5005647338 | The science of human developement | The science that seeks to understand how and why people of all ages and circumstances change or mean the same overtime. | 0 | |
5005647339 | Scientific method | Away to answer questions that requires empirical research and data based conclusions. | 1 | |
5005647340 | Hypothesis | A specific prediction that can be tested. | 2 | |
5005647341 | Empirical evidence | Evidence that is based on observation, experience, or experiment, not theory. | 3 | |
5005647342 | Replication | The repetition of a study, using different participants. | 4 | |
5005647343 | Nature | A general term for the traits, capacities, and limitations that each individual inherits genetically from his or her parents at the moment of conception. | 5 | |
5005647344 | Nuture | A general term for all the environmental influences that affect development after an individual is conceived. | 6 | |
5005647345 | Lifespan perspective | An approach to the study of human development that takes into account all phases of life, not just childhood or adulthood. | 7 | |
5005647346 | Critical period | A time when a particular type of development growth (in the body or behavior) must happen if it is ever going to happen. | 8 | |
5005647347 | Sensitive period | A time when a certain type of development is most likely to happen or happens most easily, although it may still happen later with more difficulty. For example, early childhood is considered a sensitive period for language learning. | 9 | |
5005647348 | Ecological systems approach | The view that in the study of human development, the person should be considered in all the context and interactions that continue a life. Later renamed bioecological theory. | 10 | |
5005647349 | Cohort | A group defined by the shared age of its members, who, because they were born at about the same time, move through life together, experiencing the same store Acole events and cultural shifts. | 11 | |
5005647350 | Socioeconomic status | A person's position in society as determined by income, wealth, occupation, education, and place of residence. Sometimes called social class. | 12 | |
5005647351 | Culture | A system of shared beliefs, norms, behaviors, and expectations that persist over time and prescribe social behavior in assumptions. | 13 | |
5005647352 | Social construction | And ideas that is based on shared perceptions, not on objective reality. Many age related terms, such as childhood, adolescence, yuppie, senior citizen are social constructs. | 14 | |
5005647353 | Difference-equals-deflect error | The mistaken belief that a deviation from some norm is necessarily inferior to behavior or characteristics that meet the standard. | 15 | |
5005647354 | Ethnic group | People whose ancestors were born in the same region and who often share language, culture, and religion. | 16 | |
5005647355 | Race | A group of people who are regarded by themselves or by others as distinct from other groups on the basis of physical appearance, typically skin color. Social time scientists think race is a misleading concept, as biological differences are not signified by outward appearance. | 17 | |
5005647356 | Epigenetic | Referring to the effects of environmental focuses on the expression of an individual's, or species, genetic and inheritance. | 18 | |
5005647357 | Dynamic systems | A view of human development as an ongoing, ever-changing interaction between the physical, cognitive, and psychological influences. The crucial understanding is that development is never static but is always affected by, and effects, many systems of development. | 19 | |
5005647358 | Differential sensitivity | The idea that some people are more phone Rible the others to certain experiences, usually because of genetic differences. | 20 | |
5005647359 | Scientific observation | A method of testing a hypothesis by unobtrusively watching and recording participants behavior and a systematic and objective manner in a natural setting or the laboratory; a search of archival data is another way to conduct scientific observation. | 21 | |
5005647360 | Cross-sectional research | A research design that compares groups of people who differ in age but are similar and other important characteristics. | 22 | |
5005647361 | Longitudinal research | A research design in which the same individuals are followed overtime and their development is repeatedly assessed. | 23 | |
5005647362 | Cross sequential research | A hybrid research design in which researchers first study several groups of people of different ages, a cross sectional approach, and then follow those groups over the years, along to Tunel approach. Also called cohort sequential research or time sequential research. | 24 | |
