war amendment
48172285314th amendmentdefined citizenship, equal protection, nationalization of BOR, anyone born in America is an American citizen, civil war amendment
48172285415th amendmentBlack american male suffrage, civil war amendment
48172285517th amendmentdelayed pay raises until following term in congress
48172285619th amendmentwomen suffrage, civil war amendment
48172285723rd amendmentDC gets right to vote
48172285824th amendmentno poll taxes, a fee to vote for everyone (unless your white and wealthy), then illiteracy test
48172285925th amendmentpresident succession
48172286026th amendmentvoting at 18
483351689Dread Scott Casecourts legalized discrimination
483351690Tinker vs. Des Moinescourt ruled protected speech/symbols because of this case
483938002eminent domain* the government can take peoples personal property if it is for the public good * government has to pay them back

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