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The English Renaissance (1485-1660) Flashcards

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278375478Renaissancerebirth, value of secular life vs. afterlife0
278375479Henry VII1st of the Tudors; shrewd and colorless w/ strong authority; strong commercial treaties; built up merchant fleet; English claims in New World1
278375480Henry VIIITrue Renaissance man; wives and Protestant Reformation; head of Church of England2
278375481Elizabeth Idaughter of Anne and Henry; height of Renaissance; strong leader; religious tolerance; promoted Protestantism; no wars but overseas ventures; respects Parliament and public opinion3
278375482Mary Queen of ScotsRoman Catholic queen; succeeded Mary, Bloody Mary; executed by Elizabeth4
278375483James I of ScotlandElizabeth's cousin; son of Mary; believed in divine right, High Church; ignored Parliament; lacked Elizabeth's pol. sense5
278375484Charles IJames' son; problems w/ Puritans; same beliefs as James; aroused opposition due to belief in divine right; power stripped in Long Parliament; High Church6
278375485Guy Fawkesconspired to blow up Parliament in Gunpowder Plot of 16057
278375486English Civil WarRoman Catholics, Anglicans, Nobles, and Royalists v. Parliament supporters (Puritans)8
278375487Oliver Cromwellunpopular changes (no theater, Sunday rest day); control Parliament; 1st lord protector; head of commonwealth9
278375488Lyrical PoetryA short poem where a single speaker expresses personal thought and feelings.10
278375489SonnetA 14 lined rhyming lyrical poem commonly written in iambic pentameter11
278375490Pastoral verseA poem presenting shepherds in rural settings in an idealized manner12
278375491Metaphysical verseIntellectual poetry featuring unexpected images and comparisons, paradoxes, and conversational language13

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