5005647363 | Correlation | A number that indicates the degree of relationship between two variables, expressed in terms of likelihood that one variable will or will not occur when the other variable does or does not occur. A correlation indicates that only two variables are related, knots that one variable causes the other to occur. | 25 | |
5005647364 | Urie Bronfenbrenner's five overlapping systems that provide the context for all human development | 1. Macrosystem: cultural patterns, political philosophies, economic policies, and social conditions 2. exosystem: external networks (Community structures, local education, medical, informant, communication systems) 3. mesosystem: interaction of systems 4. microsystem: intimately and immediately shape human development (Family, peer groups, classroom, neighborhood, house of worship) 5. chronosystem: dimension of time All of which develop percentage of sex, health, abilities, and temperament | 26 | |
5005647365 | Five principles that characterize human development at any stage or age | 1. Multidirectional: Change occurs in every direction that always in a straight lines, gains and losses, predictable growth, and unexpected transformations are evident 2. Multidisciplinary: numerous academic fields, especially psychology, biology, education, and sociology, but also neuroscience, economics, but also anthropology, history, medicine, genetics, etc. 3. Multicontextual: human lives are embedded in many contexts, including historical conditions, economic constraints, and family patterns. 4. Multicultural: many cultures, not just between nations but also in them, affect how people develop. 5. Plasticity: every individual, and every trade with in each individual, can be altered at any point in the lifespan. Changes on going, although it is neither random easy. | 27 | |
5006865116 | Developmental theory | A group of ideas, generalization about interpret and illuminate thousands of observations that have been made about human growth. A developmental theory that provides a framework for explaining the patterns and problems of development. | 28 | |
5006865117 | Norm | An average, or standard, measurement, calculated from the measurements of many individuals within a specific group or population. | 29 | |
5006865118 | Psychoanalytic theory | A grand theory of human development that holds the rational, unconscious drives and motives, often originating in childhood, underlie human behavior. Freud theorized that sexual urges arise during three stages of childhood development; oral, anal, and phallic, and continue, after latency, in the genital stage. | 30 | |
5006865119 | Behaviorism | A grand theory of human development that studies observable behavior. But Haviar is him is also called learning theory because it describes the laws and processes by which behavior is learned. | 31 | |
5006865120 | Conditioning | According to behaviorism, the processes by which responses become linked to particular stimuli and learning takes place. The word conditioning is used to emphasize the importance of repeated practice, I was when an athlete conditions his or her body to perform well by training for a long time. | 32 | |
5006865121 | Classical conditioning | The learning process in which a meaningful stimulus (such as the smell of food to a hungry animal is) connected to a neutral stimulus (such as sound of a tone) that have no special meeting before the conditioning. Also called respondent conditioning. | 33 | |
5006865122 | Operant conditioning | The learning process by which a particular action is followed by something desired, which makes a person or animal more likely to repeat the action, or buy something unwanted, which makes the action less likely to be repeated. Also called instrumental conditioning. | 34 | |
5006865123 | Reinforcement | The process by which a behavior is followed by something desired, such as food for hungry animal or a welcoming smile to a lonely person. | 35 | |
5006865124 | Social learning theory | An extension of behaviorism the emphasizes the influence that other people have over a person's behavior. Even without specific reinforcement, every individual learns many things through observation and imitation of other people. | 36 | |
5006865125 | Modeling | The central process of social learning, by which a person observes the actions of others and then copies them. Modeling is also called observational learning. | 37 | |
5006865126 | Cognitive theory | A grand theory of human development that focuses on the changes in how people think over time. According to this theory our thoughts shape our attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Piaget. | 38 | |
5006865127 | Cognitive equilibrium | In cognitive theory, a state of mental balance in which people are not confused because they can use their existing thought processes to understand current experiences and ideas. | 39 | |
