Overview, Comparison of the endocrine system and excorine gladns, comparision of the endocrine system and nervous system, The hypothalamus & Pituitary Gland, Hypothalamis Hormones, Anterior Pituitary hormones, Posterior Pituitary Hormones, Control of pituitary secretion, Feedback from target organs, Growth hormone, Thymus, The pineal Gland, Thyroid Gland, Parathyroid Glands, The Adrenal Glands, Adrenal Medulla, Adrenal Cortex, Pancreatic Islets, The Gonads, The endocrine functions of other tissues and organs, Hormones & Source, Hormones & target organ and princial effects, Hormone Chemistry, Hormone transport, Hormone receptors and mode of action, enzyme amplification, modulation of target cell sensitivity, hrmone interaction, hormone release, Alarm reaction, the stage of resistance, stage of exhaustion
931720821 | Amines are hormones that are derived from a class of compunds called | Amino Acids | |
931720822 | Glucagon, Insulin, Somatostatin, Pancreatic polypeptide, & Gastin hormones source is? | Pancreatic Islets | |
931720823 | Estradoil, Progesterone, & Inhibin hormones source is? | Ovaries | |
931720824 | Testosterone & Inhibin hormones source is? | Testes | |
931720825 | Cholecalciferol hormones source is? | Skin | |
931720826 | Calcidiol, Angiotensinogen, Erythropoietin, Hepcidin & Insulin-like growth factor I source is the? | Liver | |
931720827 | Angiotensin I, Calcitriol, Erthropoietin source is the? | Kidneys | |
931720828 | Atrial natriuretic peptide and brain natriurectic peptide source is the? | Heart | |
931720829 | Estrogen & Progesterone hormones source is the? | Placenta | |
931720830 | Adrenocorticotropic hormone (corticotropin)--ACTH | Anterior Pituitary | |
931720831 | Antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin)-- ADH | Posterior Pituitary | |
931720832 | Dehydroepiandrosterone--DHEA | Adrenal Cortex | |
931720833 | Erythropoietin--EPO | Kidney, Liver | |
931720834 | Follice-stimulating hormone--FSH | Anterior Pituitary | |
931720835 | Growth hormone (somatotropin)--GH | Anterior Pituitary | |
931720836 | Luteinizing hormone--LH | Anterior Pituitary | |
931720837 | Norepinephrine--NE | Adrenal medulla | |
931720838 | Oxytocin--OT | Posterior Pituitary | |
931720839 | Prolactin-inhitbiting hormone (dopamine)--PIH | Hypothalamus | |
931720840 | Prolactin--PRL | Anterior Pituitary | |
931720841 | Parathyroid hormone (parathormone)--PTH | Parathyroids | |
931720842 | Thriiodothronine-- T3 | Thyroid | |
931720843 | Thyroxine (tetraiodothronine)--T4 | Thyroid | |
931720844 | Thyroid hormone (T3 & T4)--TH | Thyroid | |
931720845 | Thyrotropin-releasing hormone--TRH | Hypothalamus | |
931720846 | Thyroid-stimulating hormone (thyrotropin)--TSH | Anterior Pituitary | |
931720847 | Neurotransmitters | Bind to receptors on the surface of the next cell. | |
931720848 | Hormones | chemical messangers; transported by the bloodstream, stimulate responses in cells of another tissues/organ; distance hormones | |
931720849 | Difference of Endocrine & Exocrine glands | The presences or absence of ducts | |
931720850 | Endocrinology | The study of the endocrine system, diagnosis and treatment of its disorders. | |
931720851 | Glands, Tissues & Cells that secret hormones | The endocrine system | |
931720852 | Communication in the endocrine system | Is solely Chemical | |
931720853 | Target organs or Target cell means | Only those organs or cells that have receptors for a certain hormone can respond to it. | |
931720854 | Apperance of Hypothalamus | Flattened funnel, Forms floor & walls of the 3rd ventricle of the brain | |
931720855 | Function of Hypothalamus | Regulates primary functions of the body; For example water balance, thermoregulation, sex drive & childbirth | |
931720856 | The anterior lobe of the pituitary does not secrete?? | Oxytocin | |
931720857 | Gigantism is condition associated with Hypersecretion of which Hormone? | Growth Hormone | |
931720858 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus is associated with? | Inability of the body to produce insulin. Related to Beta cells | |
931720859 | What is NOT a function of the antidiuretic hormone (ADH)?? | Increase blood glucose level | |
931720860 | Hormones are carried to their target tissue by | Blood | |
931720861 | 3 hormones that are secreted by the adrenal gland | cortisol, ADH, and norepinephrine | |
931720862 | Hormone that is/are not involved in regulating water and salt balance at the kidneys? | Antidiuretichormone (ADH) | |
931720863 | Estrogen, Progesteron, Testosterone and Glucocorticoids are all examples of: | Steroids | |
931720864 | Oxytocin secretion causes | Milk ejection in lactating females. uterine contractions. | |
931720865 | When parathyroid hormone increases | osteoblacst activity decreases | |
931720866 | Thyroid gland produces | thyroxine, thyroid hormone | |
931720867 | Glucagon | anterior pituitary | |
931720868 | Autocrine Chemical signals | Own-self; effects the cell that produced it. | |
931720869 | Immediately after a meal,which hormone levels increase? | Insulin | |
931720870 | Glucagon increase | breakdown of glycogen to glucose |