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The Earth and its Peoples Ch. 10 Flashcards

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11790010482Charlemagne800 AD crowned by the Pope as the head of the Holy Roman Empire, which extended from northern Spain to western Germany and northern Italy. His palace was at Aachen in central Europe0
11790013395medievalreferring to the Middle Ages1
11790016557Byzantine Empire(330-1453) The eastern half of the Roman Empire, which survived after the fall of the Western Empire at the end of the 5th century C.E. Its capital was Constantinople, named after the Emperor Constantine.2
11790020366Kievan RussiaGovernment established at Kiev in Ukraine around 879 CE by Scandinavian adventurers asserting authority over a mostly Slavic farming population.3
11790022641schism(n.) a formal split within a religious organization; any division or separation of a group or organization into hostile factions4
11790022642ManorA large estate, often including farms and a village, ruled by a lord.5
11790026012SerfA person who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord6
11790029334Fiefland granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and service7
11790029335VassalA knight who promised to support a lord in exchange for land8
11790033067Papacythe office or authority of the pope9
11790037390Holy Roman EmpireA medieval and early modern central European Germanic empire, which often consisted of hundreds of separate Germanic and Northern Italian states. In reality it was so decentralized that it played a role in perpetuating the fragmentation of central Europe.10
11790043638Investiture ControversyDispute between the popes and the Holy Roman Emperors over who held ultimate authority over bishops in imperial lands.11
11790043639MonasticismA way of life in which men and women withdraw from the rest of the world in order to devote themselves to their faith12
11790046068horse collarHarnessing method that increased the efficiency of horses by shifting the point of traction from the animal's neck to the shoulders; its adoption favors the spread of horse-drawn plows and vehicles.13
11790048170CrusadesA series of holy wars from 1096-1270 AD undertaken by European Christians to free the Holy Land from Muslim rule.14
11790050996PilgrimageA journey to a place considered sacred for religious purposes.15
11790060541Council of Nicaea(325 CE) A council called by Constantine to agree upon correct Christian doctrine and settle some disputes of the time.16
11790064902Arian beliefsA heresy common during the first Christian centuries that denied that Jesus was truly God. Major dispute at Council of Nicaea.17
11790076556PatriarchReligious leader of the Orthodox Church18
11790083113JustinianByzantine emperor in the 6th century A.D. who reconquered much of the territory previously ruler by Rome, initiated an ambitious building program , including Hagia Sofia, as well as a new legal code19
11790085857Justinian CodeThe body of Roman law collected by order of the Byzantine emperor, Justinian around A.D. 534.20
11790090361Hagia Sophiathe Cathedral of Holy Wisdom in Constantinople, built by order of the Byzantine emperor Justinian21
11790094442Justinian's Plaguemajor outbreak of bubonic plague during Justinian's reign; began in Egypt and spread to most of the Mediterreanean world22
11790102780Reasons for fall of Byzantine EmpirePlague; attacks on territory; Ottoman Turk invasion23
11790106337GothsAn array of Germanic peoples, pushed further westward by nomads from central Asia. They in turn migrated west into Rome, upsetting the rough balance of power that existed between Rome and these people.24
11790109234Carolingian DynastyA series of Frankish rulers including Pepin and Charlemagne lasting from 751 to 98725
11790116537Manor Systeman economic system of exchanging land use and protection for goods and services26
11790121865Abandoned aspects of Roman societyRoads; Currency; Literacy27
11790128087KnightsDeveloped from mounted warriors of Carolingians; in the Middle Ages, lesser noble who served as a mounted warrior for a lord28
11790142668Issues facing Papacy in Middle AgesDisagreements over regulations, actions of priests; polytheism29
11790167954Henry II of EnglandKing in 1154 and was responsible for creating the common law and jury systems. Had disputes with the church/Thomas Becket30
11790182079St. Benedictfounded a community of monks for which he wrote a set of rules and came to be the standard in the Catholic Church and used by other groups of monks31
11790185061Education in monasteriesSchools and libraries maintained; literacy promoted; creation of illuminated manuscripts32
11790196704Pope Urban IILeader of the Roman Catholic Church who asked European Christians to take up arms against Muslims, starting the Crusades33
11790199528Goals of the CrusadesEnd conflict between European knights, rescue Byzantine Empire, attain land/treasure in holy land, economic bonuses for traders34
11790220383People's CrusadeLed by Peter the Hermit. This "crusade" was mostly commoners. they massacres Jews and Christians on the war path and were annihilated long before they reached Jerusalem.35
11790231030Vikings and SlavsOriginal settlers of Kievan Rus36
11790237162Prince VladimirRuler of Kiev who converts to eastern Orthodox Christianity ; influenced Russians to convert to Christianity.37
11790244938Reasons for decline of KievCrusades; fighting between princes; Mongol invasion38
11790256039Golden HordeMongol khanate founded by Genghis Khan's grandson Batu. It was based in southern Russia and quickly adopted both the Turkic language and Islam.39
11790263925Ivan IIIThe prince that made Moscow the new capital of Russia, and he overthrew the Mongols that were dominating Russia.40

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