5006865128 | Assimilation | The reinterpretation of new experiences to fit into old ideas. | 40 | |
5006865129 | Accommodation | The reconstructing of old ideas to include new experiences. | 41 | |
5006865130 | Information processing theory | A perspective that compares human thinking processes, by analogy, computer analysis of data, including sensory input, connections, stored memories, and output. | 42 | |
5006865131 | Sociocultural theory | I knew where Siri that holds that development results from the dynamic interaction of each person with the surrounding social and cultural forces. Vygotsky | 43 | |
5006865132 | Apprenticeship in thinking | Vgotsky's term for how cognition is stimulated and developed in people by more skilled members of society. | 44 | |
5013362156 | Guided participation | The process by which people learn from others who guide their experiences and expirations. | 45 | |
5013362157 | Humanism | A theory that stresses the potential of all humans for good and the belief that all people have the same basic needs, regardless of culture, gender, or background. | 46 | |
5013362158 | Selective adaptation | The process by which living creatures, including people, adjust to their environment. Genes that and hands survival and reproductive ability are selected, over the generations, to become more prevalent. | 47 | |
5013362159 | Eclectic perspective | The approach taken by the developmentalists, in which they apply aspects of each of the various theories of development rather than adhering exclusively to one theory. | 48 | |
5013362160 | Grand theories | Theories are grand in that they are comprehensive, enduring, and widely applied, although they are not universally excepted. | 49 | |
5013362161 | Emergent theories | New theories that have emerged that, unlike the grand series, our multicultural and multidisciplinary. | 50 | |
5013362162 | Gamete | Reproductive cell; that is, a sperm or ovum that can produce a new individual if it combines with a gamete from the other sex to make a zygote. | 51 | |
5013362163 | Zygote | The single cell formed from the union of two gametes, a sperm and an ovum. | 52 | |
5015235094 | Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA | The chemical composition of the molecules that contain the genes, which are the chemical instructions for the cells to manufacture various proteins. | 53 | |
5015235095 | Chromosome | One of 46 molecules of DNA, in 23 pairs, that virtually each cell of the human body contains and that, together, contain all the genes. Other species have more or fewer chromosomes. | 54 | |
5015235096 | Gene | A small section of chromosome, the basic unit for the transmission of heredity. A gene consists of a string of chemicals that provide instructions for the cell to manufacture certain proteins. | 55 | |
5015235097 | Allele | A variation that makes a gene different in someway from other genes for The same characteristics. Many genes never very; others have several possible alleles. | 56 | |
5015235098 | Genome | The full set of jeans that are instructions to make an individual member of a certain species. | 57 | |
5015235099 | Genotype | An organisms entire genetic inheritance or genetic potential. | 58 | |
5015235100 | Homozygous | Referring to two gene and one pair that are exactly the same in every letter of their code. Most gene pairs are homozygous. | 59 | |
5015235101 | Heterozygous | Referring to two genes of one pair that differ in someway. Typically one allele has only a few base pairs that differ from the other member of the pair. | 60 | |
5015235102 | 23rd pair | The chromosome pair that, in humans, determines sex. The other 22 pairs are autosomes, inherited equally by males and females. | 61 | |
5015235103 | XX | A 23rd pair chromosome that consists of 2X shaped chromosomes, one each from the mother and father. XX zygotes become females. | 62 | |
5015235104 | XY | A 23rd pair chromosome pair that consists of an extra each chromosome from the mother and the Y shaped chromosome from the father. XY zygote become nails. | 63 | |
5015235105 | Stem cells | Sounds from which any other specialized type of cell conform. | 64 | |
5015235106 | Monozygotic (MZ) twins | Twins who originate from one zygotes that split apart very quickly and development. Also called identical twins twins. Other monozygotic multiple births, such as triplets and quad droplets, can occur as well. | 65 | |
5015235107 | Dizygotic (DZ) twins | Twins were formed when two separate ova are fertilized by two separate sperm at roughly the same time. Also called fraternal twins. | 66 | |
5015235108 | Assistive reproductive technology | A general term for the techniques designed to help in fertile couples conceive and then sustain a pregnancy. | 67 | |
