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The Crucible

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59246479conjuredsummoned a devil, spirit, or other by invocation or incantation
59246480factiona clique (often secret) that seeks power usually through intrigue
164067013abominationan action that is vicious or vile, n. A very detestable act or practice.
164067014inertunable to move or resist motion, slow and apathetic
164067015partisanan ardent and enthusiastic supporter of some person or activity, a fervent and even militant proponent of something
164067016hypocritespeople who pretend to be something they are not or who say one thing and do another
164067017calumnyan abusive attack on a person's character or good name, malicious misrepresentation; slander
164067018prodigiousso great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe, far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree
164067019quaildraw back, as with fear or pain, to recoil in dread or terror, small gallinaceous game birds
164067020anarchya state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government)
164067021ascertainfind out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort
164067022diabolismdevil worship, sorcery, or witchcraft
164067023bemusedperplexed by many conflicting situations or statements, deeply absorbed in thought
164067024antagonistsadversaries; opponents
164067025propitiationthe act of atoning for sin or wrongdoing (especially appeasing a deity), the act of placating and overcoming distrust and animosity
164067026licentiousamoral; lewd and lascivious; unrestrained
164067027evadeavoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)
164067028ecstaticfeeling great rapture or delight
164067029condemnationan expression of strong disapproval, (law) the act of condemning (as land forfeited for public use) or judging to be unfit for use (as a food product or an unsafe building)
164067030frauda person who makes deceitful pretenses, something intended to deceive
164067031pallorunnatural lack of color in the skin (as from bruising or sickness or emotional distress)
164067032perplexedfull of confusion or bewilderment--puzzled or bewildered
164067033indignantangered at something unjust or wrong, filled with resentment or anger over something unjust, unworthy, or mean
164067034avidlyeagerly; enthusiastically; passionately
164067035sarcasticalin a scornful, mocking or disapproving manner, expressing mocking or contemptuous remarks
164067036baseof low birth or station, having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality
164067037taintplace under suspicion or cast doubt upon, the state of being contaminated
164067038ineptrevealing lack of perceptiveness or judgment or finesse, generally incompetent and ineffectual
164067039calamityan event resulting in great loss and misfortune, a disaster
164067040blasphemyan act, utterance, or writing showing contempt for something sacred
164067041menacingthreatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
164067042lecheryunrestrained indulgence in sexual activity, gross lewdness; lustfulness
164067043providencethe guardianship and control exercised by a deity
164067044daftinformal or slang terms for mentally irregular, being insane, foolish
164067045contentiousinvolving or likely to cause controversy, inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits
164067046contemptuousfeeling hatred; scornful
164067047audibleheard or perceptible by the ear
164067048anonymitycondition of having no name or an unknown name
164067049effronteryaudacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to, shameless boldness, impudence
164067050qualma pang of conscience, uneasiness, misgiving, or doubt; a feeling of faintness or nausea
164067051manifestprovide evidence for, reveal its presence or make an appearance, a customs document listing the contents put on a ship or plane
164067052contemplationa long and thoughtful observation; a calm, intent consideration
164067053remorselesswithout mercy or pity, without compassion
164067054pretensepretending with intention to deceive, the act of giving a false appearance
164067055transfixedrendered motionless with terror, amazement or awe
164067056allegiancethe act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action
164067057beguileto deceive, to mislead, to persuade with charm
164067058reprievea warrant granting postponement (usually to postpone the execution of the death sentence)
164067059statuteswritten laws enacted by legislatures
164067060adamantnot capable of being swayed or diverted from a course
164067061incredulouslywith doubt or disbelief, disbelievingly
164067062indictmentan accusation of wrongdoing
164067063penitenceremorse for your past conduct, remorse for one's misdeeds

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