5015235109 | In vitro fertilization | Fertilization that takes place outside a woman's body, as in a glass laboratory dish. The procedure involves mixing sperm with ova that have been surgically removed from the woman's ovary. If a zygote is produced, it is inserted into the woman's uterus, where it may implants and develop into a baby. | 68 | |
5015235110 | Intra-cytoplasmic injection | An in vitro it fertilization technique in which a single sperm cell is injected directly into an album. | 69 | |
5015235111 | Phenotype | The observable characteristics of a person, including appearance, personality, intelligence, and all other treats. | 70 | |
5015235112 | Polygenic | Referring to a trait that is influenced by many genes. | 71 | |
5015235113 | Multi-factorial | Referring to a trait that is affected by many factors, both genetic and environmental, that in hands, hold, shape, or alter the expression of jeans, resulting in a phenotype that may differ markedly from the genotype. | 72 | |
5015235114 | Human genome project | International effort to map the complete human genetic code. This effort was essentially completed in 2001, the analysis is ongoing. | 73 | |
5015235115 | Dominant/recessive pattern | The interaction of heterozygotes pair of alleles in such a way that a phenotype reflex one allele, the dominant gene, more than the other, the recessive gene. | 74 | |
5015235116 | Carrier | A person who is genotype includes a gene that is not expressed in the phenotype. The Carried gene occurs in half of the carriers gametes and thus is passed onto half of the carriers children. If such a gene is inherited from both parents, the characteristic appears in the phenotype. | 75 | |
5015235117 | X-linked | A gene carried on the X chromosome. It's a male inherits another X-linked recessive trait from his mother he expresses that trait because the Y from his father has no counteracting Jean. Females are more likely to be carriers of X-linked traits that are less likely to express them. | 76 | |
5015235118 | Copy number various | Genes with various repeats or deletions of base pairs. | 77 | |
5015235119 | Heritability | A statistic that dictates what percentage of variation in a particular trait within a particular population, in a particular context and era, to be traced | 78 | |
5015235120 | Down syndrome | A condition in which a person has 47 chromosomes instead of 46, with three rather than two chromosomes at the 21st sight. People with downside drone typically have distinctive characteristics, including unusual facial features, for Abner allergies, and language difficulties. | 79 | |
5015235121 | Fragile X syndrome | A genetic disorder in which part of the X chromosome seems to be attached to the rest of it by a very thin string of molecules. Because is a single gene that has more than 200 repetitions of one triplet. | 80 | |
5015235122 | Genetic counseling | Consultation and testing by trained expert that and people individuals to learn about their genetic heritage, including harmful condition that might pass along to any children they may conceive. | 81 | |
5018569675 | How do genes influence the development of physical and psychological characteristics,? | Genes affect every treat, weather is something wonderful, such as a wacky sense of humor; something fearful, such as a violent temper; or something quite ordinary, such as a tenancy board. | 82 | |
5018569676 | How can environment overcome genetics? | The environment affects every trade as well, in ways that change as maturational, culture, and Storico process unfold. | 83 | |
5018569677 | Germinal Period | The first two weeks of prenatal development after conception, characterized by rapid cell division and the beginning of differentiation. | 84 | |
5018569678 | Embryonic period | The stage of prenatal development from approximately the third through the eighth week after conception, during which the basic forms of all body structures, including the internal organs, develop. | 85 | |
5018569679 | Fetal period | The stage of prenatal development from the ninth week after conception until birth, during which the fetus gained about 7 pounds, more than 3000 g, and organs become more mature, gradually able to function on their own. | 86 | |
5018569680 | Implantation | The process, beginning about 10 days after conception, in which the developing organism burrows into the placenta that lines the uterus, where he can be nourished and protected as it continues to develop. | 87 | |
5018569681 | Embryo | The name for a developing human organism from about the third through the eighth week after conception. | 88 | |
5018569682 | Fetus | The name for developing human been organism from the start of the ninth week after conception until birth. | 89 | |
5018569683 | Ultrasound | An image of a fetus, or an internal organ, produced by high-frequency sound wave. Also called a sonogram. | 90 | |
5018569684 | Age of viability | The age, about 22 weeks after conception, at which a fetus might survive outside the mother's uterus is a specialized medical care is possible. | 91 | |
5018569685 | Apgar scale | A quick assessment of A newborn's health. The babies color, heart rate, reflex is, muscle tone, and respiratory effort are given the score of zero, one, or two twice - one minute and five minutes after birth - and each time the total of all five scores is compared with the maximum score of 10, rarely attend. | 92 | |
5018569686 | Teratogen | An agent or condition, including viruses, drugs, and chemicals, that can impair prenatal development and result in birthday facts or even death. | 93 | |
5018569687 | Behavioral teratogens | Agents and conditions that can harm the prenatal brain, impairing the future child intellectual and emotional functioning. | 94 | |
5018569688 | Threshold effect | In prenatal development, when a Teratogen is relatively harmless in small doses but becomes harmful what's exposure reaches a certain level, the threshold. | 95 | |
5018569689 | Different birth weights | Low birth weight - less than 5 1/2 pounds Very low birth weight - less than 3 pounds. 5 ounces Extremely low birth weight less than 2 pounds. 3 ounces | 96 | |
5018569690 | Preterm | A birth that occurs three or more weeks before the full 38 weeks of the typical pregnancy - that is, at 35 or fewer weeks after conception. | 97 | |
5018569691 | Normal pregnant Term | 38 weeks | 98 | |
5018569692 | Small for gestational age | A term for a baby his birthweight is significantly lower than expected, given the time since conception. | 99 | |
5018569693 | Cerebral palsy | I disorder that results from damage to the brain's motor centers. People with cerebral palsy have difficulty with muscle control, so there speech and/or body movements are impaired. | 100 | |
5018569694 | Anoxia | A lack of oxygen that, if her lungs, can cause brain damage or death. | 101 | |
5018569695 | Reflex | An unlearned, involuntary action or movement a response to a stimulus. A reflex occurs without conscious thought. | 102 | |
5018569696 | Couvade | Symptoms of pregnancy and birth experience by fathers. | 103 | |
5018569697 | Hear sparing | A biological mechanism that protects the brain when malnutrition disrupts body growth. The brain is the last part of the body to be damage by malnutrition. | 104 | |
5018569698 | Neuron | One of billions of nerves in the central nervous system, especially in the brain. | 105 | |
5018569699 | Cortex | The outer layers of the brain and humans and other animals. Most thinking, feeling, and sensing involves cortex. | 106 | |
5018569700 | Pre-frontal cortex | The area of the cortex at the very front of the brain that specializes in anticipation, planning, and impulse control. | 107 | |
5018569701 | Axon | A fiber that extends from a neuron and transmits electrochemical impulses from that neuron to the dendrite of the other neurons. | 108 | |
5018569702 | Dendrite | A fiber that extends from the neuron and receives electrochemical impulses transmitted from other neurons the other axons. | 109 | |
5018569703 | Synapse | The interaction between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of other neurons. | 110 | |
5018569704 | Nero transmitter | A brain chemical that carries information from the axon of the sending neuron to the dendrites of the receiving neuron. | 111 | |
5018569705 | Synaptic gap | The pathway across which Nero transmitters carry information from the axon of the sending neuron to the dendrites of the receiving neuron. | 112 | |
5018569706 | Transient exuberance | Great but temporary increase in the number of dendrites that develop an infants brain during the first two years of life. | 113 | |
5018569707 | Pruning | When applied to brain development, the process by which unused connections in the brain atrophy and die. | 114 | |
5018569708 | Experience dependent brain functions | Brain functions that depend on particular, valuable experiences and therefore may or may not develop in a particular infant. | 115 | |
5018569709 | Experience expectant friend functions | Brain functions require certain basic common experiences, which an infant can be expected to have, in order to develop normally. | 116 | |
5018569710 | REM sleep | A stage of sleep characterized by flickering eyes behind close lid, dreaming, and rapid bring waves. | 117 | |
5018569711 | Cosleeping | A custom in which parents and their children, usually infants, sleep together in the same room. | 118 | |
5018569712 | Perception | The mental processing of sensory information when the brain interprets a sensation. | 119 | |
5018569713 | Binocular vision | The ability to focus the two eyes in a coordinated manner in order to see one image. | 120 | |
5018569714 | Motor skill | Learned abilities to move some part of the body, and actions ranging from A large leap to a flicker of the island. The word motor refers to movement of the muscles. | 121 | |
5018569715 | Gross motor skill | Physical abilities involving large body movements, such as walking and jumping. | 122 | |
5018569716 | Marasmus | A disease of severe protein calorie Maliu Tristian during early infancy, in which growth stops, body tissues waste away, and the infant dies eventually. | 123 | |
5018569717 | Kwashiorkor | A disease of chronic million attrition during childhood, in which a protein deficiency makes the child more vulnerable to other diseases, such as measles, diarrhea, and influenza. | 124 | |
5018569718 | Sudden infant death syndrome | A situation in which a seemingly healthy infant, usually between two and six month old, suddenly stops breathing and dies unexpectedly while asleep. | 125 | |
5018569719 | Immunization | A process that stimulates the body's immune system by causing production of antibodies to defend against attacked by a particular contagious disease, creation of anti-bodies may be accomplished either naturally, by having the disease, by injection, by drops their swallowed, or by nasal spray, either post method is also called his vaccination. | 126 | |
5018569720 | What is a possible way to's stop SIDS from occurring? | Having the child sleep on their back. | 127 | |
5018569721 | Sensorimotor intelligence | Piaget's term for the weight infants thanks - by using their senses and motor skills - during the first period of cognitive development. | 128 | |
5018569722 | Primary circular reactions | The first of three types of feedback loops in the sensorimotor intelligence, this one involving the body. The infant senses motion, stuffing, noise, and other stimuli and tries to understand them. | 129 | |
5018569723 | Secondary circular reactions | The second of the three types of feedback loops in sensorimotor intelligence, this one involving people and objects. Infants respond to other people, toys, and to any other object that can touch your move. | 130 | |
5018569724 | Object permanence | The realize Asian that objects, including people, still exist when they can go longer be seen, touch, or heard. | 131 | |
5018569725 | Tertiary circular reactions | The third of the three types of feedback loops and sensorimotor intelligence, this one involving active expiration and experimentation. Infants explore a range of new activities, baring their responses as a way of learning about the world. | 132 | |
5018569726 | A little scientist | The five stage toddler, Age 12-18 months, Who experiments without anticipating the results, using trial and error in active and creative Exploration. | 133 | |
5018569727 | Deferred imitation | A sequence in which an infant first perceive something done by someone else and then performs the same action hours or even days later. | 134 | |
5018569728 | Habituation | The process of becoming accustomed to object port event through repeated exposure to it, and thus becoming less interested in it. | 135 | |
5018569729 | fMRI | The functional magnetic resonance imaging Kaitlynn a measuring technique in which the brains electrical excitement indicates division anywhere in the brain; fMRI helps researchers locate neurological responses to stimuli. | 136 | |
5018569730 | Mirror neurons | Cells in an observer's brain that respond to an action performed by someone else in the same way they would if the observer we're actually performing that action. | 137 | |
5018569731 | Affordance | An opportunity for perception and interaction that is offered by a person, place, or object if you have iron it. | 138 | |
5018569732 | Visual cliff | An experimental apparatus that gives the illusion of a sudden drop off between one Horizon all surface and another. | 139 | |
5018569733 | Reminder session | A perceptual experience that helps a person re-collect an idea, I think, or experience. | 140 | |
5018569734 | Implicit memory | Unconscious or automatic memory that is usually stored via habits, emotional responses, routine procedures, and various sensations. | 141 | |
5018569735 | Explicit memory | Memory that is easy to retrieve on demand, as in a specific test. Most explicit memory involves consciously learn the words, data, and concepts. | 142 | |
5018569736 | Child directed speech | The high pitch, simplified, and repetitive way adult speak to infants and children. Also called baby talk or motherese. | 143 | |
5018569737 | Babbling | I'm infants repetition of certain syllables, such as Bob Bubba, that begins when babies are between six and nine months old. | 144 | |
5018569738 | Holophrase | A single word that is used to express a complete, meaningful thought. | 145 | |
5018569739 | Naming explosion | A sudden increase in and infants vocabulary, especially in the number of nouns, that begins at about 18 months of age. | 146 | |
5018569740 | Grammar | All the methods - word order, verb forms, and so on - that language is used to communicate meaning, apart from the words themselves. | 147 | |
5018569741 | Mean length of utterance | The average Number of words in a typical sentence, called utterance, because children may not talk in complete sentences. MLU is often used to indicate how advanced a child language development is. | 148 | |
5018569742 | Temperament | Inborn differences between one person and another and emotions, activity, and self-regulation. It is measured by the persons typical responses to the environment. | 149 | |
5018569743 | Synchrony | A coordinated, rapid, and smooth exchange of responses between a caregiver and an infant. | 150 | |
5018569744 | Language acquisition device LAD | Chomsky's term for a hypothesized mental structure that enables humans to learn language, including the basic aspects of grammar, vocabulary, and intonation. | 151 | |
5018569745 | Social smile | A smile evoked by human face, normally first evident in infants about six weeks after birth. | 152 | |
5018569746 | Cortisol | The primary stress hormone; fluctuations in the body is cortisol level affect human emotion. | 153 | |
5018569747 | Still faced technique | An experimental practice in which an adult keeps his or her face unmoving and expressionless in face-to-face interaction with an infant. | 154 | |
5018569748 | Attachment | According to Ainsworth, "an affectional tie, "Tatian marks that an infant forms with the caregiver - a tie that binds them together in space and endorse overtime. | 155 | |
5018569749 | Secure attachment | A relationship in which an infant obtains both comfort and confidence from the presence of his or her caregiver. | 156 | |
5018569750 | Insecure avoidant attachment | A pattern of attachment in which an infant avoids connection with the caregiver, as when the infant seems not to care about the caregivers present, departure, or return. | 157 | |
5018569751 | Insecure resistant/ambivalent attachment | A pattern of attachment in which an infant anxiety and uncertainty or evident as when the infant becomes very upset at separation from the caregiver and both resists at six contact on reunion. | 158 | |
5018569752 | Disorganized attachment | A type of attachment that is marked by an infants inconsistent reactions to the caregivers departure and return. | 159 | |
5018569753 | Strange situation | Laboratory procedure for measuring attachment by invoking infants reactions to the stress of various adults comings and going's in an unfamiliar playroom. | 160 | |
5018569754 | Social referencing | Seeking information about how to react to an unfamiliar or ambiguous object or event by observing someone else's expressions and reactions. That other person becomes a social reference. | 161 | |
5018569755 | Trust versus mistrust | Ericksons first crisis of psychological development. Infants learn basic trust if the world is a secure place where the basic needs, for food, comfort, attention, and so on are met. | 162 | |
5018569756 | Autonomy versus shame and doubt | Ericsson second crisis of psychological development. Toddlers either succeed or fail in gaining a sense of self rule over their actions and their bodies. | 163 | |
5018569757 | Social learning | The acquisition of behavior patterns by observing the behavior of others. Albert Bandura | 164 | |
5018569758 | Proximal parenting | Caregiving practices that involve being physically close to the baby, with frequent holding and touching. | 165 | |
5018569759 | Distal parenting | Caregiving practices that involve the remaining distant from the baby, providing toys, food, and face-to-face communication with minimal holding and touching. | 166 | |
5018569760 | Working model | And cognitive theory, a set of assumptions that the individual uses to organize perceptions and experiences. For example, a person might assume that other people are trustworthy and be surprised by an incident in which this working model of human behavior is erroneous. | 167 | |
5018569761 | Allocare | The care of children by people other than their biological parents. | 168 | |
5023361565 | What did Piaget emphasize about the infants roll in cognitive development? | That babies did in fact think on a more complex level before speaking than was previously believed. | 169 | |
5023361566 | Piaget's six stages of sensorimotor intelligence | Primary circular reactions - Stage one (birth to one month): reflexes include sucking, grasping, staring, listening Stage two (1-4 months) first acquired adaptations; accommodation and coordinated reflexes. For instance sucking at a pacifier differently from a nipple, attempting to hold a bottle to suck it. Secondary circular reactions - infants responses to objects and people Stage 3 (4-8 months): making interesting events last - responding to people and objects. Such as clapping hands when mother says pattycake Stage 4 (8-12 months): New adaptation and anticipation - becoming more deliberate and purposeful in response to people at objects. For instance putting mother's hands together in order to make her start playing patty cake Tertiary circular reactions - most creative, first with action and then with ideas Stage 5 (12-18): New means through active experiment Tatian. Also known as little scientist. Putting a teddy bear in the toilet and flush it Stage 6 (18-24 months): do you mean through mental combinations - thinking before doing, new ways of achieving a goal without resorting to trial and error. For instants before flushing the teddy bear hesitating because of the memories of the toilet overflows and mom will get angry | 170 | |
5023361567 | What are the three theories of infant language development? | Theory one: infants need to be taught B. F. Skinner noticed that spontaneous battling is usually reinforced. Beliefs were based on A) parents are excellent teachers, although caregivers help. B) frequent repetition is instructive, especially would like to daily life. And C) well taught infants become well spoken children. Theory two: social impulses foster infant language, social pragmatic The belief that all infants master words and grammar to join the social world in which they find themselves. Theory three: infants teach themselves The third theory holds that language learning is genetically programmed to begin at a certain age, adults need not teach it, nor is it a byproduct of social interaction. Noam Chomsky Felt that language is too complex to be mastered nearly through step-by-step conditioning. He label to this hypothesize mental structure as language acquisition device. The LAD enable children, as their brains develop, to derive the rules of grammar quickly and effectively from the space they hear every day, regardless of what their native languages. Note: all theories put together are correct. | 171 | |
5023863983 | Psychoanalytic theory | Freud and Erikson Freud - oral and anal stages Oral - infant primary source of gratification, Anal - particularly the sensational satisfaction of bowel movements and eventually The pleasure of controlling them Frederickson - trust and autonomy Trust - whether or not the world can be trusted to satisfy basic needs Autonomy - self rule over their own actions and bodies | 172 | |
5023863984 | Cognitive theory | The ideal that infants develop "a working model of the self as valued, loved, competent" and "a working model of parents as emotionally available, loving, sensitive, and supportive." | 173 | |
5023863985 | Evolution theory | Stresses to need; survival and reproduction. The idea that over human history attachments with proximity so you can contact maintaining caregivers promoted species survival. | 174 | |
5023863986 | Describe the importance of the social context in which infants emotions develop. | Toddlers and infants are taught by their caregivers depending on their cultural context what type of emotions they are supposed to put tray. Whether that be pride, lack of pride, individuality, or being like the rest, the importance of what emotions and thought processes they put first depend on their caregivers examples. | 175 | |
5023863987 | Why have research studies found that children are generally not harm by, and sometimes benefit from, non-maternal care? | Children are usually raise more successfully with aloe care, being raised by more than one caregiver that is not biologically related to you, because it gives the mother help and time to continue to raise more offspring. Mama needs a break. | 176 | |
5023863988 | Five factors that are essential to high quality daycare | 1) adequate attention to each infant. 2) encouragement of language and sensory motor development. 3) attention to health and safety. 4) professional caregivers. 5) warmer responsive caregivers. | 177 | |
5023863989 | When Mike daycare be detrimental to a child? | The main concern is that some infants with extensive nine maternal care will become work rest of the hyperactive later on. This seems particularly likely for unregulated care. For genetic and family million reasons, the choice of how to provide the best care for and it varies from case to case due to differential sensitivity. | 178 |
The Developing Person: Through the Life Span Flashcards
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